June 8, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Approval of Agenda
I.D. Approval of Minutes
I.D.1. May 18, 2015 regular meeting
I.D.2. May 28, 2015 special meeting
I.D.3. June 1, 2015 special meeting
II. Student Recognition
II.A. Edgewood Scholars - presented by Jonathan Rosewood
II.B. Matt Epling Art Competition Awardees - by Kevin and Tammy Epling
III. District Parent Council
IV. Presentation of Proposed 2015-16 Budget and Tax Levy by Richard Pugh, Director of Finance
V. Public Hearing on Proposed 2015-16 Budget
This is an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed budget. |
VI. Consent Agenda
Motion: The Board of Education approve the Consent agenda to include the following items: |
VI.A. retirement of teaching staff member, Brian Post effective June 5, 2015
VI.B. request for an unpaid personal leave of absence for elementary school teacher, Kerry McElmurry for the 2015-2016 school year
VI.C. appointment of Ms. Amy Webster as Principal of Pinecrest Elementary School effective August 3, 2015
VI.D. MHSAA Resolution for 2015-16
VII. Action Items
VII.A. iPad Purchase
Motion: The Board of Education approve the purchase of 200 Apple iPads at a total cost of $84,800.00 to be paid from the Technology Bond funds. |
VII.B. Desktop Computer Purchase
Motion: The Board of Education approve the purchase of 170 HP Model 400 G1 PC's from Sehi Computer Products at a cost of $78,256.20 to be paid from the Technology Bond funds. |
VII.C. Laptop Computer Purchase
Motion: The Board of Education approve the purchase of 54 Hewlett Packard HP 210 G1 laptop computers from Inacom at a cost of $21,083.22 to be paid from the Technology Bond funds. |
VII.D. Middle School Band Trip to Chicago
Motion: The Board of Education approve the trip request for the Middle School concert band and orchestra to travel to Chicago in May, 2016 as presented. |
VII.E. 2015-16 Budget
VII.E.1. General Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2015-16 Recommended Budget resolution for the General Fund as presented. |
VII.E.2. Special Revenue Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2015-16 Recommended Budget resolution for the Special Revenue Fund as presented. |
VII.E.3. Debt Retirement Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2015-16 Recommended Budget resolution for the Debt Retirement Funds as presented. |
VII.E.4. Sinking Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2015-16 Recommended Budget resolution for the Sinking Fund as presented. |
VII.E.5. 2012 Capital Projects Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2015-16 Recommended Budget resolution for the 2012 Capital Projects Fund as presented. |
VII.E.6. 2013 Capital Projects Fund
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the 2015-16 Recommended Budget resolution for the 2013 Capital Projects Fund as presented. |
VII.F. 2015 Certification of Tax Levy
Motion: The Board of Education approve the 2015 millage rates to be levied on July 1, 2015 as calculated per the Michigan Department of Treasury form L-4029 as presented. |
VII.G. Meal Prices
Motion: The Board of Education approve the following food service meal prices for the 2015-16 fiscal year as presented. |
VIII. Public Comment: This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings.
IX. Board Discussion
IX.A. Board Vacancy
IX.B. Potential Elementary Bond - Possible Scheduling of a Worksession
X. Recognition
XI. Announcements
XII. Closed Session
Motion: The Board of Education meet in closed session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining strategy pursuant to Section 8(c) of the Open Meetings Act. |
XIII. Adjournment