April 6, 2015 at 5:00 PM - Regular/Work Session
Agenda |
I. Work Session - 5:00 p.m.
I.A. Roll Call
II. Presentation/Discussion Items:
II.A. Parental Involvement/Parent Liaisons
II.B. Summer Projects
III. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Negotiations, Student Discipline and the Appointment, Employment and Dismissal of a Specific Employee
IV. Action Resulting from Executive Session, if any
V. Regular Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
VI. Roll Call
VII. Pledge of Allegiance
VIII. Communications from the Superintendent
VIII.A. Superintendent Report - Dr. Popp
VIII.B. Community Relations Report - Matt Hanley
IX. Student Board Member Comments
IX.A. Fabian Badillo
IX.B. Alexis Figueroa
X. Public Comments/Questions
XI. Board Comments
XII. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
XII.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of March 16, 2015
XII.B. Executive Session Minutes of March 16, 2015
XII.C. Personnel Report, as listed:
XII.C.1. Appointments
XII.C.2. Leaves
XII.C.3. Resignations
XII.C.4. Retirements
XII.C.5. Adjusted Appointments
XII.C.6. Termination for Cause
XII.C.7. Reclassify
XII.D. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
XII.D.1. List of Bills
XII.E. Donations, as listed:
XII.E.1. Various Donations for Students at the Child Service Center for Sensory Processing Materials Valued at $1,051.76 from donorschoice.org including the Rizo Family, Dunham Fund and an Anonymous Donor
XII.E.2. $98 to the East Aurora NJROTC from Dazz Technologies
XII.E.3. Six Boxes of Pens and EXPO Markers to the East Aurora Special Education Department from the Partnership of Inner-workings and Cindi Perez at District 204
XII.E.4. $1,160 for Food and Water from Country Financial - Aurora for the Parent Leadership Academy
XII.F. Student Overnight Trips as Follow:
XII.F.1. East High School - Great America
XII.F.2. East High Athletics
XII.F.3. Simmons School - Incentive Trips
XIII. Discussion Items:
XIII.A. District Improvement (PARCC Update-Assessment Benchmark Update-SIP
XIII.B. Athletics Budget
XIII.C. Personnel Recommendation:
XIII.C.1. Special Education
XIII.C.2. Pupil Personnel Assistants
XIV. Action Items:
XIV.A. Motion to Approve Three (3) FTE Pupil Personnel Assistants at East High School
XIV.B. Motion to Approve Eight (8) FTE Special Education Teachers at East High School
XIV.C. Motion to Approve a Resolution for Sale of Personal Property
XIV.D. Motion to Approve the List of Summer 2015 Projects
XIV.E. Motion to Extend the Electric Energy Agreement with Integrys Until June 30,2017, if the Price Drops Below $.63/Kilo Watt per Hour (KWH)
XIV.F. Motion to Extend the Food Service Contract with Sodexho for the 2015/2016 School Year
XIV.G. Motion to Approve the East High Tennis Court Resolution
XV. Informational Items, if any
XV.A. News Articles
XV.B. FOIA Update
XV.C. Enrollment
XVI. Adjournment