May 4, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Reorganizational and Informational Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Comments Regarding Agenda
(Would anyone like an Agenda item moved from the Consent Agenda to the Discussion Agenda?) |
3. Public Comments (Policy 1120.2-Please provide your name and address and the group you represent, if any. Each speaker shall be limited to three minutes.)
4. Board of Education Comments
5. Action Items (Discussion Agenda)
5.A. Establish President Pro Tempore and Secretary Pro Tempore
5.B. Establishment of Term of Office
5.C. Election of Officers
5.C.(1) President
5.C.(2) Vice President
5.C.(3) Secretary
5.D. Resolutions in Recognition of Outgoing Board Members
5.E. Appointment of Voting Representative - District 45 Foundation for Excellence in Education, for the Remainder of the 2014 - 2015 School Year, and Also for the 2015-2016 School Year
5.F. IASB/IASA/IASBO Joint Annual Conference - Election of Voting Delegate and Alternate
5.G. Governing Board Representatives 2015-2017 - Illinois Association of School Boards (DuPage Division)
5.H. Appointment of School Association for Special Education in DuPage County (SASED) Alternate
5.I. Disposal of Fitness Equipment - Jackson Middle School
5.J. Approval of Bid - 2015 Asphalt Sealcoating and Asphalt Repairs
6. Action Items (Consent Agenda)
6.A. Minutes of the Board of Education Meeting of April 20, 2015 (#P8341)
6.B. Personnel Changes
6.B.(1) Termination(s)/Resignation(s)
6.B.(2) Appointment(s)
6.B.(3) Leave(s) of Absence (#P4151.8)
6.C. Adoption of the Board of Education Policies
6.D. Approval of Policy - P4119.31, State Early Retirement Option Program (#P9310)
6.E. Non-Reemployment Resolution - Non-certificated Staff (#P4219)
7. Information and Consideration Items
7.A. Designation of Time and Place of Meetings for 2015-2016 (#P8341)
7.B. Board of Education Meetings at Other Sites
7.C. Commencement Exercises Dates and Invitations
7.D. Commendation
7.E. Triple I Conference Resolutions
8. Communications
9. Public Comments (Policy 1120.2 – Please provide your name and address and the group you represent, if any. Each speaker shall be limited to three minutes.)
10. Board of Education and Administrator Comments
11. Requests Under Freedom of Information Act
11.A. On April 15, 2015, Ms. Vickie Nissen received an email request from Dorothy Cobb, of Construction Data, for bid tabs for the Westmore Elementary School Roof Replacement project. Ms. Vickie Nissen, Assistant Superintendent for Finance/CSBO, complied with the request on April 21, 2015
11.B. On April 15, 2015, Ms. Vickie Nissen received a fax from Data Acquisition Group, Reed Construction Data, requesting any low bid and or award information including the base low bid amounts for the three lowest bidders and the total number of bids received for the Westmore Elementary School Roof Replacement project. Ms. Vickie Nissen, Assistant Superintendent for Finance/CSBO, complied with the request on April 21, 2015.
11.C. On April 17, 2015, Ms. Vickie Nissen received an email request from Janet Miller, of DATABID, for bid results from the April 14, 2015, Westmore Elementary School Roof Replacement project. Ms. Vickie Nissen, Assistant Superintendent for Finance/CSBO, complied with the request on April 21, 2015.
12. Adjourn to Executive Session for discussion of appointment, employment, compensation, performance, or dismissal of personnel [5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)].
13. Reconvene Board Meeting
14. Approval of Executive Session Minutes
15. Adjournment