May 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Mission: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
I.D. Approval of Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approves the agenda of the May 23, 2022, regular meeting, as presented. |
I.E. Approval of Minutes
Motion: The Board of Education approves the minutes of the May 9, 2022, regular meeting, as presented.
II. Recognition
II.A. Edgewood Village Scholars
II.B. Student Representatives to the Board of Education
II.C. ↵Student Representatives to Academic and Technology Committee
II.D. 2022 Retirees
III. Student Representative Report
IV. Superintendent's Report
V. Consent Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approves the consent agenda to include the following items:
V.A. The Board approves the hiring of Devon Houston, 1.0 FTE MacDonald Middle School Special Education teacher pending receiving his Michigan teaching certificate at BA Step 5 effective August 22, 2022.
V.B. The Board approves the hiring of Karlie Walraven, 1.0 FTE Resource Room and Intervention Specialist teacher at Whitehills Elementary pending receiving her Michigan teaching certificate at BA Step 3 effective August 22, 2022.
V.C. The Board approves the hiring of Paige VanAtta, 1.0 FTE Kindergarten teacher at Red Cedar Elementary at BA Step 4 effective August 22, 2022.
V.D. The Board approves the hiring of Ivelise Hamlett, 1.0 FTE 1st grade teacher at Red Cedar Elementary at BA Step 4 effective August 22, 2022.
V.E. The Board approves the hiring of Chester Richmond, 1.0 FTE 2nd grade teacher at Red Cedar Elementary at BA Step 8 effective August 22, 2022.
V.F. The Board approves the hiring of Elizabeth Bastin, 1.0 FTE High School Special Education teacher pending receiving her Michigan teaching certificate at MA Step 3 effective August 22, 2022.
V.G. The Board approves the hiring of McKenzie Koenigsknecht, 1.0 FTE Resource Room and Intervention Specialist teacher at Robert L. Green Elementary pending receiving her Michigan teaching certificate at BA Step 3 effective August 22, 2022.
V.H. The Board approves the hiring of Emily Nagel, 1.0 FTE 5th grade teacher at Glencairn Elementary at BA Step 3 effective August 22, 2022.
V.I. The Board approves the hiring of Megan Owen, 1.0 FTE 4th grade teacher at Glencairn Elementary at BA Step 6 effective August 22, 2022.
V.J. The Board approves the hiring of Mary Koenig, 1.0 FTE 4th grade teacher at Glencairn Elementary at BA Step 3 effective August 22, 2022.
VI. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
VII. Presentation
2021-22 Final Budget Revision, Richard Pugh, Director of Finance and Operations |
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. High School Band and Orchestra Ensembles Trip to Washington DC
Motion: The Board of Education approves the trip request from David Larzelere and Dave Rosin for a High School band and orchestra ensemble trip to Washington DC in March 2023.
VIII.B. MacDonald Middle School Concert Band and Orchestra Trip to Chicago, II
Motion: The Board of Education approve the trip request from Patricia Kroth, Mikaela Vanator, and David Rosin to travel to Chicago for an overnight trip in May 2023 with MacDonald Middle School band and orchestra students.
VIII.C. Elementary Classroom Bookshelves
Motion: The Board of Education approves the purchase of bookcases from Interstate Office Interiors in the amount of $30,899.20.
VIII.D. MacDonald Middle School Science Curriculum Adoption
Motion: The Board of Education approves the purchase of Science Education for Public Understanding Program (SEPUP) as the core Science curriculum for MacDonald Middle School grades 6 - 8 in the amount of $116,311.49.
VIII.E. 2021-22 Final Budget Revision
VIII.E.1. General Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2021-2022 Final Budget Revision resolution for the General Fund as presented. |
VIII.E.2. Food Service Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2021-2022 Final Budget Revision resolution for the Food Service Fund as presented. |
VIII.E.3. Student/School Activity Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2021-2022 Final Budget Revision resolution for the Student/School Activity Fund as presented. |
IX. Committee Reports
IX.A. Academic and Technology Committee
IX.B. Facilities Committee
IX.C. Finance Committee
IX.D. Intergovernmental Relations
IX.E. Personnel Committee
IX.F. Policy Committee
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment