June 19, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting - REVISED
Agenda |
I. Call to Order - Board President — 6:30 p.m.
Clerk acknowledges public notice Pledge of Allegiance |
II. Roll Call
III. Call for Special Appearance
IV. Adoption of the Agenda
V. Approval of minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on May 15, 2023 and the Special Meetings on May 17, May 19, and June 13, 2023
VI. The Treasurer's Report will be available at the meeting.
VII. Bob Hermanson, Matt Crist, Joe Schilling, Stacy Gratz, and Jeff Riechers reviewed and audited the following bills for payment:
Gen. Fund Accounts Payable-June 2023-CK #172788-#172917 $352,034.70
May 2023 Prepays-CK #172725-#172787 $49,752.41 May 2023 Payroll Direct Deposits-#900088929-#900089251 $400,151.05 May 2023 Payroll Benefits/Deductions-CK #97966-#98005 $386,457.50 Capital Projects Fund 49-CK #1-#3 $146,453.48 Ethel Connolly Scholarship savings withdrawal $500.00 Jordyn Paulson Memorial Scholarship-CK #1029-#1030 $200.00 Jerry Rassman Scholarship-CK #132 $100.00 George & Carolyn Stevenson Scholarship-CK #3010-#3011 $50.00 Mildred Teasdale Scholarship savings withdrawal $25.00 John Wiegel Scholarship-CK #3004 $250.00 |
VIII. Discussion of ESL Family Night Recap
IX. Discussion and Action regarding Special Education Teacher Assistant Pay Tiers
X. Discussion and Action regarding Donation:
X.a. The Volleyball Boosters would like to donate $1,030.00 for practice nets.
XI. Discussion and Action regarding Trading the Bobcat Skidsteer
XII. Discussion and Action regarding Adding an ESL Teacher Assistant Position at DEMS
XIII. Discussion and Action regarding Adding ALPHA Club Advisor to Co-Curricular Pay Schedule
XIV. Discussion and Action regarding Sale of Old Technology Devices
XV. Discussion and Action regarding Renewal of SMART Licences
XVI. Discussion and Action regarding of Special Education Teacher Position at DEMS
XVII. Discussion and Action regarding Transfer of Bank Accounts from Associated Bank to Local Bank
XVIII. Discussion and Action regarding Four-Year-Old Kindergarten Contract with Holy Rosary
XIX. Discussion and Action regarding Resignation
XX. Discussion and Action regarding Renewal of Insurance for 2023-2024
XXI. Superintendent, Principals, Activities Director, and Building & Grounds Reports
XXII. Executive Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes: 19.85(1)(c)
Any meeting of a governmental body, upon motion duly made and carried, may be convened in closed session under one or more of the exemptions. In order to receive information regarding personnel matters involving administrative employees and administrative contracts/performance over which the Board exercises responsibility; considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility to discuss: |
XXII.a. Special Ed. Director Contract
XXII.b. High School Science Teacher Candidate
XXII.c. High School Music Teacher Candidate
XXII.d. High School Spanish Teacher Candidate
XXII.e. Head Wrestling Coach Candidate
XXII.f. Kindergarten Teacher Assistant Candidates
XXII.g. High School ESL Teacher Salary
XXII.h. Reimbursement of Tuition for Special Ed. Classes
XXII.i. Exit Survey Interviews
XXIII. Adjourn Executive Session and Reconvene to Open Session
XXIV. Action on Matters from Executive Session
XXIV.a. Action on Special Ed. Director Contract
XXIV.b. Hire High School Science Teacher
XXIV.c. Hire High School Music Teacher
XXIV.d. Hire High School Spanish Teacher
XXIV.e. Hire Head Wrestling Coach
XXIV.f. Hire Kindergarten Teacher Assistants
XXIV.g. Action on High School ESL Teacher Salary
XXIV.h. Action on Reimbursement of Tuition for Special Ed. Classes
XXV. Adjournment