September 12, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Virginia Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order of regular meeting.
2. Consider additions or deletions to the agenda.
3. Recognition of visitors and public comment regarding the meeting agenda.
4. Consider Consent Agenda:
4.1. Minutes of the August 22, 2016, regular meeting.
4.2. Minutes of the August 29, 2015, working session.
4.3. Payment of the bills.
4.4. $907.54 for the Roosevelt Elementary School from Target's Take Charge of Education program.
4.5. $100.00 from the Wells Fargo Matching Gifts Program for Roosevelt Elementary School.
4.6. $5.90 from the General Mills BOXTOPS for Education Program for Roosevelt Elementary School.
4.7. Request for participation in the TRA Part-Time Teacher Program from Jill Phillips.
4.8. Resignation of Mikayla Koval from the paraprofessional position effective August 17, 2016.
4.9. Hire Charisse Salo for an ECFE Teacher position at $24.73 per hour for 28 weeks for 2016-2017.
4.10. Hire Mary Nelson for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.11. Hire Nicolle Schackman for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.12. Hire Shannen Toole for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.13. Hire Michelle Danielson for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.14. Hire Michelle Pietila for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.15. Hire Anthony Antonutti for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.16. Hire Yunhi Baldonado for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.17. Hire Alexis Carey for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2017.
4.18. Hire Jordan Auel for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.19. Hire Danielle Westling for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.20. Hire Peggy Hejda for a paraprofessional position effective September 6, 2016.
4.21. Hire Janie Koehler for a paraprofessional position effective September 7, 2016.
4.22. Hire Jace Friedlieb for C Team Football Coach position for 2016-2017 school year.
4.23. Hire Justin Bakkethun for Assistant Cross Country Coach position for 2016-2017 school year.
4.24. Hire Margaret Phillips for a Morning Cafeteria Aide position effective September 6, 2016.
4.25. Hire Lindsey Markwardt for Indian Education Elementary Liaison/Academic Advisor effective September 19, 2016.
5. Reports/Recognition:
5.1. Director of Maintenance
5.2. School Forest Report.
5.3. Assessment Results.
5.4. Enrollment Report.
5.5. Superintendent.
5.5.1. MSBA.
5.5.2. Opening Week of Staff Development and Opening Week of School.
5.5.3. Strategic Planning Year 1 Action Plan
5.6. Technology Student Association TEAMS Competition.
6. Administration Items:
6.1. Designate Superintendent Noel Schmidt as the Identified Official With Authority (IOWA) to authorize user access to the Minnesota Department of Education secure websites.
6.2. Consider $3,000.00 grant from the Virginia Community Foundation for instruments for the new Parkview Learning Center music program.
6.3. Consider $3,500.00 from ArcelorMittal for the school forest.
6.4. Consider Memorandum of Understanding Arrowhead Headstart and Virginia School District ISD 706.
6.5. Consider non-audit services to be performed by Walker, Giroux & Hahne, Ltd. and designate Business Manager Spencer Aune to oversee the non-audit services.
7. Public comment regarding meeting agenda.
8. Meeting Announcements:
8.1. Picture day is Thursday, September 15, 2016, in Goodman Auditorium.
8.2. Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, September 26, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Roosevelt 104.
9. Adjournment.