November 20, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Consideration and Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Consider Requests to Speak on the Agenda
V. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Please note that we will be approving many different items under the consent agenda. If there is a specific item you would like to discuss, you may remove the item from the consent agenda and we will take the time to discuss it. Alternatively, we can discuss the item at a future meeting.
VI. Student Spotlight-Samuel Martinez, SPMS 5th Grader
VI.1. Student Council Report
VII. Action Items
VII.1. Consider Approval of an MoU with the Office Support Unit
VII.2. Consider Approval of a Cooperative with Minnesota Valley Lutheran for Wrestling
VII.3. Consider Approval of Policies with legislative Requirements for Approval with One Reading
VIII. Information Items
VIII.1. Community and Family Education Report and Profile
VIII.2. Native American Parent Advisory Council Update
VIII.3. Middle School HVAC & Academic Space Project Discussion
IX. Reports
IX.1. Building Principals
IX.2. Superintendent of Schools
IX.3. Board Members
IX.3.a. Around the Table
X. Upcoming Meetings of the School Board
Policy Committee HR Committee Study Session Education Committee Business Committee Regular Board Meeting |
XI. Adjournment