January 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Motion to Approve the Order of the Agenda (A)
2. Election of Temporary Chairperson (#0151)(A)
3. Election of the Officers of the Board (#0152) (Roll Call Vote) (A)
4. Board Organizational Proceedings (A)
4.a. Establish Time, Date and Place for the Regular Monthly Meetings (#0154) The time, date, and place for the Regular Monthly Meetings of the Board of Education of Ionia Public Schools for the 2024 calendar year be set for 7:00 p.m. on the dates and individual locations (all within the Ionia Educational Center at 250 E. Tuttle Rd., Ionia, MI 48846), as listed on the attached Notice of Schedule of Regular Meetings.
4.b. Establish Procedure for Special Meetings #0164.2/0165.3 The Special Meetings of the Board of Education for the 2024 calendar year will be called upon written order (specifying time, date and place) of the President of the Board of Education (or in his/her absence, by the Vice-President), or by any two (2) board members which shall be posted to BoardBook at least twenty-four hours in advance of the meeting time and designate the Superintendent's Secretary as responsible for all actions necessary to comply with the Open Meetings Act # 267.
4.c. Depositories for School Funds (#0154) Mercantile Bank of Ionia, Independent Bank Corporation of Ionia, Michigan CLASS and Michigan One Community Credit Union of Ionia be and hereby are designated as the legal depositories as approved by the Board of Education as they deem appropriate, of the monies belonging to the Ionia Public Schools, City and County of Ionia, State of Michigan.
4.d. Designation of Accessibility of School Safety Deposit Box (#0154) The present practice for maintaining a safety deposit box in the Independent Bank Corporation of Ionia, which shall be accessible to the President and the Treasurer of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools and the Associate Superintendent of Business & Finance, provided that at least two of these parties shall be present. The present practice for maintaining a safety deposit box in the Mercantile Bank of Ionia, which shall be accessible to the President and Treasurer of the Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools and the Associate Superintendent of Business & Finance, High School Principal and/or High School Counselors provided that at least two of these parties shall be present
4.e. Designation of Signatories for Purchase or Sale of Property (#0154 and #7300) The Board of Education shall authorize the Superintendent and/or the Associate Superintendent of Business & Finance to sign documents, following Board approval, for the purchase or sale of property
4.f. Designation of Fee Charged to Individuals who Request Notice of Board Meetings (#0154) An individual who requests notification of Board Meetings by first-class mail shall be responsible for the cost of postage and copy charges of $.10 per page. There will be no charge if an individual receives the notification by email.
4.g. Designation of the Electronic Transfer Officer (#6144) The Associate Superintendent of Business & Finance shall be designated as the Electronic Transfer Officer (ETO) and authorized to use electronic fund transfers to complete transactions on behalf of the Board and for the responsibilities detailed in Board Policy #6144. Designate the Electronic Transfer Officer (ETO) in Accordance with Policy #6144.
4.h. Designation of Position Titles Authorized to Use District Credit/Debit Cards (#6424) The following positions are authorized to use district credit cards - Superintendent, Directors, High/Middle School Principals, Homeless Liaison/Truancy Officer, Accounts Payable, Executive Assistant, Associate Superintendent
5. Consent Agenda (#0166.1)(A)
5.a. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting - December 18, 2023
5.b. Payment of the Bills
6. Public Comment (#0167.3)
7. Superintendent Highlights (I)
8. Student Representative Highlights (I)
9. Recognition of Retiring Staff (I)
10. Recognition of the Hoppough Family (I)
11. Interview and Selection of New Board Member (A)
12. Sinking Fund Update (I)
13. Review of Financial Status Report (I)
14. Support Staff Hires (I)
15. Neola Policy Updates - 2nd Reading (A)
15.a. Policy #0122
15.b. Policy #1420
15.c. Policy #3130
15.d. Policy #3131
16. Consideration of Approval to Enter Closed Session for Union Negotiations (OMA Section 8c) (Roll Call Vote) (A)
17. Return to Open Session & Possible Action (A)
18. Board Comment
19. Adjournment
The next Regular meeting of the Board of Education of Ionia Public Schools is scheduled to be held on February 19, 2024, in Conference Room #304 located at the Ionia Educational Center, 250 E. Tuttle Road, Ionia, Michigan 48846. |