August 16, 2021 at 6:00 PM - August Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. CALL TO ORDER: President, Fred Robel
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
Motion Needed
I move the Board of Education approve the agenda as presented/amended: ___________________________________________________________ Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
III.A. Members of the Board
III.B. Superintendent, Christopher Ming
IV.A. Board Goals for 2021-22:
IV.B. Secretary, Nicholas Moore:
IV.B.1. Intent to Retire
IV.B.2. Resignation Letter - Mark Guerin
IV.C. Committee Reports
IV.D. Superintendent, Christopher Ming
IV.D.1. Legislative Update
IV.E. Comments by Public in Attendance: Agenda Items Only
V.A. Board Meeting Minutes:
V.A.1. August 5, 2021
V.B. Financial Report: General Fund, Debt Retirement Fund, Internal Accounts
Treasurer's Financial Report/Superintendent's Report of Internal Accounts: General Fund - $ Capital Projects - $ Debt Retirement Fund - $ High School Activity Account - $ Elementary Activity Account - $ Food Service Fund - $ Capital Projects Bond 2018 $ |
V.C. General Fund Expenditures
General Fund Expenditures: $
V.D. Approval
Motion Needed
I move the Board of Education approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VII.A. Superintendent's Update
Mr. Ming will discuss pertinent information with the Board Monday evening.
VII.A.1. Update
VII.B. Business Services Director's Update
Mr. Anthony will provide a financial update Monday evening.
VII.C. Instructional Services Director Update
Mrs. Socha will provide an update to the board regarding curriculum Monday evening.
VII.D. K-12 Principal's Update
Mr. Zeien will share an update with the Board Monday evening.
VII.E. Maintenance/Custodial Supervisor's Update
Mr. Lichota will provide an update to the board Monday evening.
VII.F. Athletic Director's Update
Mr. Ostrander may share an athletic department report with the Board Monday evening.
VII.G. Items from the Board
VIII.A. Hiring of Secondary Social Studies Teacher
Attached are application materials from Carly (Brown) Gall for the secondary Social Studies teacher position. Upon conclusion of interviews and contract negotiations, Mr. Ming and the Personnel Committee are recommending the Board hire Carly (Brown) Gall for the position at BA step 1 .
I move the Board of Education approve the hiring of Carly (Brown) Gall as full time teacher, with wages as per BA Step 1 of the AGS-EA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective immediately, as presented MOTION () ; SUPPORTED () and carried unanimously the Board of Education approve the hiring of Carly (Brown) Gall, as full time teacher, with wages as per BA Step 1 of the AGS-EA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective immediately, as presented Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VIII.B. Hiring of Elementary Teacher
Attached are application materials from Sarah Wilk for the Elementary teacher position. Upon conclusion of interviews and contract negotiations, Mr. Ming and the Personnel Committee are recommending the Board hire Sarah Wilk for the position at BA step 1 .
I move the Board of Education approve the hiring of Sarah Wilk as full time teacher, with wages as per BA Step 1 of the AGS-EA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective immediately, as presented MOTION () ; SUPPORTED () and carried unanimously the Board of Education approve the hiring of Sarah Wilk, as full time teacher, with wages as per BA Step 1 of the AGS-EA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective immediately, as presented Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VIII.C. Hiring of Elementary Special Education Teacher
Attached are application materials from Sharahalys Franks for the elementary special ed teacher position. Upon conclusion of interviews and contract negotiations, Mr. Ming and the Personnel Committee are recommending the Board hire Sharahalys Franks for the position through the alternative certification program.
I move the Board of Education to approve the hiring of Sharahlyis Franks, effective immediately, as presented MOTION () ; SUPPORTED () and carried unanimously the Board of Education approve the hiring of Sharahalys Franks, effective immediately, as presented Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VIII.D. Hiring of Middle School Interventionist/ Coach
Motion Needed
I move the Board of Education to hire Elesha Davidson as a part-time Middle School Interventionist/Coach for the 2021-22 school year, up to 15 hours per week with wages of $30.00 per hour, effective immediately. Motion by ______________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VIII.E. Hiring of Bus Driver
Mr. Ming is recommending the board approve the hiring of Mike Boyles as a full time bus driver.
Motion Needed I move the Board of Education approve the hiring of Mike Boyles as a full time bus driver, with wages as per the AGS-MESPA Master Agreement, effective immediately as presented. MOTION () ; SUPPORTED () and carried unanimously the Board of Education approve the hiring of Mike Boyles as a full time bus driver, with wages as per the AGS-MESPA Master Agreement,pending the successful completion of his school bus driver training program. Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VIII.F. Hiring of Paraprofessional #1
Attached are application materials from Tara Moore for the Full Time Paraprofessional position. Upon conclusion of interviews and contract negotiations, Mr. Ming and the Personnel Committee are recommending the Board hire Tara Moore for the position.
I move the Board of Education approve the hiring of Tara Moore as full time paraprofessional, with wages as per the AGS-MESPA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective intermediately, as presented MOTION () ; SUPPORTED () and carried unanimously the Board of Education approve the hiring of Tara Moore, as full time paraprofessional, with wages as per the AGS-MESPA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective immediately, as presented Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VIII.G. Hiring of Paraprofessional # 2
Attached are application materials from Pamala Steward for the Full Time Paraprofessional position. Upon conclusion of interviews and contract negotiations, Mr. Ming and the Personnel Committee are recommending the Board hire Pamala Steward for the position.
I move the Board of Education approve the hiring of Pamala Steward as full time paraprofessional, with wages as per the AGS-MESPA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective intermediately, as presented MOTION () ; SUPPORTED () and carried unanimously the Board of Education approve the hiring of Pamala Steward, as full time paraprofessional, with wages as per the AGS-MESPA Master Agreement Salary Schedule, effective immediately, as presented Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
VIII.H. Establishment of 2021-22 Food Service Meal Prices
Attached is Mrs. Marthaler's recommendation for 2021-22 meal prices. Per federal regulations, we must charge lunch and breakfast prices that are comparable to our reimbursement rate. As such, an increase in prices is necessary.
Motion Needed I move the Board of Education to establish the price of adult lunches at $4.25, and adult breakfasts at $2.50 for 2021-22, as presented. MOTION () ; SUPPORTED () and carried unanimously by the Board of Education established the price of adult lunches at $4.25, and adult breakfasts at $2.50 for 2021-22, as presented. Motion by ________________________ Supported by __________________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |
Motion Needed I move the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at ___:___ p.m. Motion by _____________________ Supported by _______________________ Roll call vote as follows: Heather Caulfield _____ Matt Dewyer _____ Nicholas Moore _____ Eric Schwiderson _____ Norma Schwiderson _____ Laura Storey _______ Fred Robel _______ Ayes _____ Nays _____ |