March 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Virginia Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order of regular meeting.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Consider additions or deletions to the agenda.
4. Recognition of visitors and public comment regarding the meeting agenda.
5. Consider Consent Agenda:
5.1. Minutes of the February 19, 2015, working session.
5.2. Minutes of the February 23, 2015, regular meeting.
5.3. Payment of the bills.
5.4. Accept AFSCME Notice of Desire to Negotiate.
5.5. Resignation of Ann Rautio from the Parkview Learning Center playground aide position effective February 16, 2015.
5.6. Resignation of secondary teacher David Hydukovich effective the end of the 2014-2015 school year,
5.7. Resignation for the purpose of retirement of Virginia High School Principal Laverne Hakly effective October 2, 2015.
5.8. Long Term Substitute Contract for Crystal Pearson.
5.9. Extended unpaid leave of absence for paraeducator Irene Gibson commencing March 2, 2015 through June 4, 2015.
5.10. Hire Amanda Schug for Playground Aide position at Parkview.
5.11. Hire Jeff Mauston for Head GIrls Tennis Coach fo 2015-2016.
5.12. Hire Dana Monson for Assistant Volleyball Coach for 2015-2016.
5.13. Hire Mario Del Greco for 7th Grade Baseball Coach for 2014-2015.
5.14. Hire Steven Golobich for 8th Grade Baseball Coach for 2014-2015.
5.15. Hire Jill Oja for 8th Grade Softball Coach for 2014-2015.
5.16. Hire Ashley Shereck for Assistant Softball Coach for 2014-2015.
5.17. Hire Andy DelGreco for Assistant Boys Track Coach for 2014-2015.
5.18. Hire Tucker Maloney for Boys Assistant Tennis Coach for 2014-2015.
5.19. Hire Erik Peterson for Coach/Driver position for 2014-2015.
5.20. Hire Jerome Krikelas for Coach/Driver position for 2014-2015.
5.21. Hire Mike Plesha for Coach/Driver position for 2014-2015.
6. Recognition/reports:
6.1. Student Representative.
6.2. Roosevelt Elementary School Principal.
6.3. Superintendent.
6.4. Finance Committee.
6.5. MSBA Joint Legislative Session Report.
6.6. RAMS Report.
7. Administration:
7.1. Consider 2015 Track Rental Agreement with Eveleth-Gilbert & Mt. Iron-Buhl.
7.2. Consider revised Overnight/Out of State Extracurricular Trips for Spring 2015.
7.3. Consider revised Volunteer Coaches for Spring 2015.
7.4. Consider accepting $1,529.27 for Virginia High School, $686.18 for Roosevelt Elementary School, and $817.75 for Parkview Learning Center from Target's Take Charge of Education program.
7.5. Consider RAMS ballot.
7.6. Consider Whitney Crettol Consulting Strategic Planning Proposal.
7.7. Consider awarding bid for construction and remodel project for Parkview Learning Center to Max Gray Construction, Inc.
8. Public comment regarding meeting agenda.
9. Meeting Announcements:
9.1. Special School Board meeting on Monday, March 9, 2015, at 12:30 P.M. at Parkview Learning Center Administrative Office.
9.2. School Board Working Session on Monday, March 9, 2015, at 4:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Roosevelt 104.
9.3. Technology Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 3:15 P.M. in the high school conference room.
9.4. School Board Working Session with the Facility Advisory Committee on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at 3:30 P.M. in the Board Room, Roosevelt 104.
9.5. Finance Committee meeting on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7:15 A.M. in the Superintendent's office.
9.6. VEA Meet & Confer meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 3:30 P.M. in the Board Room, Roosevelt 104.
9.7. Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Roosevelt 104.
10. Adjournment.