May 8, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening of Regular Meeting & Roll Call
This is a meeting of the Southfield Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered as a community meeting. There are two opportunities for public participation during the meeting and comments are limited to three minutes per individual. Concerns will be referred to an administrator or to the Interim Superintendent for follow-up. The Board will listen to comments, but may not respond during the meeting. As a matter of fairness, speakers with complaints against individuals are asked not to mention persons by name. Complaints concerning employees should be brought to the attention of school principals or administrators. If you wish to address the Board, please submit a comment card immediately.
2. Board Matters
3. Student & Staff Recognitions (Goal IV)
3.a. 2018 Teacher Appreciation Week
3.b. Recognition of Student Board Representatives
3.c. Bussey Center for Early Childhood Education - National Head Start Conference Award
3.d. McIntyre Elementary School, National Chess Championship Award
4. Public Participation
If you wish to address the Board regarding a school related issue that has not yet been resolved by school administration, please submit a comment card immediately. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per individual. As a matter of fairness, speakers with complaints against individuals are asked not to mention any person by name. Complaints concerning specific employees should be directed to the school principal or central office administration before coming to the Board. Your cooperation is appreciated.
5. Report of the Student Board Representatives (Goal IV)
5.a. John Charley III, Southfield High School for the Arts & Technology
5.b. Shannon Harper, Southfield High School for the Arts & Technology
5.c. Jubilee Gordon, Southfield Regional Academic Campus
5.d. Keith Hudson, University High School Academy
6. Report of the Interim Superintendent (Goals II, IV, VII)
6.a. Derrick Lopez, J.D., Interim Superintendent
6.b. Vickie Hall, M.B.A., Human Resources and Labor Relations
6.c. Polly Siecinski, M.A.T., Curriculum & Instruction
6.d. Lanissa Freeman, Ph.D., Special Education & Student Services
6.e. Kate Dankovich, C.P.A., Finance & Budget
6.f. Scott Tocco, Ed.S., Operations
6.g. Yolanda S. Charles, M.Ed., Head Start Report
7. Action Items
7.a. Consent Agenda
• Personnel Report (Goal VII) & • April Meeting Minutes
7.b. Report # 56-65, Intergovernmental Agreement for Technology District Services (Goal III)
7.c. John D. Grace Building Resolution (Goal VII) - 2nd reading & approval
7.d. Freedom of Information Act Policy - 2nd Read & Approval
8. Information Items
8.a. Oakland Schools ISD Budget Resolution
8.b. Capital Refresh
8.c. 1:1 Chromebooks 2018-2019
8.d. Title I Technology Purchase
8.e. CTE Technology Purchase
8.f. Frontline Technologies (Applicant Tracking & ProActive Marketing Software)
8.g. Bill Summary
9. Public Participation
If you wish to address the Board regarding a school related issue that has not yet been resolved by school administration, please submit a comment card immediately. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes. As a matter of fairness, speakers with complaints against individuals are asked not to mention any person by name. Complaints concerning specific employees should be directed to the school principal or central office administration before coming to the Board. Your cooperation is appreciated.
10. For the Good of the Order
11. Future Meetings & Events
11.a. Wednesday, May 9 @ 5:30 pm - Community Reception with Superintendent Candidates @ S.H.S.A.&T.
11.b. Wednesday, May 9 @ 6:30 pm - Special Meeting - Superintendent Candidate Final Interviews @ JWE
11.c. Tuesday, May 22 @ 6:00 pm - Special Board Meeting (study session)
11.d. Sunday, June 3 @ 12:00 noon & 3:00 pm - High School Commencement Ceremonies at Chene Park
11.e. Tuesday, June 12 @ 7:00 pm - Regular Board Meeting
12. Adjournment