May 20, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call
Board Members: Jason Forgash, Mark Seymour, Brian Tobin, Brian Gallagher, Kristin Weston, Brooke Cunningham, Alicea Moll |
2. Additions/corrections to agenda
3. Expressions/Communications from the Public
4. Student Senate Update
5. Presentations:
5.a. Employee of the Month - Katie Zacharko, Bangor Lincoln Young 5's Teacher
5.b. Retirements
5.c. Shelley Cooper- 25 Years of Service through the National School Lunch Program
5.d. CSO Presentation
5.e. BTVS Presentation
6. Reports:
6.a. Board Committees
6.b. Programs and Strategic Initiatives
6.c. Superintendent
7. Consent Agenda:
7.a. Approval of Minutes:
7.b. Personnel:
7.c. Approval of Monthly Expenditures (April)
8. Regular Agenda
8.a. Recommendation to Approve Second Reading of Spring NEOLA Updates
8.b. Recommendation to Approve the 2024-2025 School Calendar
8.c. Discussion and Recommendation to Approve BTEA Tenative Agreement (RC)
8.d. Discussion and Recommendation to Approve BTESP Tentative Agreement (RC)
8.e. Discussion and Recommendation to Approve Transportation Tentative Agreement (RC)
8.f. Recommendation to Approve L-4029 (RC)
9. Other Items for Discussion
10. Expressions/Communications from the Public
11. Adjournment