February 24, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Virginia Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order of regular meeting.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Consider additions or deletions to the agenda.
4. Recognition of visitors and public input regarding the meeting agenda.
5. Consider Consent Agenda:
5.1. Minutes of the January 27, 2014, regular meeting.
5.2. Payment of the bills.
5.3. Cash on Hand Finance Report.
5.4. Electronic Transfer Report for January 2014.
5.5. Adopt the revised 2013-2014 Seniority List for those employees governed by the VEA Agreement.
5.6. Support Superintendent Stender as a candidate for the MSHSL Region 7 & 8 director on the MSHSL executive board.
5.7. Leave of absence for paraeducator Shelly James February 14 through April 14, 2014.
5.8. Eight (8) week leave of absence for bus driver Lyndon Nelson commencing February 12th and ending approximately April 9th, 2014.
5.9. December 11, 2013, employment end date for ECFE aide Jill Matkovich.
5.10. Resignation of nurse Dannelle Brant effective February 12, 2014.
5.11. Resignation of Title I aide Kristen Engrav effective February 14, 2014.
5.12. Resignation of paraeducator Jennifer Rebholz effective February 21, 2014.
5.13. Hire Mary Peterson for an ECFE aide position.
5.14. Hire Julie Hartmann for a Media Aide position.
5.15. Hire Sarah Keute for an ECFE aide position.
5.16. Hire Pam Peterson for Registered Nurse position at Parkview.
6. Recognition/reports:
6.1. School Board Recognition.
6.2. Student Representative.
6.3. Virginia High School Principal.
6.4. Superintendent.
6.5. RAMS Annual DInner Meeting.
6.6. Community Education Advisory Committee.
6.7. February 10, 2014 Collaborative Committee Notes.
6.8. Facilities Committee.
6.9. Health & Safety Committee.
7. Administration:
7.1. Consider accepting $3,000.00 from Arcelor Mittal for the Community Education Elementary Engineering Cool class.
7.2. Consider overnight/out of state extracurricular trips for Spring 2014.
7.3. Consider approving Spring 2014 volunteer coaches.
8. Public input regarding meeting agenda.
9. Meeting Announcements:
9.1. MSBA Joint Legislative Session, February 27, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza, St. Paul.
9.2. Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, March 10, 2014, at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Roosevelt 104.
10. Adjournment.
11. Closed Session for Purposes of Discussing Negotiations Strategy in accordance
with Minn. Statute 13D.03, Subd.1. |