June 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting/Public Hearing
Agenda |
I. Call to Order.
II. Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Roll Call.
IV. Additions to the Agenda.
V. Special Presentations.
V.A. Craig B Stuttman Award- Joshua Passawe
V.B. 2012-2013 Budget Presentation
VI. Public Comment on Agenda Items.
VII. Report from Superintendent.
VIII. Routine Matters.
VIII.A. Report from Committees
VIII.B. Action Items
VIII.B.1. Approval of
Certification of July 1, 2012 Tax Levy. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the Resolution appearing in the attachment, which approves and certifies the Lansing School District's July 1, 2012 operating tax levy and includes from nine (9) to eighteen (18) mills on all property, except principal residences and other property exempted by law, for operation purposes, subject to any Headlee Amendment rollback be adopted. In addition the Board further approves and certifies the levy on July 1, 2012 of the voter approved school building and site sinking fund millage from .75 mills to 1.5 mills on all property not otherwise exempted by law.”
VIII.B.2. Adoption of 2012-2013
Budget Resolution. RECOMMENDED
MOTION: “that the 2012-2013 fiscal
year budget, as detailed in the attachment, be approved.”
VIII.B.2.a. 2012-2013 Budget Resolution
VIII.B.3. Treasurer Report. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that Treasurer Report for May 2012 be approved.”
VIII.B.4. MASB Membership Renewal. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the Lansing School District renew membership with the Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) for the 2012-2013 school year.”
VIII.B.5. MHSAA Membership Resolution. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “that the renewal of Lansing School District member to the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) for 2012-2013 school year be approved.”
VIII.B.6. Consent Docket – The items listed below may be approved
with one motion any of the items
may be questioned at any time. Enclosures for each item listed. RECOMMENDED MOTION: "that the items listed on the consent docket, be
VIII.B.6.a. Professional Service Contracts and Bids.
VIII.B.6.b. Approval of Minutes
VIII.B.7. Lansing 1000 - Board Bylaws
IX. Public Comment.
X. Report from Secretary.
XI. Additional Comments from Superintendent and Staff.
XII. Additional Comments from Board Members.
XIII. Announcements.
XIV. Adjournment.