November 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. First Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
IV. Communications from the Superintendent
IV.A. Community Relations Report
IV.B. Special Recognition
IV.C. Student Board Member Report
IV.D. IT Analysis Service Agreement
IV.D.1. Motion to Approve the Sentinel Proposal in the Amount of $68,856 Pending Attorney Review of the Master Service Agreement
IV.E. Communities in Schools
IV.E.1. Motion to Approve the Communities in Schools Services Agreement for the East Aurora Excel Academy not to Exceed $300,000
IV.F. Board President - Annette Johnson
IV.F.1. Motion to Approve the Superintendent Contract
V. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
V.A. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
V.A.1. List of Bills
V.A.2. Payroll Report
V.B. Personnel Report, as listed:
V.B.1. Resignations
V.B.2. Appointments
V.B.3. Adjusted Appointments
V.B.4. Leaves
V.B.5. Lane Advancements
V.B.6. Differentials
V.B.7. Tuition Reimbursements
V.C. IDPH Stipulated Agreement
V.D. Overnight Field-trips, as listed:
V.D.1. East High - NJROTC National Marksmanship Competition - Chandler, AZ - February 5-9, 2020
V.D.2. East High - NJROTC Drill Competition - Indianapolis, IN - February 21-22, 2020
V.D.3. East High - NJROTC Drill Competition - Great Lakes, IL - February 28-29, 2020
V.D.4. East High - NJROTC All Services National Championship - Port Clinton, Ohio - March 18-22, 2020
V.D.5. Beaupre School - Dickson Valley Camp - Newark, IL - April 29 - May 1, 2020
V.D.6. East High - Senior Incentive Trip - Gurnee, IL - May 16-17, 2020
V.E. Workman's Compensation Claim #16F50G945661/Case #16WC37189
VI. Finance/Personnel Committee, Annette Johnson, Chair,
VI.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VI.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, November 18th at 4:30 p.m. at the SSC
VI.B. Action Items:
VI.B.1. Motion to Accept the 2018/2019 Independent Financial Audit
VI.B.2. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Estimating the 2019 Tax Levy
VI.B.3. Motion to Approve the Copier Contract Extension with Gordon-Flesch Through June 30, 2020
VI.B.4. Motion to Approve One (1) Period Overload for Art at the Magnet Academy
VI.B.5. Motion to Approve Four (4) Elementary Education Behaviorist Positions
VI.B.6. Motion to Approve Raymond James as the District's Municipal Bond Advisor
VI.B.7. Motion of Intent to Issue Alternate Revenue Bonds not to Exceed $55 Million for the Purpose of Capital Improvements
VI.B.8. Motion of Intent to Begin Phase III of Bond Restructuring
VII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, November 18th at 5:30 p.m. at the SSC
VII.B. Action Items: None
VIII. Building & Grounds Committee, Bruce Schubert, Chair, met November 4th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, December 2nd at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.A.2. Building & Grounds Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2019
VIII.A.3. Facility Improvements
VIII.A.3.a. Gates Fire Restoration Schedule and Action Plan
VIII.A.3.b. Mechanical Bid Schedule (Dates)
VIII.A.3.c. Administration Center Update
VIII.A.3.d. Summer 2020 Work
VIII.A.3.e. Warranty Roof Maps
VIII.A.4. SSC Radon Mitigation
VIII.A.5. East High School Temporary Exterior Wall Repair
VIII.A.6. Carbon Monoxide Policy/Procedures
VIII.A.7. Allen School Crossing Guard Shack
VIII.A.8. Trane Cloud Server
VIII.A.9. Work Tickets
VIII.A.10. Incident Report
VIII.B. Action Items:
VIII.B.1. Motion to Approve the Resolution for Sale of Personal Property (Unusable Snow Plows and Miscellaneous Old Furniture)
IX. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Land Acquisition and the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
X. Action Resulting from Executive Session
XI. Second Public Comments/Questions (20 Minutes)
XII. Informational Items, if any:
XIII. Adjournment