June 15, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Spring Benchmark Data - Mrs. Erin Slater, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and Mrs. Marianne Fedak, Director of Instructional Technology
2. Comments Regarding Agenda
(Would anyone like an Agenda item moved from the Consent Agenda to the Discussion Agenda?) |
3. Public Comments (Policy 1120.2-Please provide your name and address and the group you represent, if any. Each speaker shall be limited to three minutes.)
4. Board of Education Comments
5. Adjourn to Executive Session for discussion of student disciplinary case and for discussion of appointment employment, compensation, discipline, performance of dismissal of personnel [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9)] [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)].
6. Reconvene Board Meeting
7. Action Items (Discussion Agenda)
7.A. Motion of Disciplinary Action to be Taken for Student Disciplinary Case (Student 2015-01)
7.B. Financial Reports - District 45 (#P3292)
7.B.(1) Monthly Summary of Revenues/Expenditures/Fund Balances
7.B.(2) Cash Deposits and Investments Report
7.B.(3) Activity Fund Receipt and Expenses May, 2015
7.B.(4) Variance Report
7.C. Resolution to Transfer Working Cash Fund Interest to the Education Fund, 2014-15 (#P3100)
7.D. 2015-2016 Collective Liability Insurance Cooperative (CLIC) Renewal (#P3410)
7.E. Approval of Direct Depositories (#P3292)
7.F. Approval of Contract With Forecast 5 Analytics, Inc. 5Sight
7.G. Approval of Bid - Pickup/Service Body Truck
7.H. Resolution to Amend SASED Articles of Agreement
7.I. Amended District 45 School Calendar 2015-2016
7.J. Appointment of Hearing Officer for Student Discipline Cases
7.K. Adoption of the Amended 2014-2015 Legal Budget Resolution (#P3100)
7.L. Resignation for Purposes of Retirement
7.M. Resolution to Transfer Bond and Interest Fund Interest to the Operations and Maintenance Fund, 2014-2015
7.N. Approval of Treasurer's Bond Proposal (#P3292)
8. Action Items (Consent Agenda)
8.A. Minutes of the Board of Education Meeting of May 18, 2015 and Minutes of the Special Board of Education Meeting of June 4, 2015 (#P8341)
8.B. Payrolls
8.C. District 45 (#P3110)
8.C.(1) May, 2015 Manual and Imprest Checks
8.C.(2) Bills Payable (Mrs. Klamecki reviewed the bills.)
8.D. Personnel Changes
8.D.(1) Termination(s)/Resignation(s)
8.D.(2) Appointment(s)
8.D.(3) Leave(s) of Absence (#P4151.8)
8.E. Board Member Visitation to Schools
8.F. Notice of Appointment of District Treasurer
8.G. Approval of Policies - #5121.1 - Eligibility to Participate in Extra-Curricular Activities, Including Athletics and Clubs
8.H. Pay Rates for Part-Time and Temporary/Substitute Certificated and Educational Support Personnel Positions
8.I. Pay Schedule and Fringe Benefit Changes for : Administrators, Principals, Assistants Principals, Director of ELL/Bilingual Services, Director of Learning, Director of Buildings and Grounds, Director of Instructional Technology, Director of Technology Systems, and Assistant Director of Buildings and Grounds
8.J. Superintendent's Contract
8.K. Authorizing Adoption of Prevailing Wage Resolution/Ordinance Act
8.L. Terminal Pay Authorization
8.M. Salary Adjustments
8.N. Salaries and Guidelines for: Early Childhood Coordinator, Community Relations Coordinator, and Social Workers and Psychologists for the 2015-2016 School Year
8.O. Revised Certificated and Non-Certificated Staffing - 2015-2016
9. Information and Consideration Items
9.A. Self-funded Medical Insurance Account
9.B. Draft of the 2015-2016 Budget
9.C. 45 Drive Goals Update
9.D. Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model Report
9.E. Enrollment Report - June 9, 2015
10. Communications
11. Public Comments (Policy 1120.2 – Please provide your name and address and the group you represent, if any. Each speaker shall be limited to three minutes.)
12. Board of Education and Administrator Comments
13. Requests Under Freedom of Information Act
13.A. On May 1, 2015, Vickie Nissen received an email request from Doris Timmen, Director of Business Development, Sodexo Education, requesting copies of food service bid pages as submitted by each proposer or a combined bid summary sheet after opening. Ms. Vickie Nissen, Assistant Superintendent for Finance/CSBO, complied with the request on May 1, 2015.
13.B. On May 1, 2015, Vickie Nissen received an email request from Richard Chapman, Director of Business Development, ARAMARK Education K-12, requesting copies of the food service bid results. Ms. Vickie Nissen, Assistant Superintendent for Finance/CSBO, complied with the request on May 1, 2015.
13.C. On May 19, 2015, Ms. Vickie Nissen received an email request from Charlene Roche, of SmartProcure, Deerfield Beach, Florida, for an existing, already maintained, electronic record (without copying, scanning or printing) of purchase orders dated January 1, 2015, to present. Ms. Vickie Nissen, Assistant Superintendent for Finance/CSBO, complied with the request via email on May 29, 2015.
13.D. On May 26, 2015, Tim Peiffle requested 1) Copies of any and all radon test results performed by District 45 (not reported to IEMA) as of May 4, 2015 (when the attached radon measurement compliance report was generated by means of FOIA request to the ISBE.org and IEMA.org); 2) Copies of any and all contractor bids placed or requested for possible radon measurement within School District 45; 3) Copies of subsequent contractor(s) selected for any radon measurement conducted on schools or early childhood centers; 4) Copies of any and all reports filed by the School Board and submitted to the General Assembly; 5) Copies of the report(s) filed by the School Board and submitted to the Governor; 6) Copies of any reports, findings, decisions made, etc. in response to the radon test results; 7) Copies of any written or documented verbal responses from the Board in regards to radon in School District 45 and subsequent corrective actions; 8) Copies of any written or documented verbal responses to IEMA, filed or unfiled (but officially recorded). Ms. Vickie Nissen, Assistant Superintendent for Finance/CSBO, complied with the request on June 1, 2015.
14. Adjourn to Executive Session for discussion of appointment, employment, compensation, performance, or dismissal of personnel, discussion of possible ligitation and for review of Executive Session minutes [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)] [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)]. [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(14)]
15. Reconvene Board Meeting
16. Approval of Executive Session Minutes
17. Adjournment