May 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance - Roll Call - Amend Agenda
III. Recognitions & Presentations
III.A. Community Mental Health Writing Contest Winners
III.B. Emily Tenniswood - College Advisor
III.C. Outdoor Classroom - Nicole DeGowske
III.D. SCCASB Scholarship
III.E. Teen Health Clinic
III.F. Dean Transportation - Patrick Dean
IV. Consent Agenda Items
IV.A. Approval of Agenda & Minutes
IV.B. Personnel Items
IV.B.1. New Hires
IV.B.1.a. Lauren Spoerl - Sixth Grade Social Studies Teacher - Algonquin Elementary
IV.B.2. Resignations
IV.B.2.a. Michael Grant - Science Teacher - Algonac Jr./Sr. High School
IV.B.2.b. Mary Ruhlman - English Teacher - Algonac Jr./Sr. High School
IV.B.2.c. Chris Viney - Special Education - Algonac Jr./Sr. High School
IV.B.2.d. Grace Blair - Paraprofessional - GSRP
IV.C. Treasurer's Report & Bills for Approval
IV.C.1. Treasurer's Report
IV.C.2. Bills for Approval
IV.C.3. Special Revenue Fund - Internal Accounts
V. Information Items
V.A. Moody's Credit Summary
V.B. Neola Policy Update - Volume 37, Number 2 - Second Read
V.C. Transportation Contract
V.D. Administrative Reports
V.D.1. Ryan Melrose - Algonac Jr./Sr. High School
V.D.2. Brooklynn Lestage - Algonquin Elementary
V.D.3. Melissa Hanners - Millside Elementary/Curriculum Director
V.D.4. Dana Bosel - Pte. Tremble Childcare Center
V.E. Board Reports
V.F. Superintendent's Report
VI. Visitors & Their Requests (Persons wishing to address the Board should complete a "Visitors and Their Request" form and submit it to the Board Secretary prior to the start of the meeting.)
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Overnight Trip Request
VII.A.1. Volleyball Team Building
VII.B. Neola Policy Updates: Volume 37, Number 2
VII.C. RESA Budget and TEC Program
VII.D. Resolution for RESA 2023 Biennial Election
VII.E. Resolution Setting Public Hearing on 2023-24 Budget
VII.F. Food Service Contract Approval
VII.G. Chromebook Purchase
VIII. Closed Session
IX. Adjournment