January 21, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call the Meeting to Order
Board President or Designee
LEADERSHIP • SERVICE • SUPPORT Notice of this meeting was given in advance according to State Law 84-1411, by giving notice of the meeting to the public on ESU 7 website www.esu7.org and posted at location of meeting. Notice of this meeting was also given in advance to all members of the Board of Education of Educational Service Unit 7. Availability of the agenda and purpose of the hearing was communicated in the advance notice of the meeting and in the notice to the members of this hearing. All proceedings of the Board of Education of Educational Service Unit 7 were taken while the convened hearing was open to the attendance of the public.
Board Member Doug Pauley called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
1.1. Notification of Open Meetings Law
Board President or Designee
This meeting has been preceded by reasonable advance notice and is hereby declared to be in open session. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room.
1.2. Roll Call
Board President or Designee
1.3. Absent Board Members
Board President or Designee
Board member Richard Stephens will be absent. He notified the Administrator prior to the meeting.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Board member absences as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Member Beth Kabes asked for clarification on board meeting attendance, and who and how board members should notify if they will be absent.
Administrator Elmshaeuser shared that Board Member Don Graff called in ill and Board Member Dick Stephens had a family event. Board Member Karen Gomez did not notify of her absence - a call and text were sent to her by Secretary to the Board, Morgan Morsett. Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked how the board can excuse a board member if they did not call in prior to the meeting. Board Member Dawn Lindsley has concerns regarding Board Member Karen Gomez's absences. Board Member Karen Gomez walked in at 5:35 p.m. |
1.4. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President or Designee
2. Approval of Agenda
Board President or Designee
The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the Board.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Welcome Visitors
Board President or Designee
4. Public Comment
Board President or Designee
The Board has the discretion to limit the amount of time set aside for public participation.
Citizens wishing to address the Board on a certain agenda item must complete the Request to be Heard Document prior to the start of the board meeting. Citizens wishing to present petitions to the Board may do so at this time. However, the Board will only receive the petitions and not act upon them or their contents. |
5. Virtual Conferencing for February 2025
Nebraska Revised Statute § 84-1411 authorizes virtual meetings for educational service units if the requirements of subdivision (2)(b) are met. The board will determine if next month's board meeting should allow for a virtual conferencing option.
The Board voted to have a virtual conferencing option for the February 2025 board meeting.
Board Member Beth Kabes asked if attendance via Zoom was optional for Zoom meetings or if the entire meeting was held via Zoom.
Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked how many zoom options we have used - we can do February and 1 more. Administrator Elmshaeuser explained that the board can hold 4 Zoom meetings. Corrections: Boards can hold up to 1/2 of the meetings virtually. ESU 7 holds 11 board meetings per year. Per Open Meetings Act: (iv) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, subsection (1) of section 70-1014, subsection (2) of section 70-1014.02, or subsection (4) of section 79-2204, no more than one-half of the meetings of the state entities, advisory committees, boards, councils, organizations, or governing bodies are held by virtual conferencing in a calendar year. |
6. Board Code of Ethics and Oath of Office
Board President or Designee
Annually, Board Members participate in the Oath of Office and sign their Code of Ethics.
I, _____________________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely and without mental reservations, or for purpose or evasions; and that I will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of the office of member of the Board of Educational Service Unit No. 7, according to law, to the best of my ability. And I do further swear that I do not advocate, nor am I a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or this State by force or violence; and that during such time that I am in this position I will not advocate nor become a member of any political party or organization that advocates the overthrow of the government of the United States or this State by force or violence. So help me God.
The Board recited the Oath of Office as well as signed and dated copies.
7. Election of Board Officers
Board President or Designee
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.1. Election of Board President
Board President or Designee
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to elect ___________ as President of the Board of Education.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to elect ___________ as President of the Board of Education Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Member Jack Young nominated Board Member Doug Pauley.
7.2. Election of Vice President of the Board of Education
Board President or Designee
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to elect __________ as Vice President of Board of Education.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to elect __________ as Vice President of Board of Education Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Member Doug Pauley nominated Board Member Jack Young.
7.3. Election of Secretary of Board of Education
Board President or Designee
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to elect __________ as Secretary of Board of Education.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to elect __________ as Secretary of Board of Education Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Member Jack Young nominated Board Member Dawn Lindsley.
8. Committees and Positions
Board President or Designee
8.1. Select Treasurer to the Board of Education
Board President or Designee
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to appoint _________ as Treasurer to the Board of Education Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.2. Select Recording Secretary to the Board of Education
Board President or Designee
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to appoint __________ as Recording Secretary to the Board of Education Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.3. Select members of Board Committees
Board President or Designee
Members of the Board will choose Committees to partake in.
2024 Members: Negotiations: - Richard Stephens (Chair) - Richard Luebbe - Don Graff - Bob Arp Budget: - Gary Wieseler (Chair) - Jack Young - Dawn Lindsley Handbook: - Dawn Lindsley (Chair) - Joyce Baumert - Bob Arp Evaluation - Marni Danhauer (Chair) - Joyce Baumert - Amy Blaser Buildings and Grounds: - Bob Arp (Chair) - Doug Pauley - Jack Young - Joyce Baumert
Board Member Bob Arp asked that he be removed from one committee since he's on three. Board Member Dawn Lindsley mentioned not everyone is on a committee. 2024 Negotiations & Buildings and Grounds Committees each have 4.
Negotiations: - Richard Stephens (Chair) - Richard Luebbe - Don Graff Budget: - Karen Gomez - Jack Young - Dawn Lindsley Handbook: - Joyce Baumert (Chair) - Bob Arp - Beth Kabes - Dawn Lindsley Evaluation: - Marni Danhauer (Chair) - Joyce Baumert - Amy Blaser - Beth Kabes Buildings & Grounds: - Bob Arp (Chair) - Doug Pauley - Jack Young - Joyce Baumert |
9. Dissemination of Conflict of Interest Forms
Board President or Designee
Annually, Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics forms will be disseminated to the Board for signature.
Board Secretary Dawn Lindsley filled out a Conflict of Interest Form.
10. Consent Agenda
Board President or Designee
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time. If any Board member wishes to discuss an item, it must be removed from the consent agenda at which time the remaining items will be acted upon. Consent Agenda Includes:
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve the consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.1. Minutes
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.2. Presentation of Bills #79115 through #79254 totaling $912,660.26
Board President or Designee
The summary of bills for the current month total:$912,660.26 - Bills #79115 through #79254 General Activity Fund total: No activity this month.
10.3. Reading of Article I, Section 1, F Unit Calendar
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.4. Reading of Article I, Section 3, B Filling Vacancies
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.5. Reading of Article I, Section 3, E Oath of Office
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.6. Reading of Article I, Section 3, F Code of Ethics for Board Members
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.7. Reading of Article I, Section 4, A Officer Positions
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.8. Reading of Article I, Section 4, B President
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.9. Reading of Article I, Section 4, C Vice President
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.10. Reading of Article I, Section 4, D Secretary
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.11. Reading of Article I, Section 4, E Treasurer
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.12. Reading of Article I, Section 4, F Recording Secretary
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.13. Reading of Article I, Section 5, A Committees
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.14. Reading of Article I, Section 5, C Temporary Committees
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.15. Reading of Article I, Section 5, D Committee Operations
Board President or Designee
This is a consent item.
10.16. Annual SPARQ Data Solution Dues
Board President or Designee
The amount for the 2025-2026 SPARQ dues is: $2600.
This is a consent item.
10.17. Excess Lodging and Meals
Excess Lodging and Meals:
11. January 2025 Board Spotlight - Professional Development
Professional Development and CTE Coordinator Brandy Thompson, will present the January Board Spotlight regarding Professional Development and Career & Technical Education.
Professional Development Coordinator Brandy Thompson presented on Career Technical Education. She expanded on the Mini-Region Approach. Brandy has worked with 11 schools and the CTE teachers (home economics & family consumer science, business teachers, ag teachers). She did program alignment last spring, using a needs & wants assessment. The wants should enhance the needs - intentional and fiscally responsible. Surveys looked at the courses districts currently offer, what they could offer, and find out what kids want. Work-based learning has so much to it. Hwy 91 career fair shows how the level 2 mini-regions function. Currently in mini-region 2, ESU 7 does things naturally already. Brandy wants to be a one-stop shop, so she's set up her page on the website to reflect this. Teachers are coming in this spring for professional development and have already set dates for fall of 2025 and spring of 2026. Columbus Public Schools is not in the consortium as they have their own CTE coordinator. Brandy meets quarterly with NDE CTE leaders.
Questions: Board Member Bob Arp asked for clarification on the terms: BMIT & STS. Brandy clarified BMIT is Business Management Information & Technology and STS is Skilled & Technical Sciences. Board Member Doug Pauley asked how Brandy came up with the 3-level model. Brandy came up with it using her previous experience and as a past building principal. Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked if Brandy had asked the schools to do the assessment on the high quality CTE framework. Brandy shared she has not. She felt the schools are not ready for it. Brandy wants to be able to show them the path, and there's nothing to put in front of them yet. Does not want to jump ahead of NDE. When NDE is ready to move, then Brandy and others like her will move. Director Ostmeyer, added that Brandy is an example of the ESU 7 service planning process working. Brandy is the only one who does this in ESUs across the state. Other schools have reached out for help from Brandy, but we put our own schools first. Director Clay, added schools wanted this service and didn't know how good it could actually be. |
12. Treasurer's Report
Board President or Designee
Review the breakdown of the Treasurer's Report.
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked if there were any updates from an administrative perspective. Administrator Elmshaeuser advised that the ESU 7 financials were on track.
13. Contract for Chief Administrator Marci Ostmeyer
Chief Administrator Marci Ostmeyer's contract term will begin July 1, 2025 and expire June 30, 2027.
Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take any action necessary to approve the contract for Chief Administrator Marci Ostmeyer as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take any action necessary to approve the contract for Chief Administrator Marci Ostmeyer as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
14. Potential Contract for 2025-2026 Professional Development Director
Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take any action necessary to approve the contract for the 2025-2026 Professional Development Director as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take any action necessary to approve the contract for the 2025-2026 Professional Development Director as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
On January 20, 2025, Director Clay, Director Ellsworth, Director Ostmeyer, Professional Development Coordinator Kendra Gustafson and Superintendent Chad Denker interviewed three well qualified candidates for the Professional Development Director position for 2025-26. The position has been offered to Elizabeth Ericson, the current Director of Learning at York Public Schools. She brings a wealth of experience as a current Director. Board member Bob Arp asked about her teaching background. Beth started as an elementary teacher, teaching 6th grade, 5th grade and as a kindergarten teacher. Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked how we determine the compensation package. Administrator Elmshaeuser said the procedure for the last 5 years is comparing salaries of all Professional Development Directors throughout the ESUs, and keeping staff in the bottom to middle of the top 3rd, based on years of experience.
15. Reading of Article II, Section 6, A Notice to Public
Board President or Designee
Review Article II, Section 6, A Notice to Public of the ESU 7 Policy Manual.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve Article II, Section 6, A Notice to Public as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Administrator Elmshaeuser stated this change came from our attorney this month. The newspaper we provide the public notice meeting to must share the public notice with the state-wide database of public notices.
16. Reading of Article V, Section 1, A Policy of Non-Discrimination
Board President or Designee
Review Article V, Section 1, A Policy of Non-Discrimination of the ESU 7 Policy Manual.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to approve of Article V, Section 1, A Policy of Non-Discrimination as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Administrator Elmshaeuser stated the policy change has been out since August and there has been legislation at the federal level regarding the policy. There is currently language in the policy that can be moved to procedure so that policy is simple and addresses discrimination. Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked if we would take the grievance portion out of the policy manual and put it in the procedure manual. Director Ostmeyer answered, saying yes, but not copied and pasted. Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked about the board approving the policy and procedure timeline along with handbooks. Director Ostmeyer & Director Clay said they would look into it and get back. Board Member Karen Gomez asked if it was just discrimination or harassment and discrimination. Director Ostmeyer explained there is a process to determine which route will be taken, but it's all encompassed in Title IX. Board Member Bob Arp also mentioned ESU 7's handbooks go into great detail, so to take a look at the handbooks and ask questions.
17. Designations
Board President or Designee
17.1. Designate depository bank(s)
Board President or Designee
Authorized Depositories, Bonds, Disbursement of Funds requires the ESU 7 Board to annually authorize depositories for ESU 7 Funds. The checking accounts are currently at First National Bank, Columbus. The Board authorizes the Administrator and Board Treasurer to contact banks in the ESU area to invest money at the best rate.
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to authorize First National Bank, Columbus as the depository bank, as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to authorize First National Bank, Columbus as the depository bank, as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
17.2. Designate Newspapers of Record
Board President or Designee
The Columbus Telegram is a newspaper of general circulation in all counties in the ESU 7 Area. Legal Notices as required will be reported in the Columbus Telegram.
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to designate the Columbus Telegram as the ESU 7 newspaper of record.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action to designate the Columbus Telegram as the ESU 7 newspaper of record Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
18. ESU 7 2025-2026 General Unit Calendar
Board President or Designee
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the ESU 7 2025-2026 General Unit Calendar as presented.
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the ESU 7 2025-2026 General Unit Calendar as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked a question regarding budget deadlines and the September board meeting date.
Board Member Marni Danhauer asked why the February 2026 meeting is scheduled for Tuesday. Administrator Elmshaeuser replied that Board President Doug Pauley asked that any Monday meeting that fell on a holiday be moved to Tuesday. Administrator Elmshaeuser noted the name change from LA/Cen7ter/Bridges to "Level III Programs" and Agency Team meetings were removed due to frequent rescheduling. She also mentioned the winter break dates. A poll was taken, and the majority wanted to work December 22, 2025, and have the Friday and Monday surrounding Easter off. |
19. Mileage Reimbursement Rate
Board President or designee
The IRS Mileage rate for 2025 - 2026 is $0.70 per mile.
Article III, Section 4, D: Coffee Act Policy (Reimbursable Expenses) Reimbursement of Expenses. The ESU will pay the registration costs, tuition costs, fees or charges for attendance by Board members at such approved functions. The ESU will pay mileage at the rate allowed by law (that is, the rate established by the Department of Administrative Services) or actual travel expense if travel is authorized by commercial or charter means. The ESU will pay meals and lodging at a rate not exceeding the applicable federal rate unless a fully itemized claim is submitted substantiating the costs actually incurred in excess of such rate and such additional expenses are expressly approved by the Board. For employees and volunteers, the ESU will pay costs and make reimbursements in the same manner as provided above for Board member attendance, unless otherwise established by policy, Board action, contract, or negotiated agreement. Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take any action necessary for ESU 7 to approve the IRS Mileage rate for 2025 - 2026, which is $0.70 per mile.
Recommended Motion(s):
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take any action necessary for ESU 7 to approve the IRS Mileage rate for 2025 - 2026, which is $0.70 per mile Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
20. Coordinating Agency for ESU 7 Special Education Cooperative
Board President or designee
ESU 7 continues to serve as the coordinating agency for the ESU 7 Special Education Cooperative for 2025-2026.
Administrator Recommendation: Discuss, consider and take all necessary action for ESU 7 to continue to serve as the coordinating agency for the ESU 7 Special Education Cooperative for 2025-2026
Recommended Motion(s):
Discuss, consider and take all necessary action for ESU 7 to continue to serve as the coordinating agency for the ESU 7 Special Education Cooperative for 2025-2026 Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked if everyone understood what Cooperative Special Education means.
Director Clay stated that ESU 7 is the coordinating agency to provide Special Education services to our school districts. Special Education is not a statutory requirement in Rule 84 for ESUs to provide and is not funded by tax dollars. |
21. Administrator's Report General
Administrator or Designee
ESUCC Updates:
Administrator Elmshaeuser shared the Rule 84 meeting was held last week. NDE and ESUCC worked on a new MOU and the 10 priorities. Administrator Elmshaeuser is co-chairing the MTSS group with Casey Hurner, MTSS State Coordinator. The MOU will be for 2 years. At the following board meeting, the board approved the MOU and the collaborative work with NDE. Andy Boell provided an update on Cybersecurity. Reports from CEO, Dr. Polk & other committees. There was much discussion around the literacy work. Allyson DenBeste, Academic Officer & Office Administrator, presented the work being done at NDE regarding the Literacy Project. Director Ostmeyer shared that the Print Shop presented at the Regional PD Day. Teachers don't know how to order from the Print Shop in a way that represents what they actually want. Great experience for the teachers and the print shop personnel. Director Ostmeyer plans to provide some opportunities in the summer for professional development with the print shop staff. They have been working on updating the billing process. She is working with Eakes on the new ordering program and will be implementing it in the next month. Within the PD Department, the annual consultations are coming up, and it is a joint effort between all 3 directors. Director Clay stated they are entering time projections with schools for next year. Will the staffing we currently have meet the needs for next year? Looking for 2 Learning Academy teachers, a Speech Language Pathologist, and a School Psychologist. We are currently advertising for a Para for Cen7ter and looking into a 4th classroom for Learning Academy, only hesitating until we can hire the right person. Amy Slama has worked diligently with schools for their indicator 13 plans. Director Clay has been working with 3 districts with disproportionate representation. Director Clay will be helping a district with a corrective action plan. Continuing work on SPED determination improvement plans, root cause analysis & MTSS work. Several districts are working towards inclusionary practices and getting the students back into the classrooms - teaching the teachers how to support. Jackie Ternus has been taking the lead and Tami has helped. Final approval for the para to teacher project. Three current staff that are paraeducators were ready to join the program this year. Amy Richards has been doing so much work on it, as Director Clay is supporting. Bridges program, Director Clay has hired Amy Mazankowski as a teacher and Jenna Maddox as the administration/teacher for the program. Amy works 2 days a week and Jenna works 3 days a week. 2 more paras have been hired as well, along with a para from Cen7ter moving to the Bridges program. Director Clay is working on support for all the Special Education staff and meeting with all the core meetings. Students are making progress and, that is reflected in data reports, they are doing well and very happy. Director Clay is now the chair of the ESPD group and is also in the Rule 84 MTSS group with Administrator Elmshaeuser. Director Clay is also proud of her staff from PD day. Many presented, and they all stepped up and did an amazing job. Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked if hiring a second teacher for Bridges meant there would be more paras? Director Clay stated yes. Students will be brought in 1 at a time when the year starts. The referral system will be open in February. The programming is so different for each student. Board Member Dawn Lindsley also asked if they're opening another classroom, does there need to be more paras too? Yes, paras and teachers are not easy to hire right now. Upcoming events: Board recognition dinner will be at the Oak Room on Tuesday this year, since Easter break is on Monday. Flyers are attached |
21.1. Goal Update
Administrator or Designee
Administrator Elmshaeuser shared updates on the board goals. Goal 1 has been met. Goal 2 has a chart reflecting how many professional events each board member has attended. Reminder that the goal is to attend two outside professional development events. Goal 3 is board members attending local school board meetings.
Director Ostmeyer & Board Member Don Graff are scheduled to attend Osceola Public Schools board meeting in February. Administrator Elmshaeuser & Board Member Dawn Lindsley are scheduled to attend East Butler Public Schools board meeting in February. |
21.2. Services Update
Administrator or Designee
Administrator Elmshaeuser shared that over 1000 people came to the Regional PD day at Columbus High School on January 3, 2025. Great comments from everyone. A good problem was using classrooms set for 30 and had over 90 people attending the session. Board Member Dawn Lindsley had about 80 attendees at all of her sessions. Board Member Dawn Lindsley also questioned the attendance of ESU 7 staff, and asked if they were able to attend sessions and not just volunteer & present. The auditorium was utilized by Demoine Adams & Andrew Easton. We learned and have begun thinking about how to make adjustments, like utilizing repeat sessions & having a better understanding of the classrooms and space available at the High School. Board Member Dawn Lindsley let us know how phenomenal the day went, and she received many good comments on how the day went. People didn't mind sitting on the floor if it was a session they wanted to hear.
21.3. Facilities Update
Administrator or Designee
The Administrator will provide a facilities update during this item.
Rutt's is still not finished with the North Building HVAC but are getting close. There is one main unit that controls the air coming in that has not been finished yet. Since this unit is not functioning yet, the building was extremely cold on Monday and Tuesday as the system could not run at full capacity. We are hoping the project will be completed by the 1st of February.
The framing is almost done for the South Building Bridges Program construction. They are working on the electrical and mechanical installation. When done, there will be an inspection, and then they can begin to put up the dry wall. We are still working with Mike Kennedy from RVW on the Playground project specs. Need to make sure the playground surface meets the city code and the allowed variances. |
21.4. Personnel
Administrator or designee
Learning Academy Paraprofessional - Jade Podliska, start date January 2, 2025
Administrator Elmshaeuser stated that Jade started as an intern with ESU 7, and we have now hired her. Director Clay shared that she is one of the Grow Your Own participants for the para to teacher program.
21.5. Legislative Update
Administrator or Designee
During this item, the Administrator will provide a Legislative Update to members of the Board.
Administrator Elmshaeuser went through the legislative document shared with the board. She was at Bromm & Associates on Thursday along with other ESU Administrators to meet with the new senators. Shared concerns with LB 389 which would eliminate the levy authority of ESUs.
Board Member Dawn Lindsley asked if this was similar to what they did with the community colleges. Administrator Elmshaeuser also pointed out in the legislative report that the Governor's budget is reducing the amount of funds to ESUs. |
22. Committee Reports
Committee Chair
22.1. Negotiations Committee Report
Negotiations Committee Chair
Reports of activities and discussions from the Negotiations Committee will take place during this item.
The negotiations committee meeting was canceled and will be rescheduled.
23. Conference Report
Conference Attendees
Conference Attendees will report on their learnings.
Board Member Dawn Lindsley, Administrator Elmshaeuser and Director Ostmeyer are attending the NASB Legislative Issues Conference at the end of January.
24. Adjournment
Board President or Designee
Board President Doug Pauley adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m.