February 25, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Governing Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Opening of Meeting
A.1. Call to Order
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Student Report
B.1. Report from Flowing Wells Junior High School Student Representatives
B.1.a. Student representatives will provide a review of events and activities at Flowing Wells Junior High School in academics, sports, and other extracurricular programs.
B.2. Report from Sentinel Peak High School and Flowing Wells Digital Campus Student Representatives
B.2.a. Student representatives will provide a review of events and activities at Sentinel Peak High School and Flowing Wells Digital Campus in academics, sports, and other extracurricular programs.
C. Superintendent’s Report
C.1. Recognition of FWHS Winter Sports State Qualifiers
C.1.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will recognize Athletic Director Mark Brunenkant along with coaches and athletes from the wrestling, basketball, soccer, and cheer teams who qualified for state competitions.
C.2. Update on District Events and Activities
C.2.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will provide an update on Flowing Wells School District Events and Activities.
BREAK- The brief break provides an opportunity for families and friends to leave the meeting.
D. Public Comments
Flowing Wells School District welcomes public comment. As outlined in A.R.S. §38-431.02, no action will be taken on issues raised in Public Comments unless items are found on agenda below. Other than this, the response to public comments will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or scheduling the matter as a future agenda item.
E. Consent Agenda
These items of Board business that are addressed routinely at every meeting are presented as a Consent Agenda. The Board may elect to take action on all items collectively in one motion or may individually consider any item(s) as separate agenda subjects for action.
E.1. Approval of Agenda for this Meeting
E.1.a. Request approval for the adoption of the agenda for this meeting, February 25, 2025.
E.2. Approval of Minutes of Governing Board Meetings
E.2.a. The following Governing Board meeting minutes are presented for Governing Board approval: February 11, 2025 (Open Session Minutes).
E.3. Approval of District Expense and Payroll Vouchers
E.3.a. Sign vouchers 7051-25 - 7060-25 for upcoming check batches. Expense voucher 7044-25 presented for Board approval: Expense voucher 7044-25.
E.4. Approval of Requests for Use of District Facilities
E.4.a. District facilities use requests are submitted for approval.
E.5. Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment Students
E.5.a. No requests for this meeting.
E.6. Approval of Requests for Student Trips
E.6.a. Student trip requests are submitted for approval.
E.7. Approval of Requests for Staff Travel
E.7.a. Staff travel requests are submitted for approval.
E.8. Approval of Personnel Actions
E.8.a. Personnel Actions are submitted for approval.
E.9. Approval of Asset Retirement and Disposals
E.9.a. No requests for this meeting.
E.10. Approval of School Year 2025-2026 Contract, Work Agreement, and Addendum Templates
E.10.a. District administration recommends approval of the attached contract, work agreement, and addendum templates for the 2025-2026 school year. There have been no substantial revisions.
F. Business and Finance
F.1. Recommend Award of Electrical Services RFP# 25-04-29 to J.E.B. Electric
F.1.a. The District issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) # 25-04-29 for Electrical Services on January 17, 2025. Approximately 80 potential vendors were notified of the solicitation and a notice was published in a daily newspaper. Proposals were due February 6, 2025. The District received four (4) proposals. The evaluation committee members, Tony Young, Dax Valles and Paul Sanchez, reviewed, scored and ranked each proposal based on the criteria outlined in the RFP. Based on evaluation of the proposals, the committee recommends award of RFP# 25-04-29 for Electrical Services to J.E.B. Electric. The award is for the remainder of fiscal year 2025 with the option to renew annually for the next four years. Annual cost is estimated to be $100,000. This will be funded with Maintenance & Operations.
F.2. Discussion of Tax Credit Contributions for Calendar Year 2024
F.2.a. District administration presents for discussion information related to tax credit contributions for Calendar Year 2024. The Flowing Wells District received $285,679 in tax credit contributions in 2024, compared to $292,683 in 2023. A report summarizing, by school, donations received over the past five years is attached. The Arizona Department of Revenue allows a maximum tax credit of $400 for married couples filing jointly and $200 for individuals or couples filing separately. The District is also required to report actual expenditures from tax credit contributions by February 28th of each year per ARS 43-1089.01. These reports also are attached.
F.3. Recommend Approval of Community Schools Fees for FY 2025-2026
F.3.a. District administration recommends approval of Community Schools’ fees effective July 1, 2025 for fiscal year 2025-2026. The attached schedule shows the current year’s rates and proposed new rates. As discussed at the January 28, 2025 board meeting, the Community Schools program is running a deficit in the current year. The proposed increases are to reduce the deficit and provide smaller increases over the next few years to ensure revenues cover expenditures. District administration also recommends approval of a new program for families whose students only attend during holiday breaks or on early-release days. This will reduce their cost and provide openings for other children in the regular program. The fees for this program are also listed on the attached fee schedule.
G. Executive Session
G.1. In accordance with A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.1, an Executive Session may be called for discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining, termination or resignation of a public officer or district employees; regarding candidates for position of FWHS Assistant Principal.
H. Adjourn