September 21, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Registration of Guests
Approval of Agenda with Additional Items and Order of Priority
Consent Agenda
Approval of the Minutes August 17, 2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of Bills
Approval of Financial Statements
Public Participation in the MAISD Board of Education Meeting
Superintendent's Report
Head Start Report
MAISD Extended COVID-19 Learning Plans
Financial Report
Education Update - Career Specialist Team - Tricia McTaggert, Benika Longmire, Diane Peterson, Stephen Pettifor, Lisa Hungerford, Michelle Kuck
Old Business
New Business
Approve the MAISD Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan as required by Public Act 149, Section 98a.
Approve the annual renewal of property/casualty insurance with MASB-SEG Property/Casualty Pool for $86,528,
Approve a contract with Hurst Mechanical in the amount of $682,026 for the 2nd phase of the Wesley Mechanical Project.
Approve a contract with Control Resources in the amount of $194,880 for the controls portion of the 2nd phase of the Wesley Mechanical Project.
Approve the contract with Hackley Community Care to provide virtual behavioral health services to seven local districts.
Approve the Transportation Agreement between Pioneer Resources and the MAISD for August 24, 2020 through July 31, 2021.
Approve the Agreement for Services between the MAISD and West View Family Medicine to provide required physician signatures for our student therapy prescriptions.
Approve federal expansion grant application for Head Start/Early Head Start: $474,571 federal funding and $118,675 applicant match.
Approve the Employment of the Following Personnel:
Jacob Mundt - PC Technician - Career Tech Center & Muskegon Catholic Central
Felicia Graves - Preschool Teacher - Marquette Early Childhood Center
Margaret (Meg) Jennings - Early Childhood Reading Corps - Americorps
Conduct first reading of the following Board Policies from Volume 34 Number 2: