June 11, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Budget Committee Meeting
Agenda |
Call of Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Recap of Budget Committee Presentation, Including Budget Message
General Fund
Special Revenue Fund
Debt Service Funds
Capital Project Funds
Reserve Fund
Trust Fund
Public Input
Motion to Approve Budget as Set Forth for 2020-2021
Motion to Approve Taxes for Fiscal Year 2020-21
Motion to approve taxes for the fiscal year 2020-21 at the Permanent Tax Rate of $4.0519 per $1,000 of Assessed Value for Operating Purposes in the General Fund and in the amount of $2,172,675 for the general obligation bond principal and interest in the Debt Service Fund
Announcement of Future Budget Committee Meeting if Needed
Thursday, June 18, 2020 – 5 PM – District Office
Adjournment of Budget Committee Meeting