May 22, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting, Committee of the Whole & Executive Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Declaration of Public Notice
5. Modifications to Agenda
6. Superintendent's Report:
6.1. Legislative Update
6.2. District Recognitions
6.3. Other Updates & Information Items
7. Public Comment(s) - See Attachment to Sign Up for Public Comment(s)
8. Board Reports:
8.1. Review of Board Calendar
8.2. Board Committee Reports:
8.2.1. Employee Engagement & Culture - Keller
8.3. Board Member Reports of Community Events & CESA #1 Update
8.4. Other Updates & Information Items - Leigh
9. Consent Agenda:
9.1. Approval of Minutes
9.2. Employment Summary
9.3. Supplementary Contracts
9.4. Financial Summary
10. Action Item(s):
10.1. Mindfulness Course Adoption for the 2024-2025 School Year - Roemer & Sage
10.2. Math Resource Adoption (Elementary) - Roemer
10.3. World Language Resource Adoption (Secondary) - Roemer
10.4. History Resource Adoption (Secondary) - Roemer
10.5. Individual Contract Extension of Administrators & At-Will Employees - Lexmond
10.6. Approve Board Policy Updates from July 2022 as a Second Reading - Lexmond, Marshall & Norris
11. Adjourn Regular Board Meeting
12. Reconvene as a Committee of the Whole:
12.1. Roll Call
12.2. Approve Board Policy Updates from July 2022 as a First Reading - Lexmond, Norris, Roemer & Stewart
13. End of Recording/5 Minute Break
14. The Board will convene into executive session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Sections 19.85(1) (e), (f), and (g) to consider multiple student disciplinary expulsion orders, and for the purpose of reviewing and discussing an Organizational Transition Analysis which includes discussions regarding specific personnel matters and staff, which if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any students and persons referred to in such discussion, and to confer with legal counsel who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy related to a DPI Boundary Appeal.
15. Approval of Closed Session Minutes
16. May Reconvene into Open Session to take any Necessary Action:
16.1. Roll Call
16.2. Potential Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
17. Adjournment