January 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. First Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
IV. Communications from the Superintendent
IV.A. Student Board Member Report
IV.B. Superintendent Report
IV.B.1. Student Recognition
IV.B.2. Motion to Approve the Middle School Winter Clubs and Bussing Proposal for a Total Cost of $77,635.76
IV.B.3. Motion to Approve the AM/PM Bus Supervision for the Second Semester for a Total Cost of $200,000
V. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
V.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2022
V.B. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2022
V.C. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of December 20, 2021
V.D. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
V.D.2. 2021 November Financials
V.D.3. Payroll Report
V.E. Personnel Report, as listed:
V.E.1. Resignations
V.E.2. Appointments
V.E.3. Leaves
V.E.4. Retirements
V.E.5. Differentials
V.E.6. Dismissals
V.F. Settlement of Workers Compensation Claim #18F50F774434/19WC032745
V.G. Donations, as listed:
V.G.1. $500 to go Towards Tickets for the East/West Basketball Game and IHSA Playoff Tickets from the Chris Detoni Family
V.G.2. Miscellaneous Items for the Staff and Students at the Gonzalez Child Center from the Aries "Jaybird" Gonzalez Family
V.G.3. Miscellaneous Student Activity Items for the Gonzalez Child Center from the Aries "Jaybird" Gonzalez Family
V.G.4. $5,000 for O'Donnall School from the Aurora Meijer Store
VI. Finance/Personnel Committee, Dan Barreiro, Chair, met January 10, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VI.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VI.A.1. Next Finance/Committee Meeting - Monday, February 7th at 6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VI.A.2. Finance/Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2022
VI.A.3. FY23 Bids (Food Service)
VI.A.4. Discussion on the Revision to the Following Board PRESS Policies:
VI.A.4.a. Policy 3:40 (General School Administration - Superintendent)
VI.A.4.b. Policy 3:50 (General School Administration - Administrative Personnel Other Than The Superintendent)
VI.A.4.c. Policy 3:60 (General School Administration (Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal)
VI.A.4.d. Policy 4:60 (Operational Services - Purchases and Contracts)
VI.A.4.e. Policy 5:10 (General Personnel - Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment)
VI.A.4.f. Policy 5:20 (General Personnel - Workplace Harassment Prohibited)
VI.A.4.g. Policy 5:30 (General Personnel - Hiring Process and Criteria)
VI.A.4.h. Policy 5:50 (General Personnel - Drug and Alcohol - Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition)
VI.A.4.i. Policy 5:90 (General Personnel - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting)
VI.A.4.j. Policy 5:100 (General Personnel - Staff Development Program)
VI.A.4.k. Policy 5:120 (General Personnel - Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest)
VI.A.4.l. Policy 5:125 (General Personnel - Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct)
VI.A.4.m. Policy 5:150 (General Personnel - Personnel Records)
VI.A.4.n. Policy 5:185 (General Personnel - Family and Medical Leave)
VI.A.4.o. Policy 5:200 (Professional Personnel - Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal)
VI.A.4.p. Policy 5:250 (Professional Personnel - Leaves of Absence)
VI.A.4.q. Policy 5:330 (Educational Support Personnel - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays and Leaves)
VI.A.4.r. Policy 6:15 (Instruction - School Accountability)
VI.A.4.s. Policy 6:20 (Instruction - School Year Calendar and Day)
VI.A.4.t. Policy 6:50 (Instruction - School Wellness)
VI.A.4.u. Policy 6:60 (Instruction - Curriculum Content)
VI.A.4.v. Policy 6:120 (Instruction - Education of Children with Disabilities)
VI.A.4.w. Policy 6:135 (Instruction - Accelerated Placement Program)
VI.A.4.x. Policy 6:180 (Instruction - Extended Instructional Programs)
VI.A.4.y. Policy 6:300 (Instruction - Graduation Requirements)
VI.A.4.z. Policy 6:340 (Instruction - Student Testing and Assessment Program)
VI.B. Action Items:
VI.B.1. Motion to Approve Renumbering Policy 5:340 to 5:342 (Administrator - Tuition Reimbursement Program)
VI.B.2. Motion to Approve Renumbering Policy 5:350 to 5:344 (Non-Union Department Staff - Tuition Reimbursement Program)
VII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VII.A.1. Next Curriculum Committee Meeting - Tuesday, February 22nd at 6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VII.B. Action Items: None
VIII. Building & Grounds Committee, Bruce Schubert, Chair, met January 10, 2022 at 6:15 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Next Building & Grounds Committee Meeting - Monday, February 7th at 6:15 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VIII.A.2. Building & Grounds Committee Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2022
VIII.A.3. 2021 Construction Projects
VIII.A.3.a. HVAC Final Update
VIII.A.3.b. Allowance Reduction
VIII.A.4. 2022 Summer Projects Update
VIII.A.4.a. Milestone Schedules
VIII.A.4.b. Window Bid Results
VIII.A.5. East High School Bleacher Replacement
VIII.A.6. Reunification Process
VIII.A.7. Resolution for Sale of Personal Property (Athletic Uniforms)
VIII.A.8. Work Orders
VIII.B. Action Item:
VIII.B.1. Motion to Approve the Following 2022 Window Replacement Bids (Project 20384) from Lite Construction:
VIII.B.1.a. Dieterich School Base Bid Plus Alternates 1 and 4 in the Amount of $613,700
VIII.B.1.b. Beaupre School Base Bid Plus Alternate 2 in the Amount of $503,500
VIII.B.1.c. East High School Base Bid Plus Alternate 2 in the Amount of $141,956
VIII.B.2. Motion to Approve the Resolution for Sale of Personal Property (Old Athletic Uniforms, PE Uniforms and Broken and Unusable Sporting Equipment)
IX. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Appointment, Employment, Performance, Compensation and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
X. Action Resulting from Executive Session
X.A. Motion to Approve the Notice to Remedy for a Tenured Teacher
XI. Second Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
XII. Informational Items, if any:
XIII. Adjournment