May 5, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Finance & Facilities Committee
Agenda |
1. Welcome and Introduction
2. Technology
2.1. Status on Current Projects
2.2. Project Planning
2.2.1. DDC Scope Expansion (OR, OK, and Churchill)
2.2.2. 2016 E911
3. Project Planning items
3.1. 19-26 Program: Churchill Updates
3.1.1. Final Plan
3.1.2. Process
3.2. Next Steps on ROHS Brick Cleaning
3.3. Learning Commons - ROHS and ROMS
3.4. Sidewalk (within right of way of school sites) Bid Award
4. Project List Review
5. Facilities Study Process/Timeline/Product
6. Finance Updates
6.1. 2016-2017 Budget Planning
6.2. Non-Homestead Levy
6.3. Oakland Schools Budget Review and Local Action Regarding It
6.4. Audit Contract
6.5. Food Services 2016-2017 Lunch Pricing
7. Other Items
7.1. Water Testing
7.2. Sidewalks at Upton Elementary
8. Opportunity for Citizens to Speak
9. Next Meeting: June 2, 2016, 6:00 p.m.; Location: 800 DeVillen, Room A
10. Adjournment