July 18, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Registration of Guests
Approval of Agenda with Additional Items and Order of Priority
Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes of the June 20, 2022 Budget Hearing and the June 20, 2022 Regular meeting.
Approval of Bills as of June 30, 2022
Approval of Financial Statements as of June 30, 2022
Public Participation in the MAISD Board of Education Meeting
Superintendent's Report
Head Start Report
Financial Report
Education Update - None
Old Business
New Business
Approve a 12-month lease agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management for the replacement of six maintenance pickup trucks with Enterprise Fleet Management. The estimated gross monthly cost before applying the credit for our gain from trade-in is as follows. True monthly cost is expected to be significantly lower but we do not have the final GM pricing credits as well as gains from trade-in yet.
Approve the Muskegon County Virtual Academy 2022-23 Student Handbook
Approve the Muskegon County Virtual Academy Acceptable Use Agreement.
Approve the Muskegon County Virtual Academy 2022-23 Course Catalog.
Approve the purchase of Discovery Education streaming subscriptions for 2022-23 in the amount of $51,450.
Approve the purchase of Ecollect Forms from PowerSchool for $65,149.42.
Approve the purchase of a Leverless Tire Changer ($29,319.23), a Flange Plate Kit ($983.79), a GSP9700 Road Force(R) Elite (5th Generation) Tire Balancer ($18,104.67), a Balancer Adjustable Flange Plate ($986.03), a Truck Cone Kit ($176.23), and Freight (Estimated) ($550.00) for the Auto Service program at the CTC from Hunter Engineering Company in the amount of $50,119.95.
Approve the purchase of carpet and ceramic tile and removal and disposal of existing carpet and ceramic tile for the Pride Meeting Room at the Career Tech Center from Tarkett USA Inc. in the amount of $56,414.36.
Approve the purchase of the material and labor to install GEO Thermal Pumps at the Career Tech Center from Andy J. Egan, DBA Pressures & Pipes, Inc. in the amount of $28,185.00.
Approve the payment of Invoice #51480 from Andy J. Egan Company, Inc. for emergency work that needed to be done in the Mechanical Room at the Career Tech Center in the amount of $29,460.00.
Approve a Teacher Waiver request for Bobby Johnson, Hart Head Start Center, to be a lead Head Start teacher while working toward an Associates degree in Early Childhood Education.
Approve the contract for Max Lerman, Music Therapist, for Wesley School, Transition at Craig, and Lakeshore Learning Center for the 2022-23 school year.
Approve the Overnight Field Trip/Conference Request as follows:
Four (4) Environmental/Veterinary Sciences (EVS) Students
FFA Officer Retreat August 14-16, 2022 New Era, MI |
Approve the Employment of the Following Personnel:
Nakia Kropf - Early Childhood Preschool Teacher - Effective 08/18/22
David Vermeulen - Muskegon County Virtual Academy (MCVA) Teacher - Effective 08/24/22
Rebecca Moleski - Special Education Teacher Consultant - Effective 08/24/22
Heather Nummerdor - Early Childhood Administrative Assistant - Effective 07/18/22
Felicia Graves - Early Childhood Preschool Teacher - Effective 08/15/22
John Holtz - Career Tech Center Paraprofessional - Effective 08/24/22
Sarah Yakes - Targeted Technical Assistance Coach - Effective 08/01/22
Diane Fetterhoff - Instructional Assistant Transition at Craig - Effective 08/01/22
Leisha Bolden - Instructional Assistant Transition at Craig - Effective 08/01/22
Approve the Following New Positions/Changes:
Deb Morrow - move from Center Coordinator (Muskegon Heights) to Preschool Teacher - Effective 08/15/22
Sam Wackernagel - move from Parapro to Career Tech Center Teacher - Effective 08/24/22
Director of Equity and Wellness Position
Acknowledge the Retirement/Resignation/Layoff/Separation of the following personnel:
Diane Petersen, Career Specialist - Retirement - Effective 06/30/22
Michelle Hichue, Head Start Classroom Assistant - Resignation - Effective 07/08/22
Michael Jones, Wesley School Teacher - Resignation - Effective ____
Emily Kienke, Climate & Culture Coach - Resignation - Effective 06/30/22