January 4, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call - 6:00 p.m.
II. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee, Pending Litigation, Student Discipline and Negotiations
III. Action, if any, Resulting from Executive Session
IV. Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
V. Roll Call
VI. Pledge of Allegiance
VII. Communications from the Superintendent
VII.A. Superintendent Report - Dr. Popp
VII.B. Student Board Member Report
VII.C. Community Relations Report - Matt Hanley
VIII. Discussion Item:
VIII.A. Quality School Construction Bonds (QSCB) Presentation/Construction Projects
IX. Board Comments
X. Public Comments/Questions
XI. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
XI.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2015
XI.B. First Executive Session Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2015
XI.C. Second Executive Session Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2015
XI.D. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
XI.D.1. List of Bills
XI.E. Personnel Report, as listed:
XI.E.1. Appointments
XI.E.2. Adjusted Appointments
XI.F. Donations, as listed:
XI.F.1. 480 Stuffed Animals from the National Latino Police Officers Association to the Benavides Kindergarten Center
XI.F.2. Christmas Gifts for 29 Students at Dieterich School from New England Congregational Church
XI.F.3. Die Cut Sets for the Die Cut Machine Valued at $150 to Dieterich School from the Dunham Fund
XI.F.4. Apple iPod Touch 16 GB MP3 Player to Dieterich School from the Dunham Fund
XI.G. Grants, as listed:
XI.G.1. Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant in the Amount of $2,850 from the Midwest Dairy Council for O'Donnell School
XII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Kimberly Hatchett, Chair
XII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
XII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, January 11, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at the SSC
XII.B. Action Items: None
XIII. Building & Grounds Committee, Richard Leonard,/Ken Darby, Chairs
XIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
XIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Wednesday, January 6, 2016 4:30p.m. at the SSC
XIII.B. Action Items: None
XIV. Personnel & Policy Committee, John Laesch/Alex Arroyo, Chairs
XIV.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
XIV.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the SSC
XIV.B. Action Items:
XIV.B.1. Motion to Approve School Board Policy 6:240 (Instruction - Field Trips & Recreational Class Trips)
XV. Finance Committee, Annette Johnson, Chair
XV.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
XV.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. at the SSC
XV.B. Action Items: None
XVI. Informational Items, if any
XVI.A. News Articles
XVI.B. Upcoming Events
XVI.D. Enrollment
XVII. Adjournment