September 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. First Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
IV. Communications from the Superintendent
IV.A. Motion to Approve the VNA Health Care Addendum to the Professional Services Agreement
IV.B. Motion to Approve the Statement of Agreement with the Quad County Urban League and Cities in Schools Aurora
IV.C. Appointment of Student Board Member
IV.D. School Year 21/22 Update
V. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
V.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2021
V.B. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2021
V.C. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
V.D. Personnel Report, as listed:
V.D.1. Resignations
V.D.2. Appointments
V.D.3. Adjusted Appointments
V.D.4. Leaves
V.D.5. Differentials
V.D.6. Suspensions
VI. Finance/Personnel Committee, Dan Barreiro, Chair
VI.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VI.A.1. Next Finance/Committee Meeting - Monday, October 4th at 6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VI.B. Action Items:
VI.B.1. Motion to Approve the Following Revisions to IASB PRESS Policies:
VI.B.1.a. Policy 1:30 (School District Office - School District Philosophy)
VI.B.1.b. Policy 2:10 (Board of Education - School District Governance)
VI.B.1.c. Policy 2:30 (Board of Education - School District Elections)
VI.B.1.d. Policy 2:120-E1 (Board of Education - Exhibit - Guidelines for Serving as a Mentor to New Board of Education Member)
VI.B.1.e. Policy 2:120-E2 (Board of Education - Exhibit - Website Listing of Development and Training Completed by Board Members)
VI.B.1.f. Policy 2:130 (Board of Education - Board Superintendent Relationship)
VI.B.1.g. Policy 2:220-E7 (Board of Eduction - Exhibit - Access to Closed Meeting Minutes and Verbatim Recordings)
VI.B.1.h. Policy 2:240 (Board of Education - Board Policy Development)
VI.B.1.i. Policy 2:240-E1 (Board of Education - Exhibit - Press Issue Updates)
VI.B.1.j. Policy 2:240-E2 (Board of Education - Exhibit - Developing Local Policy)
VI.B.1.k. Policy 5:10 (Personnel - Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment)
VI.B.1.l. Policy 6:145 (Instruction - Migrant Students)
VI.B.1.m. Policy 6:160 (Instruction - English Learners)
VI.B.1.n. Policy 6:235 (Instruction - Access to Electronic Networks)
VI.B.1.o. Policy 6:255 (Instruction - Assemblies and Ceremonies)
VI.B.1.p. Policy 6:260 (Instruction - Complaints about Curriculum, Instruction Materials and Programs)
VI.B.1.q. Policy 7:280 (Students - Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease)
VI.B.2. Motion to Approve Increasing the Teacher Substitute Rate of Pay to $150 Per Day
VI.B.3. Motion to Approve Contracting for a Health Personnel in Human Resources
VII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair, met August 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VII.A.1. Next Curriculum Committee Meeting - Monday, September 20, 2021
VII.A.2. Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes of August 16, 2021
VII.A.3. Nearpod & Peardeck Professional Development Update
VII.A.4. Assessment Calendar Update
VII.A.5. Summer School Writing Contest
VII.A.6. Enrollment Update
VII.B. Action Items:
VII.B.1. Motion to Approve the Resolution for Disposal of Personal Property (Elementary and Middle School Social Studies Textbooks)
VIII. Building & Grounds Committee, Bruce Schubert, Chair
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Next Building & Grounds Committee Meeting - Monday, October 4th at 6:15 p.m. at the Administrative Center
VIII.B. Action Item: None
IX. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Land Acquisition, Workman's Compensation, Negotiations, Student Discipline, Pending Litigation and the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Performance and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
X. Action Resulting from Executive Session
X.A. Motion to Approve a Core Academy Placement for Student #232031
XI. Second Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
XII. Informational Items, if any:
XIII. Adjournment