March 11, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Consent Agenda (Mayor Massengill)
I.A. Consider Debt Setoff for February 2014
II. Public Comment (Mayor Massengill)
II.A. Presentation by the American Red Cross (Barry Porter, Regional C.O.O.).
II.B. Presentation by Johnston County Arts Council (Darlene Wiliford, Exec. Dir)
II.C. Presentation by Harbor, Inc. (Keri Christensen, Exec. Dir)
III. Department Reports
III.A. Written Reports
IV. Old Business (Mayor Massengill)
IV.A. Consider Resolution 141-2014 Joint Resolution between Benson and Johnston County/Erosion and Sediment Control (Braston Newton)
V. Public Hearing (Mayor Massengill)
V.A. Public Hearing Consider Rezoning Property 1046 NC 242 South
from neighborhood business to highway business. Applicant Richard Thorne
(Braston Newton)
VI. New Business (MayorMassengill)
VI.A. Consider Auditor Contract with Martin Starnes and Associates, CPAs, P.A. (Ashley Heath)
VI.B. Consider the appointment of William Robert Johnson to the Library Board (Matt Zapp)
VI.C. Consider the creation of a Human Resource Director position for the Town of Benson (Matt Zapp)
VI.D. Discussion related to the Board of Commissioners Budget Retreat scheduled for March 21-22, 2014.
VI.D.1. Friday March 21 from 6-9 PM/ Saturday March 22 from 8 AM - 3 PM
VI.D.2. Location (TBD)
VII. Town Manager Report (Matt Zapp)
VIII. Town Attorney (Isaac Parker)
IX. Board of Commissioners Report (Commissioners)
X. Mayor Report (Mayor Massengill)
XI. Information Only
XII. Adjournment