November 17, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Quorum, Call of Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance
Changes to the Agenda
Financial Report
Revised Budget Resolution
Bus Purchase
Superintendent's Report - including interim progress report on goals and standards
SIA Annual Report
Public Input
Discussion Items
OSBA Convention Attendee Reports
Consent Agenda
Minutes of October 20, 2022 Regular School Board Meeting
Contracts/Resignations/Retirements/Leaves of Absence/Rescissions Contracts for Suzanne Schneider, Henley High; Bree Tobiasson, Bonanza El.; Maria Wolownik - Gilchrist; Michael Heryford; Hannah Angell - Chiloquin El.; Edwin Vieira - Gearhart; Deanna Hahn - District Office; and Sean Tripp - Gilchrist. Resignation of Robert Nieraeth.
Monthly Financials
Surplus Items
Henley Middle School kiln
Technology Items (see attached)
Recess Regular Board meeting
Supplemental Budget Hearing - Resolution 23-04: A Resolution adopting a Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
Reconvene Regular Board meeting
Action Items
Grant Awards
Policy Update First Reading - for approval: IFE - Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines; IGAC - Religion and Schools; IGAI - Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Education; IGBHE - Expanded Options Program; IK - Academic Achievement; IKF - Graudation Requirements; IMB - District Improvement Program; and JEA - Compulsory Attendance. For your information only: IMB-AR - District Improvement Program; and JEA-AR - Compulsory Attendance Notices and Citations.
Policy Update Second Reading - for adoption: BBBA - Board Member Qualifications; CB - Superintendent; CBC - Superintendent's Contract; EFA - Local Wellness; GBEA - Workplace Harassment; GCBDB/GDBDB - Early Return to Work; GCQB - Research; IGBB - Talented and Gifted Program and/or Services; IGBBA - Talented and Gifted Students - Identification; and KBA - Public Records Request. For Your Information Only - GBNAB/JHFE-AR (2) - Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises; JHFE/GBNAB-AR (2); and KBA-AR - Public Records Request. Delete: EFA-AR - Local Wellness Program; and IGBBC - Talented and Gifted - Programs and Services.
OSBA Resolution
Cooperative Sponsorship Application - Bonanza/Lost River Soccer Program
Cooperative Sponsorship Application - Bonanza/Lost River Wrestling Program
Resolution 23-04: Adopting a Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
Revised Budget Resolution
Bus Purchase
Adjourn Regular Board Meeting