October 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Communications from the Superintendent
III.A. Superintendent Report - Dr. Popp
III.B. Community Relations Report - Matt Hanley
III.C. Discussion and Adoption of Board Agreements - Dr. Popp
IV. Student Board Member Comments
V. Public Comments/Questions
VI. Executive Session: None
VII. Action Resulting from Executive Session, if any
VIII. Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda, as listed:
VIII.A. Board of Education Meeting Minutes of October 6, 2014
VIII.B. Executive Session Meeting Minutes of October 6, 2014
VIII.C. Personnel Report, as listed:
VIII.C.1. Resignations
VIII.C.2. Appointments
VIII.C.3. Adjusted Appointments
VIII.C.4. Retirements
VIII.C.5. Leaves
VIII.D. Monthly Financial Reports, as listed:
VIII.D.1. List of Bills
VIII.D.3. Payroll Report
VIII.E. Donations, as listed:
VIII.E.1. $1,500 for District Educational and Cultural Programs
VIII.E.2. One Casio Adding Machine to East High School from Christy Polaski
VIII.F. Approval of Agreement with Monaco Mechanical
IX. Action Items:
IX.A. Motion to Approve Board Policy - Sections 1 through 8
IX.B. Motion to Approve the Resolution for Adoption of Board Policy
IX.C. Motion to Approve the Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Individual Procurement Cards (P-Cards)
IX.D. Motion to Approve the Resolution Authorizing Old Second National Bank as Gates Elementary School's New Banking Establishment
X. Discussion Items:
X.A. Business Process - Christi Tyler
XI. Board Comments
XII. Informational Items, if any
XII.A. Legal Fees
XII.B. Grants Update
XII.C. FOIA Update
XII.D. News Articles
XIII. Adjournment