March 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Registration of Guests
Approval of Agenda with Additional Items and Order of Priority
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes of the February 21, 2023 Meeting
Approval of Financial Statements
Public Participation in the MAISD Board of Education Meeting
Superintendent's Report
Head Start Report
Financial Report
Education Update - Wesley School (Deanna Amstutz) & Lakeshore Learning Center (Lisa Little)
Old Business
New Business
Approve the MAISD Common Calendar for 2023-2028.
Approve Fueleducation invoice in the amount of $69,340.
Approve the wireless upgrades at Wesley School, Lakeshore Learning Center, Transition at Craig Campus, MAISD North, MAISD South, and Career Tech Center in the amount of $41,800.
Approve the renewal of ChildPlus Software for Early Childhood Grant Programs in the amount of $35,896.50 for the 2023-24 school year.
Approve the Head Start COLA and Quality Improvement Application for the 2022-23 grant.
Approve the Early Childhood Center Payscale effective 12/01/2022.
Approve the following Out-of-State Conference/Overnight Field Trip Requests:
Forty (40) Cosmetology (COS) Students
Annette Watkins/Denise Suttorp - COS Instructors America's Beauty Show April 17, 2023 Rosemont, IL |
Rachel Zaragoza, Special Populations Coordinator
Four (4) District Staff 2023 Michigan Association for Bilingual Education Conference May 10-12, 2023 Livonia, MI |
Kiana Longnecker, Kelly Hoekenga, Kelly Vandyke, Kristen Anderson, Monique Hovinga - Project Safe Team
Safe & Civil Schools Annual National Conference July 16-20, 2023 Portland, OR |
Approve the Employment of the Following Personnel:
Lea Streblow - Instructional Services Administrative Assistant - Effective 03/06/23
Bethany Griffin - Early Head Start/Family Service Worker - Effective 03/15/23
Jordy Camilleri - Communications Project Specialist - Effective - 04/10/23
Approve the Following New Positions/Changes:
Design Thinking Coach
Kathy VanTil - moving from Career Tech Center to Design Thinking Coach
Acknowledge the Retirement/Resignation/Layoff/Separation of the following personnel:
Louann Utzinger - Early Childhood Nurse - Retirement - Effective 03/17/23
Diana Kulczyski - Head Start Classroom Facilitator - Resignation - Effective 05/01/23
Adopt the updates to the following Board Policies:
Closed Session - Superintendent Evaluation