April 28, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening of Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Approval of Agenda
I.D. Approval of Minutes
I.D.1. April 14, 2014 regular meeting
I.D.2. April 14, 2014 special meeting
I.D.3. April 24, 2014 special meeting
II. Student Representative Report
III. District Parent Council
IV. Superintendent's Report
V. Student Recognition
V.A. Edgewood Village Scholars - Angelina Buntha, Selina Moreno, Ryan Aljaari, and Aliya Lindsey
VI. Public Comment
This is the opportunity to address the Board. Speakers are to confine their remarks to five minutes. If a speaker requires more than five minutes, after all other persons who have requested to speak during this part of the meeting have spoken, that speaker will be allowed additional time. The Superintendent or other district staff may comment to clear up or avoid significant misunderstandings. |
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Motion: The Board of Education approve the consent agenda to include the following:
VII.A.1. Retirement of teaching staff member Marianne Forman effective June 30, 2014
VII.A.2. One year unpaid personal leave of absence for
Pinecrest teacher Kerry McElmurry effective June 30, 2014
VIII. Presentation
VIII.A. 2014-15 Budget Recommendation by Richard Pugh, Director of Finance
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Schools of Choice 2014-15
Motion: The Board of Education adopt the resolution authorizing the East Lansing Public Schools to participate as a 2014-15 school of choice school district. |
IX.B. Structured Cabling Bid
Motion: The Board of Education award the MacDonald Middle Schools structured cabllng project to Moss Communications in the amount of $27,071. |
X. Discussion
X.A. Board Terms
XI. Committee Reports
XI.A. Academic Committee
XI.B. Contract Methodology Committee
XI.C. Facilities Committee
XI.D. Finance Committee
XI.E. Intergovernmental Relations Committee
XI.F. Personnel Committee
XI.G. Policy Committee
XI.H. Superintendent Search Committee
XI.I. Strategic Planning
XI.J. Board Development
XII. Recognition
XII.A. Stefani Wagner's Book - "School is Hard for Me"
XII.B. East Lansing High School received the Silver Award from U.S. News and World Report in the 2014 Best High Schools rankings
XII.C. Michigan Green Schools - Marble (Green), Pinecrest (Emerald), Red Cedar (Evergreen)
XII.D. Emma Rutkowski - Earned Top ACT Score of 36
XII.E. Ricky Aldaco honored by Delhi Twp. Fire Dept. - 2013 Explorer of the Year Award
XII.F. Top Scholars - Cross Country Seniors
XII.G. National Society of Arts and Letters Poetry Competition - Stasa Wade 1st prize, Lucy Whipp 2nd place and Alivia Knol 3rd place; honorable mentions Samuel Ehnis-Clark, Helen Murphy, Ayley Shortridge and Jackie Thomas
XIII. Reports from Liaisons
XIV. Announcements
XV. Adjournment