December 8, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Study Session
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Consideration and Adoption of Agenda
III. Facilities Planning Process and Study Session Overview
(5 Minutes)
IV. Community Input Results True North Consulting
(30 Minutes)
IV.1. Charrette 1 and Charrette 2 Springsted Inc.
IV.2. Community Survey #2 Results
V. Bond Referendum Financial Information Springsted Inc.
(30 Minutes)
V.1. Bond Terms, Sources, Assumptions
V.2. Estimated Tax Impact
V.3. Debt Levy Impact Comparisons
VI. Programmatic Framework Information Kraus-Anderson, ISG
(30 Minutes)
VI.1. Project Scope by Site
VI.2. Project Cost Summary
VII. Partnerships (15 Minutes)
VII.1. City of Saint Peter
VII.2. Other
VIII. Sample Ballot Question
IX. Referendum Information Plan (10 Minutes)
IX.1. Referendum Information Committee
IX.2. Legal Deadlines
X. Other
XI. Adjournment