October 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Governing Board Meeting
Agenda |
A. Opening of Meeting
A.1. Call to Order
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Student Report
B.1. Report from Flowing Wells Junior High School Student Representatives
B.1.a. Student representatives will provide a review of events and activities at Flowing Wells Junior High School in academics, sports, and other extracurricular programs.
B.2. Report from Sentinel Peak High School and Flowing Wells Digital Campus Student Representatives
B.2.a. Student representatives will provide a review of events and activities at Sentinel Peak High School and Flowing Wells Digital Campus in academics, sports, and other extracurricular programs.
C. Superintendent’s Report
C.1. Recognition of Building Blocks for Character Student
C.1.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will recognize the October Building Blocks for Character Student from Richardson Elementary School, Milo Shrader.
C.2. Update on District Events and Activities
C.2.a. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Stoltzfus will provide an update on Flowing Wells School District Events and Activities.
BREAK- The brief break provides an opportunity for families and friends to leave the meeting.
D. Public Comments
Flowing Wells School District welcomes public comment. As outlined in A.R.S. §38-431.02, no action will be taken on issues raised in Public Comments unless items are found on agenda below. Other than this, the response to public comments will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or scheduling the matter as a future agenda item.
E. Consent Agenda
These items of Board business that are addressed routinely at every meeting are presented as a Consent Agenda. The Board may elect to take action on all items collectively in one motion or may individually consider any item(s) as separate agenda subjects for action.
E.1. Approval of Agenda for this Meeting
E.1.a. Request approval for the adoption of the agenda for this meeting, October 24, 2023.
E.2. Approval of Minutes of Governing Board Meetings
E.2.a. The following Governing Board meeting minutes are presented for Governing Board approval: October 10, 2023 (Open Session Minutes, Study Session Minutes).
E.3. Approval of District Expense and Payroll Vouchers
E.3.a. Sign vouchers #6832-6842 for upcoming check batches (to be reviewed at the next Board Meeting). Expense and payroll vouchers are presented for Board approval: Expense vouchers #6824-6826 and Payroll voucher #2507.
E.4. Approval of Requests for Use of District Facilities
E.4.a. District facilities use requests are submitted for approval.
E.5. Approval of Requests for Open Enrollment Students
E.5.a. Requests for open enrollment students are submitted for approval.
E.6. Approval of Requests for Student Trips
E.6.a. Student trip requests are submitted for approval.
E.7. Approval of Requests for Staff Travel
E.7.a. Staff travel requests are submitted for approval.
E.8. Approval of Personnel Actions
E.8.a. Personnel Actions are submitted for approval.
E.9. Acceptance of Gifts and Donations
E.9.a. Recommend acceptance of gifts and donations in the amount of $1,335.83 for the period of September 1 - September 30, 2023.
E.10. Review of District Financial Statements
E.10.a. Review of Student Activity Balance Sheets and Auxiliary Operations Year-to-Date Budget as of September 30, 2023
E.11. Approval of Asset Retirement and Disposals
E.11.a. Approval is requested for the retirement and disposal of assets no longer used by the district as of October 17, 2023.
F. New Business
F.1. Recommend Approval of Student Travel Request for Flowing Wells Ambassadors Club for Fall 2025
F.1.a. District Administration recommends approval of the student travel request by the FWHS Ambassadors Club for a fall 2025 trip to Eastern Europe. The spring 2025 trip registration reached capacity quickly, and the additional interest among students and families suggests the need for a second trip. Club Advisor and FWHS Teacher Robin Pakka will provide an overview of the expansion plan for Ambassadors.
F.2. Discussion of Student Achievement
F.2.a. District administration presents for discussion information related to Spring 2023 Arizona A-F School Letter Grades as well as current formative student achievement data. The Arizona State Board of Education decision regarding cut scores for 2023 School Letter Grades occurred on October 23; consequently, letter grades were not available at the time of publication of this agenda, but district administration is able to determine projected letter grades based on the outcomes of the State Board's decision. Additionally, benchmark data from our first round of District Assessment Plan (DAP) testing and Acadience testing are provided as attachments and will be summarized during the meeting.
F.3. Recommend Approval of Revisions to Proposition 301 Performance Pay Plan for 2023-2024
F.3.a. District administration recommends approval of revisions to the Proposition 301 (Classroom Site Fund) Performance Pay Plan for 2023-2024. Classroom Site Funds are designated by the Arizona Legislature specifically for teacher salaries and include a performance pay component. Each year the District must conduct a review and bring the updated performance-based compensation system to the Governing Board for approval. The attached memo details the changes in this year's plan, and a draft of the updated plan is attached as well.
G. Business and Finance
G.1. Recommend Approval to Renew the Lease Agreement with the Tucson Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Program
G.1.a. District administration recommends approval to renew the lease agreement with the Tucson Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Program for the property located at 1949 W. Gardner Lane. The new lease term would extend from November 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024.
G.2. Recommendation of Approval of Delegation of Authority to Chief Financial Officer to Determine the Categorization of Fund Balances for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
G.2.a. District administration recommends approval to delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer to determine the categorization of fund balances for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. This would comply with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board's requirement to formally designate an authority to determine how to categorize fund balances each year.
G.3. Recommend Approval to Distribute Instructional Improvement Funds
G.3.a. District administration recommends approval of the December 2023 teacher compensation payment in the amount of $350 from the Instructional Improvement Fund, which derives from the voter-approved funding source that was passed in 2002 and is known as the Proposition 202 Indian Gaming Preservation and Self Reliance Act.
H. Unfinished Business
H.1. District Administration recommends approval of revisions to the policies listed below, which were brought for review and discussion at the 10/10/2023 Governing Board Meeting. The attached memo summarizes the revisions, and the accompanying policy drafts include strike-through text to indicate deletions and underlined text to indicate additions.
I. Executive Session
I.1. In accordance with A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.1, an Executive Session may be called for discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining, termination or resignation of a public officer or district employees.
J. Adjourn