March 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting
2. Student & Staff Recognitions
2.a. Michigan Schools & Government Credit Union Classroom Cash Grant Awards
• Denise Bush, Thompson K-8 International Academy - $ 750.00 • Lisa Winston, Vandenberg World Cultures Academy - $ 750.00 • Tori Maas, Southfield-Lathrup High School - $ 650.00 • Hank Lewandowski, Levey Middle School - $ 469.00 |
2.b. Head Start Joint Governance Training
• Fern Katz, Board President - Certificate of Completion • Darryle J. Buchanan, Board Trustee - Certificate of Completion |
2.c. Michigan Association of School Boards Awards
• Yolanda R. Smith, Vice President - Award of Distinction & Advocacy Skills Specialty Certification • Betty C. Robinson, Board Secretary - Award of Distinction • Rance D. Williams, Board Trustee - Award of Distinction |
2.d. GLP & Associates, Inc. "Superintendent Appreciation" Award $ 5,000.00
• Dr. Wanda Cook-Robinson |
3. Student Board Representatives
3.a. Kennedy Armstrong, Southfield Regional Academic Campus
3.b. David Cole, Southfield High School
3.c. Gregory Cunningham, University High School Academy
3.d. Savannah Greene, Southfield-Lathrup High School
4. Report of Superintendent
4.a. Interim Superintendent, Dr. Lynda Wood
4.b. Budget and Finance, Ms. Deborah Tremp
4.c. Human Resources and Labor Relations, Ms. Joan Newberry
4.d. Curriculum & Instruction, Ms. Marcia Williams
4.e. Head Start, Ms. Fern Katz/Ms. Yolanda Smith
5. Action Items
5.a. Consent Agenda
5.a. Report #52-57, Personnel Report
5.b. Report #52-58, Landscaping, Snow and Ice Removal Services Bid
6. Information Items
6.a. Report #52-59, Strategic Plan - FIRST READING
6.b. Report # 52-60, Purchasing Report
6.c. Report # 52-61, Bill Summary
7. Public Participation
8. Special Presentation: State Representative Ellen Cogen Lipton
9. Board Matters
10. Future Meetings
10.a. March 12 & 13 @ 6:30 pm, Community Forum w/MI Leadership Institute
10.b. March 25 @ 6:00 pm, Student Hearings
10.c. April 8 @ 7:00 pm, Regular Board Meeting
11. Adjournment