January 19, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
ITEM 1: Call to Order
ITEM 2: Roll Call
ITEM 3: Pledge of Allegiance
ITEM 4: Citizens' Comments
ITEM 5: Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes
A.1. December 15, 2021 - Regular Meeting
A.2. January 5, 2022 - Organizational Meeting
A.3. January 13, 2022 - Committee of the Whole - Work Session
B. Approval of Bills for Payment
C. New Hires
C.1. Bill Melching
D. Policies for Second Reading and Adoption
D.1. 8450.06 (New) COVID-19 Vaccination, Testing, and Face-Covering Policy
ITEM 6: Business Committee
A. Financial Reports
B. Contract Listing
C. Facilities Listing
ITEM 7: Superintendent's Comments
A. David Femminineo
B. Student Athlete Recognition
ITEM 8: Committee Reports
A. Business/Finance
B. Community Coalition
C. Curriculum/Personnel
D. Educational Foundation
E. Policy
E.1. Attendance Policy and Regulation from MTCPS Parent-Student Handbook
E.2. Fund Raising
F. Legislation
ITEM 9: Board Comments
ITEM 10: Adjournment