June 6, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Communications from the Superintendent
III.A. Superintendent Report - Dr. Popp
III.B. Community Relations Report - M. Hanley
IV. Discussion/Presentation Items:
IV.A. School Improvement Plan (SIP) Presentation
IV.B. Construction/Budget Summary FY17 Presentation
V. Public Comments/Questions
VI. Board Comments
VII. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
VII.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2016
VII.B. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of May 16, 2016
VII.C. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
VII.C.1. List of Bills
VII.D. Personnel Report, as listed:
VII.D.1. Resignations
VII.D.2. Appointments
VII.D.3. Leaves
VII.D.4. Recalls
VII.D.5. Retirements
VII.D.6. Suspensions
VII.D.7. Salary Adjustments
VII.E. Donations, as listed:
VII.E.1. $50 to Gates Elementary School from Target
VII.E.2. $500 to the East Aurora High School Boys Soccer Program from Buddy's Helpers
VII.E.3. $33 to East Aurora High School's NJROTC Program from Stephen and Sheila Evans
VII.E.4. $12,718.24 to Johnson Elementary School for Starter Pots of Vegetables and Supplies from Target Super Store
VII.E.5. $182.10 from the Knights of Columbus for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
VII.F. Board of Education Meeting Dates for the 16-17 School Year
VII.G. Final Amended 15-16 School Year Calendar
VIII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, June 6th at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.B. Action Items:
VIII.B.1. Motion to Approve the Following New High School Textbooks:
VIII.B.1.a. Glencoe Biology (McGraw/Hill 2017) in the Amount of $108,732.60
VIII.B.1.b. Material Science Series (Energy Concepts - Various Copyrights per Series to 2014) in the Amount of $9,750
VIII.B.1.c. Pearson Chemistry (2012) in the Amount of $75,286.89
VIII.B.1.d. Holt McDougal Physics (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2012) in the Amount of $29,119.10
IX. Building & Grounds Committee, Richard Leonard, Chair
IX.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
IX.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Wednesday, June 8th at 4:30p.m. at the SSC
IX.B. Action Items: None
X. Finance/Personnel & Policy Committee, Annette, Chair
X.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
X.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. at the SSC
X.B. Action Items:
X.B.1. Motion to Approve the Following IASB PRESS Board Policies:
X.B.2. 5:10 (General Personnel - Equipment Employment Opportunity & Minority Recruitment)
X.B.3. 5:50 (General Personnel - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace)
X.B.4. 5:90 (General Personnel - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting)
X.B.5. 5:100 (General Personnel - Staff Development Program)
X.B.6. 5:250 (Professional Personnel - Leaves of Absence)
X.B.7. 5:260 (Professional Personnel Temporary Personnel - Student Teachers/Interns)
X.B.8. 5:270 (Educational Support Personnel - Employment At-Will, Compensation and Assignment)
X.B.9. 5:280 (Educational Support Personnel - Duties and Qualifications)
X.B.10. 6:15 (Instruction - School Accountability)
X.B.11. 6:20 (Instruction - School Year Calendar and Day)
X.B.12. 6:40 (Instruction - Curriculum Development)
X.B.13. 6:50 (Instruction - School Wellness)
X.B.14. 6:60 (Instruction - Curriculum Content)
X.B.15. 6:110 (Instruction - Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program)
X.B.16. 6:140 (Instruction - Education of Homeless Children)
X.B.17. 6:150 (Instruction - Home and Hospital Instruction)
X.B.18. 6:160 (Instruction - English Learners)
X.B.19. 6:280 (Instruction - Grading and Promotion)
X.B.20. 6:300 (Instruction - Graduation Requirements)
X.B.21. 6:320 (Instruction - High School Credit for Proficiency)
X.B.22. 7:10 (Students - Equal Educational Opportunities)
X.C. Motion to Approve the Amended 15-16 Budget
X.D. Motion to Approve the High School Stadium Demolition and Construction Project
X.E. Motion to Approve the Issuance of Bonds in the Amount of $35,000,000 for the Purpose of Paying Presently Outstanding and Unpaid Claims Against the District.
X.F. Motion to Approve One of the Following Food Service Bids:
X.F.1. Award to Sodexo in the Amount of $5,770,312 for Prepared Meals K-12 with the East High School Kitchen Remaining Open for the 2016/2017 School Year
X.F.2. Award to Preferred Meals in the Amount of $6,034,535 for Pre-Plated Meals K-12 with the East High School Kitchen Remaining Open for the 2016/2017 School Year
X.F.3. Award to Sodexo in the Amount of $3,062,044 for Prepared Meals 6-12 and to Preferred Meals in the Amount of $2,792,112 for Pre-Plated Meals K-5 with the East High School Kitchen Remaining Open for the 2016/2017 School Year
X.F.4. Award to Sodexo in the Amount of $5,882,089 for Prepared Meals K-12 with the East High School Kitchen Remaining Closed for the 2016/2017 School Year
X.F.5. Award to Preferred Meals in the Amount of $6,034,535 for Pre-Plated Meals K-12 with the East High School Kitchen Remaining Closed for the 2016/2017 School Year
X.F.6. Award to Sodexo in the Amount of $3,213,033.60 for Prepared Meals 6-12 and to Preferred Meals in the Amount of $2,792,112 for Pre-Plated Meals K-5 with the East High School Kitchen Remaining Closed for the 2016/2017 School Year
XI. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Negotiations, Pending Litigation, Lease of Real Property and the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
XII. Action, if any, Resulting from Executive Session
XIII. Informational Items, if any
XIII.A. Upcoming Events
XIII.C. News Articles
XIII.D. Grants Update
XIII.E. Confidential Newsletter