February 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Mission: Nurturing Each Child, Educating All Students, Building World Citizens
I.D. Approval of Agenda
I.E. Approval of Minutes
I.E.1. January 25, 2016 regular meeting
I.E.2. February 1, 2016 worksession
II. Superintendent's Report
III. Student Representative Report
IV. Parent Council Reports
V. Action Items
V.A. Rescind Red Cedar Programming
Motion: The Board of Education rescind in its entirety Motion 15-16/109 of December 14, 2015 which approved the recommendation of the Committee for Educational Programming for initiating innovative educational programming at Red Cedar PreK-5 in 2016 and Donley Elementary School as stated. |
V.B. Teacher Leader Committee Pre-K/Early Childhood
Motion: The Board of Education direct the Superintendent to immediately convene a committee of teacher leaders from the district to continue the pursuit of Pre–K/early childhood programming for the East Lansing School District. The Committee shall consist of district teacher leaders with expertise and interest in this area of educational programming and one Board member with expertise in early childhood. The Superintendent may appoint other members to the committee at her discretion. The majority of the committee shall be teacher leaders from the district. The committee is to report to the Board its findings as to the feasibility of establishing a pre- K/early childhood program at Red Cedar beginning September, 2016 in a timely enough manner to implement a program within that time-line if feasible. The ELPS Finance Director will assist in providing necessary financial scheduling information. |
V.C. Teacher Leader Committee on STEAM
Motion: The Board of Education direct the Superintendent to appoint a committee of teacher leaders from the district to continue the pursuit of STEAM (Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math) programming in order to determine both the value of integrating, as well as the best way to integrate, this programming into all or part of the East Lansing Public Schools curriculum. The Committee shall consist of no fewer than 4 teacher leaders including the teachers who engaged in both the Educational Programming committee as well as the STEAM visit to Ann Arbor, at least one elementary teacher with interest/expertise in the concept of STEAM, one high school teacher who has experience in collaborating with MSU on developing curriculum in one or more of these areas and at least one faculty member and/or graduate student from the MSU College of Education to be chosen by the teacher leaders. The Superintendent may appoint other members to the committee at her discretion. The majority of the committee shall be teacher leaders from the district. The committee is requested to report to the Board its findings before the beginning of the 2016-17 school year and provide the board with insight into the time needed to complete their work and the direction in which they are heading. |
V.D. General Fund Expenditures Related to Red Cedar
Motion: The Board of Education rescind Motion 15-16/138 to remove the caveat to the First Revision of the 2015-16 General Fund that all expenditures related to Red Cedar come to the Board for approval, with the understanding that the agreement with the consultant for educational programming will cease immediately and any payment for work accomplished to date on Stage 2 will be presented to the Finance Director and the Board Finance Committee prior to any payment being made. Further, the Finance Director is directed to obtain the safety inspection of the Red Cedar facility so that any modifications that might need to be made for pre-K/early childhood programs in the fall of 2016 will be known. |
V.E. Expenditures from 2013 Capital Projects Fund Related to Red Cedar
Motion: The Board of Education rescind Motion 15-16/146 to remove the caveat that all expenditures from the 2013 Capital Projects Fund related to Red Cedar come to the Board for approval. |
VI. Board Comments
VII. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to three minutes. If a speaker requires more than three minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
VIII. Committee Reports
VIII.A. Intergovernmental Relations
VIII.B. Personnel Committee
VIII.C. Policy Committee
VIII.D. Ingham School Officers Association (ISOA)
IX. Recognition
IX.A. Charles Schertzing is the first water polo player in HOTEL's history to make the MWPA East Region's second team. Charles Schertzing and Zachary Sneathen made the Lansing State Journal's boys' water polo Dream Team. Cameron Spicer and Matthew Eriksen were all-area selections in the LSJ Dream Team. Mikey Kuhl received an honorable mention, The team also achieved Academic All-State honors.
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment