December 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Additions to the Agenda
V. Public Comment on Agenda Items
VI. Report from Superintendent
VII. Recognition and Presentations
VII.A. Junior Board
VII.B. Farewell to Worsie Gregory, Diana Rouse, Kathy Wagner, Sharon Bristol, Dale Burnworth
VII.C. Introduction: Bryan Beverly
VIII. Routine Matters
VIII.A. Report from Committees
VIII.A.1. Intergovernmental Relations Committee
VIII.B. Action Items
VIII.B.1. Consent Docket – The items listed below may be approved
with one motion but any of the items
may be questioned at any time.
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the items listed on the consent docket be approved as presented.”
VIII.B.1.a. Approval of Minutes - 12.4.14 Regular Board Meeting
VIII.B.1.b. Approval of Minutes - 12.11.14 ISS Meeting
VIII.B.2. Treasurer's
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Treasurer's Report, as detailed in the attachments, be received."
VIII.B.3. Approval of Receipt of Property as Gift to the District
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Board of Education accept a gift of property from Mr. Henry Tate’s estate as detailed in the attachments.”
VIII.B.4. Culture and Climate Committee
RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Board of Education approve the recommendations made by the Culture and Climate Committee as detailed in the attachment."
VIII.B.5. Superintendent Evaluation Summary
RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the Board of Education approve the evaluation of the superintendent
as detailed in the attachments.” |
IX. Discussion Items
X. Public Comment
XI. Report from Secretary and Announcements
XII. Additional Comments from Superintendent and Staff
XIII. Other Business Deemed Necessary
XIV. Adjournment