September 27, 2023 at 4:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order - Board President — 4:00 p.m.
Clerk acknowledges public notice Pledge of Allegiance |
II. Roll Call
III. Call for Special Appearance
IV. Adoption of the Agenda
V. Approval of minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on September 13, 2023
VI. Bob Hermanson, Matt Crist, Joe Schilling, Stacy Gratz, and Jeff Riechers reviewed and audited the following bills for payment:
Gen. Fund Accounts Payable-Sept. 2023-CK #173223-#173343 $227,757.46
Aug. 2023 Prepays-CK #173153-#173222 $100,891.95 Aug. 2023 Payroll Direct Deposits-#900090130-#900090217 $86,057.22 Aug. 2023 Payroll Benefits/Deductions-CK #98134-#98155 $83,020.12 Capital Projects Fund 49-CK #1003 $ 2,778.75 Anonymous Donor Fund-CK #1-#2 $ 7,433.40 Charles Barlow-CK #291-#292 $150,000.00 Melissa Barlow Money Market-CK #249-#250 $100,000.00 Melissa Barlow Scholarship-CK #1507-#1510 $3,000.00 Howard & Sally Friske Scholarship-CK #1071-#1072 $ 514.00 Fund 72 Trust Fund Scholarships-CK #694 $ 250.00 Donald Glindinng Trust Fund - CK #688 $ 375.00 Marcy Account-CK #3004-#3005 $70,000.00 Charles Marriott Scholarships-CK #1412 $ 250.00 T.M. Nelson Scholarship Savings Withdrawal $ 100.00 |
VII. Introduction of New Staff Member by Mr. Flanagan
VIII. Presentation by Mr. Flanagan regarding National Blue Ribbon Award
IX. Discussion and Action regarding Donation:
IX.a. The Darlington Lions Club would like to donate $500.00 to the DEMS Needy Students account in the Student Activity Account fund.
X. Discussion and Action regarding FEMA Structure Vertex Settlement Agreement
XI. First Readings of the following Policies:
XI.a. Loaned Band Instruments
XI.b. College Tuition Reimbursement for High Students
XI.c. ESL Identification and Assessment
XI.d. State Testing - Parent Opt-Out
XI.e. Staff Recruitment Incentive
XII. Discussion and Action regarding Changes to Coaches' Handbook
XIII. Discussion and Action regarding Stipend for Medical Advisor
XIV. Discussion and Action regarding Creation of Middle School Spanish Club
XV. Discussion and Action regarding Creation of DEMS Afterschool Language Class
XVI. Superintendent, Principals, and Activities Director's Reports
XVII. Adjournment