September 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. 5:00 PM: Call to Order: Work Session
Board Chair
1.A. Review OSBA Policy Services
Board Chair, Superintendent
The Board will review and discuss policy services available through OSBA.
OSBA has the following menu of policy services available: Policy Analysis: $3,780. Policy Rewrite: $22,680. Plus, travel costs Desk Rewrite: $12,600. |
1.B. Component Districts' Integrated Guidance Plans
Madeline Ahearn
This will be an opportunity for the Board to learn more about component district Integrated Guidance Planning.
2. Call Regular Meeting To Order
Board Chair
3. Welcome
Board Chair
Guests attending the meeting will be introduced.
4. Public Participation
This is an opportunity for the audience to address the Board on topics either on, or not on, the agenda. There will also be opportunities for the audience to comment on specific agenda items as the Board addresses them.
Comments Regarding Staff Members - Speakers may offer objective criticism of ESD operations and programs. The Board will not hear comments regarding any individual ESD staff member. The Board chair will direct the visitor to the procedures in Board policy KL - Public Complaints for Board consideration of a complaints involving a staff member. The association contract governing the employee's rights will be followed. A commendation involving a staff member should be sent to the superintendent, who will forward it to the staff member, his/her supervisor and the Board. The Board requests that a public comment add information or a perspective that has not already been mentioned previously, and that the patron refrains from repeating a similar point. To make a comment or present a topic during public comment, if the opportunity is available on the Board agenda, please complete the Intent to Speak card and submit it to the Board secretary prior to the start of the meeting. An individual that has submitted an Intent to Speak card and has been invited to speak by the Board chair, will be allowed three minutes. Any person, who is invited by the Board chair to speak to the Board during a meeting, should state his/her name and address and, if speaking for an organization, the name of the organization. A spokesperson should be designated to represent a group with a common purpose. |
5. Agenda Review
Board Chair
6. Lane Education Service District Statement of Accountability: Land Acknowledgement
Board Member
Lane ESD acknowledges that the lands we call Lane County - the lands that sustain our children, our future, and our collective well-being - are the traditional ancestral home of the Kalapuya, Siuslaw, Molalla, and other indigenous people who have lived in Lane County since time immemorial. Native children, families, and communities bear witness to a legacy of displacement and forced relocation. As an educational institution we are accountable for addressing the current and former silencing, erasure and genocide of native people in Oregon and Turtle Island. We aim to join with indigenous people, honoring their resilience, courage, and self-determination in a purposeful pursuit of justice.
7. Presentation: Migrant Education Program Summer School
Migrant Education Program Staff
The Board will receive a presentation on the Migrant Education Program Summer School.
8. Action Items
Board Chair
8.A. Consent Agenda
Board Chair
The Lane ESD Board of Directors has agreed to implement a consent agenda. All items in the consent agenda are adopted by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests that such item be removed from the consent agenda and acted upon separately.
Generally, consent agenda items are matters which members of the Board agree are routine in nature and should be acted upon in one motion to conserve time and to enable the Board to focus on the other matters on the agenda. Back-up materials for consent agenda items are included in the agenda packet as needed. Minutes of this meeting will reflect action on each item. If any board member wishes to withdraw any consent group item, it will be moved to the appropriate section of the agenda. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD adopts the consent group as submitted and listed below. 1. Human Resource Report, dated September 5, 2024
8.B. Accept Financial Report
Board Chair
2) Are all cash and investment accounts reconciled to the general ledger? 3) Does the adopted budget reflect expected expenditures? 4) Have payroll reports been filed and have all payroll liabilities been paid timely? 5) Have all federal and state reimbursement requests as well as required financial reporting forms been filed timely? 6) Are there any suspected cases of fraud that we need to be aware of? 7) Are there any suspected changes to the internal control system? 8) Have there been any significant changes to the internal control system? 9) Is the business office adequately staffed to allow for proper segregation of duties? 10) Have there been any changes to the accounting system or accounting policies that are significant? 11) Has the accounting software and related IT systems been subject to review by an IT professional to ensure seamless backup in the event of a malware, ransomware, or other compromise of computer security? 12) Are there any other financial-related matters we should be aware of? 13) Are there any new pronoucements on the horizon that may require additional staff time or disbursement of funds to properly implement? 14) Are all financial statements that have been provided to the Board accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge? 15) Have you been asked by the Superintendent to do anything that makes you uncomfortable or to present any information you feel is inaccurate? BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD accepts the Financial Report for July 2024.
8.C. Approve Board and Superintendent Agreements
Superintendent Scurto, Board Chair
The Board of Directors is the educational policy making body for Lane ESD. To fulfill the District’s mission the Board and Superintendent must function together as a leadership team. To ensure unity among team members, effective group agreements must be in place. The Board and Superintendent will review their written agreements and affirm those moving forward into the 2024-25 year.
8.D. Declaration of National Hispanic Heritage Month
Board Chair
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402. The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period. |
8.E. Adopt Board Member Program and District Assignments
Superintendent Scurto, Board Chair
The Board will adopt 2024-25 assignments that were first reviewed at the August 2024 meeting.
8.F. Adopt Policy Updates
Board Chair
The Board shall exercise its rule-making power by adopting policies consistent with the Oregon Revised Statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules or opinions of a court of competent authority, for its own governance and for the organization and operation of Lane ESD. The Board accepts the definition of policy set forth by the National School Boards Association:
School Board policies are statements which set forth the purposes and prescribe in general terms the organization and program of a school system. They create a framework within which the superintendent and his/her staff can discharge their assigned duties with positive direction. They tell what is wanted.
Such policies may be adopted, amended or repealed at any Board meeting provided that the proposed adoption, amendment or repeal shall have been proposed at a previous Board meeting and, once proposed, shall have remained on the agenda of each succeeding meeting until approved or rejected and except that the Board may adopt, amend or repeal policies at any meeting of the Board in the event of an actual emergency, as determined at the sole discretion of the Board. Additionally, when in the best interests of the district immediate adoption of a proposed policy is necessary, the Board may adopt such policy at the first meeting in which it is presented. Policies shall be adopted, amended or repealed by the affirmative vote of four or more Board members. Policies and amendments adopted by the Board will be attached to, and made a part of, the minutes of the meeting at which they are adopted and also will be included in the ESD’s policy manual. The Board shall communicate its position on matters of public policy and shall interact with the community, other governmental bodies and agencies and the media through the spokesperson designated by the Board. |
8.F.1. Policy First Read: Layoff/Recall, Professional
Superintendent Scurto
Superintendent Scurto will introduce a policy for Layoff/Recall of Professional Staff.
The Board has the authority to move this policy to adoption if they choose.
8.F.2. GBEB: Communicable Disease in Schools
Superintendent Scurto
The State Board of Education adopted revisions to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-2220 on health services. The changes result in a requirement to develop "a written prevention-oriented health services plan for all students" (OAR 581-022-2220(1)). The plan
requirements include a variety of topics, including but not limited to, plan for health care space, communicable disease prevention, communication strategies, health screenings, and hearing, vision and dental screenings. As a result of these changes there is a list of policies and administrative regulations (AR’s), included herein, which have been revised. Recommendations may include to delete or rescind policy or AR, recoding, and reassigning some policy content to a new section or policy of the policy manual.
8.F.3. EBBA: Student Health Services
Superintendent Scurto
The State Board of Education adopted revisions to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-2220 on health services. The changes result in a requirement to develop "a written prevention-oriented health services plan for all students" (OAR 581-022-2220(1)). The plan requirements include a variety of topics, including but not limited to, plan for health care space, communicable disease prevention, communication strategies, health screenings, and hearing, vision and dental screenings.
8.G. Adopt Policy Deletions
Superintendent Scurto
These policy deletions were tabled at the June 2024 meeting of the Board.
The State Board of Education adopted revisions to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-022-2220 on health services. The changes result in a requirement to develop "a written prevention-oriented health services plan for all students" (OAR 581-022-2220(1)). The plan requirements include a variety of topics, including but not limited to, plan for health care space, communicable disease prevention, communication strategies, health screenings, and hearing, vision and dental screenings. As a result of these changes there is a list of policies and administrative regulations (AR’s) which have been revised. Recommendations may include to delete or rescind policy or AR, recoding, and reassigning some policy content to a new section or policy of the policy manual. The entire rule can be accessed here: OAR 581-022-2220. Reach out to the Oregon Department of Education with additional questions regarding plan requirements and/or implementation. ODE resources and School Health Services include tools to support some requirements. Collective Bargaining Impact: Review any terms and conditions of an applicable agreement. Local ESD Responsibility: Review the recommendations regarding board policy changes and make decisions regarding same. Any policy revisions or recommendation to rescind a policy should be submitted to the board for action. Policy(ies) and ARs Impacted by these Revisions GBEBA - Staff - HIV, AIDS, and HBV, Delete JHCC - Communicable Diseases - Students, Delete JHCCA - Students - HIV, HBV and AIDS**, Delete |
8.G.1. JHCCA: Students - HIV, HBV and AIDS - DELETE
Board Chair
8.G.2. GBEBA: Staff - HIV, AIDS, and HBV for DELETION
Board Chair
8.G.3. JHCC: Communicable Diseases - DELETE
Board Chair
9. Discussion/Reports
9.A. Legislative Update
Superintendent Tony Scurto
Superintendent Scurto will provide an update in legislative activities if there are any updates.
9.B. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Tony Scurto
9.C. Work Session Report Out
Superintendent Scurto, Board Chair
The Board of Directors and Superintendent will discuss possible Policy Manual Review services by OSBA and the Integrated Guidance Planning.
10. Information from Administrative Staff
Administrative Staff
The directors of Human Resources and Title Programs, Special Education, Business Services, Technology and School Improvement have submitted written reports to the Board on matters of interest concerning his/her area of responsibility.
11. Board Member Reports and Comments/Agenda Planning
Lane ESD Board, Liaisons, Advisors
11.A. Agenda Planning
Board Chair
Board members are invited to send agenda items to be considered for the next board meeting. Please call or email to the Board Chair or Superintendent.
11.B. Board Member Reports
Board, Advisors, Liaisons
Board members are asked to submit their reports in writing to be attached to Boardbook. Reports can be sent to the Executive Assistant in advance of the meeting.
As Board Members prepare their reports, please consider the following questions:
2. What is the connection to the LESD services and programs to the component districts or community? 3. What significance or meaning does the activity have to the broader community? 4. What are the next steps or follow-up activities planned? Sherry Duerst-Higgins Linda Hamilton Leslie Harris
Sydney Kissinger
Vanessa Truett
Nora Kent Rose Wilde
Mike Anderson, Liaison, Creswell School District Erin Zygaitis, Community Advisor
12. Announcements
Board Chair
12.A. Lane ESD Board Member Activities and Opportunities
Lane ESD Workshops and Trainings
August 9, 2024 - OSBA Rural School Board Member Caucus August 9, 2024 - OSBA Legislative Policy Committee August 10, 2024 - OSBA LGBTQIA2S+ School Board Member Advisory Committee August 10, 2024 - OSBA School Board Members of Color Caucus Membership Meeting August 13, 2024 - OSBA Executive Committee Meeting September 4, 2024 - OSBA LGBTQIA2S+ School Board Member Advisory Committee September 10, 2024 - OSBA Executive Committee Meeting September 14, 2024 - OSBA School Board Members of Color Caucus Membership Meeting September 17, 2024 - National IT Professionals Day October 8, 2024 - OSBA Executive Committee Meeting October 15, 2024 - OSBA Fall Regional @ Lane ESD November 7-9, 2024 - OSBA Fall Convention November 9, 2024 - OSBA School Board Members of Color Caucus Membership Meeting November 12, 2024 - OSBA Executive Committee Meeting December 10, 2024 - OSBA Executive Committee Meeting |
12.B. Component District Board Meeting Dates
Bethel: During the regular school year the school board meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6pm for regular sessions. The Board will conduct only one meeting in November, December, March and May, when the board meets on the 2nd Wednesday only.
Blachly: The District Board typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm, location TBD. Creswell: Regular Board of Director meetings are typically held the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM. Crow-Applegate-Lorane: The Board of Directors for Crow-Applegate-Lorane School District #66 holds a regular meeting at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month. The meetings are held at Applegate Elementary School and at the Lorane Grange. Eugene: The Eugene School Board usually meets in regular public sessions on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. This schedule sometimes varies, and additional meetings and work sessions are scheduled as necessary. Fern Ridge: Third Monday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Time: 6:30 p.m. Junction City: Lowell: Regular Board Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Monday of the month, with the Meeting beginning at 4:00 pm Mapleton: The Mapleton School Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month. There is no meeting during the month of July. The School Board meeting is held in the high school at 6:00pm, unless otherwise noted. Marcola: Regular board meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month at 6 PM. McKenzie: McKenzie School Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month unless noted otherwise. Oakridge Pleasant Hill Siuslaw: The board of directors meet the second Wednesday of each month with the exception of a regular meeting scheduled for August 21, 2024, and November 20, 2024 . The board normally meets in the district board room located at 2111 Oak Street in Florence, Oregon. The meetings are scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. with a work session and the regular meeting will begin at approximately 6:30p.m. South Lane: The South Lane School Board usually meets in regular public sessions on the first Monday and third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. for a work session. Meetings normally are held at the South Lane School District Office, 455 Adams Ave in Cottage Grove. Springfield: The Board of Directors generally meet on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Regular business meetings begin at 7 p.m. on the second Monday and work sessions are generally held at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of the month. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, are held in the Board Room of the Springfield Public Schools Administration Building |
13. Adjournment
• The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at the Lane ESD Westmoreland Campus, 1717 City View, Eugene. |