July 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Communications from the Superintendent
III.A. Superintendent Report - Dr. Popp
IV. Public Comments/Questions
V. Discussion Item:
V.A. Budget Presentation - Christi Tyler
VI. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
VI.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of July 7, 2014
VI.B. Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes of July 8, 2014
VI.C. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed
VI.C.1. List of Bills
VI.D. Donations, as listed
VI.D.1. 424 Backpacks from Costco for Students at the Anne Benavides Kindergarten Center
VI.E. Motion to Approve the Personnel Report, as listed:
VI.E.1. Resignations
VI.E.2. Appointments
VI.E.3. Adjusted Appointments
VI.E.4. Retirements
VI.E.5. Leaves
VI.E.6. Recalls
VII. Curriculum and Programs Committee, Stella Gonzalez, Chair
VII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Monday, August 4th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
VII.B. Action Items: None
VIII. Building & Grounds Committee, Richard Leonard, Chair
VIII.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
VIII.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Wednesday, August 6th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
VIII.B. Action Items: None
IX. Personnel/Policy Committee, Kirsten Strand, Chair, met July 9th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
IX.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
IX.A.1. Meeting Schedule - Thursday, August 7th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
IX.A.2. Personnel/Policy Meeting Minutes of July 9th
IX.A.3. Personnel Committee Meeting Date Change
IX.A.4. Review of Board Policy Section 4 (Operational Services)
IX.A.5. Review of Board Policy Section 5 (Personnel)
IX.B. Action Items:
IX.B.1. Motion to Approve One (1) Career Specialist Position at East High School
IX.B.2. Motion to Approve Three (3) Additional Part-Time Elementary Art Teachers
IX.B.3. Motion to Approve One (1) Academic Behavior Interventionist at the Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy
IX.B.4. Motion to Approve the Following Additional Positions Funded by Title I
IX.B.4.a. One (1) High School Parent Liaison
IX.B.4.b. One (1) High School Truancy Outreach Liaison
IX.B.4.c. One (1) Elementary and Middle School Truancy Outreach Liaison
IX.B.5. Motion to Approve the Following High School Positions:
IX.B.5.a. One (1) Industrial Technology Teacher
IX.B.5.b. One (1) Math Teacher
IX.B.5.c. One (1) PE/Health Teacher
IX.B.5.d. One (1) Science Teacher
X. Finance Committee, Mary Lou Peryea, Chair, met July 14th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
X.A. Informational/Discussion Items:
X.A.1. Meeting Schedule - August 11th at 4:00 p.m. at the SSC
X.A.2. Finance Committee Minutes of July 14th
X.A.3. Fine Arts 3-Year Budget Plan
X.A.4. Property Tax Appeals/City of Aurora
X.A.5. Building and Grounds Vehicles - State Purchasing
X.A.6. Building and Grounds Staff Uniforms Purchase/Rental
X.A.7. June Revenue/Expenditure Reports
X.A.8. Printer/Copier RFP
X.A.9. Credit Cards
X.B. Action Items:
X.B.1. Motion to Approve the Resolution Regarding Full Day Kindergarten Contingency Dollars
XI. Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing Pending Litigation and the Acquisition of Real Property
XII. Action Resulting from Executive Session, if any
XIII. Board Comments
XIV. Informational Items, if any
XV. Adjournment