February 12, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening of Meeting
2. Staff & Student Recognitions
2.a. Hank Lewandowski, Southfield-Lathrup High School - $635.99
Lisa Winston, Vandenberg World Cultures Academy - $750.00 2012 MI Schools & Government Credit Union Classroom Grant Awards |
2.b. Kathleen Hayes-Parvin, Birney K-8 School & Univ. of Michigan Partnership
2.c. Brace-Lederle School - Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant Award $ 2,500.00
2.d. Joyce Silagy, Engineering Society of Detroit Gold Award Recipient
2.e. Dr. Wanda Cook-Robinson
AASA 2013 National Superintendent of the Year Finalist Nancy Widman Award Recipient |
3. Student Board Representatives
3.a. Earl Vines, Southfield Regional Academic Campus
3.b. Kierra Tarrance, Southfield High School
3.c. Blair Moorer, Southfield-Lathrup High School
3.d. Ashley Parker, University High School Academy
4. Report of Superintendent
4.a. Superintendent, Dr. Wanda Cook-Robinson
4.b. Budget and Finance, Ms. Deborah Tremp
4.c. Human Resources and Labor Relations, Mr. David Turner
4.d. Curriculum & Instruction, Dr. Lynda Wood
4.e. Head Start, Ms. Fern Katz/Ms. Yolanda Smith
5. Unfinished Business
5.a. Recommendation for Student Discipline
6. Action Items
6.a. Consent Agenda
6.a. Bill Summary # 770
6.a. Report #51-35, Personnel Report
6.b. Report # 51-36, Human Resources/Finance Software Resolution
6.c. Report # 51-37, Best Practices Resolution
6.d. Report #51-38, Appropriations Act - 2nd Reading
6.e. Report #51-39, Guardian Security Contract Extension
6.f. Report #51-40, Resolution in Support of Open Enrollment (Section 105 Choice)
6.g. Report #51-41, Judson Center Lease Agreement
6.h. Report # 51-42, New Advertising & Commercial Activities Policy - 2nd Reading
7. Information Items
7.a. Report #51-43, Purchasing Report
7.b. Report #51-44, Armored Transportation Service
8. Public Participation
9. Board Matters
10. Future Meetings
10.a. February 17-22, Mid-Winter Recess (Schools Closed)
10.b. February 26 @ 6:00 pm, Student Hearings
10.c. March 12 @ 7:00 pm, Regular Board Meeting
11. Adjournment