August 8, 2017 at 3:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Regular Meeting To Order
Chair Chris Culver
2. Welcome
Guests attending
the meeting will be introduced.
3. Oath of Office for Newly Elected Board Members
Chair Chris Culver
The Chair of the Board of Directors of Lane ESD will administer the Oath of Office for newly elected Board members:
Alan Contreras Marissa Morris Vanessa Truett Rose Wilde |
4. Public Participation
This is an opportunity for
the audience to address the Board on topics either on, or not on, the
agenda. There will also be opportunities
for the audience to comment on specific agenda items as the Board addresses
5. Agenda Review
Chair Chris Culver
The agenda will
be reviewed for changes or additions.
6. Organization of the Board for 2017-18
6.A. Election of Chairperson
Chair pro-tem Chris Culver
Chair pro-tem, Chris Culver, will declare nominations open for position of Board Chair. Nominations will be made and seconded. When there are no further nominations, Chair pro-tem Chris Culver will declare nominations closed. A vote will be held. The Chair pro-tem will make a declaration of the election results.
Declaration of Election: Board member is elected as Chairperson of the Lane ESD Board of Directors for 2017-18. |
6.B. Election of Vice-Chair
Chair for the Board of Directors of Lane ESD will declare nominations open for position of Board Vice-Chair. Nominations will be submitted. When there are no further nominations, Chair pro-tem Chris Culver will close nominations. A vote will be taken and a Vice-Chair for the Board of Directors of Lane ESD will be elected.
DECLARATION OF ELECTION: Chair pro-tem will declare the election of the Board Vice-Chair for Lane ESD for 2017-18. |
7. Action Items
Chair Chris Culver
7.A. Consent Agenda
Board Chair
The Lane ESD
Board of Directors has agreed to implement a consent agenda. All items in the consent agenda are adopted
by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests
that such item be removed from the consent agenda and acted upon separately.
Generally, consent agenda items are matters which members of the Board agree are routine in nature and should be acted upon in one motion to conserve time and to enable the Board to focus on the other matters on the agenda. Back-up materials for consent agenda items are included in the agenda packet as needed. Minutes of this meeting will reflect action on each item. If any board member wishes to withdraw any consent group item, it will be moved to the appropriate section of the agenda. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD adopts the consent group as submitted and listed below. 1. Lane ESD Board Meeting Minutes of June 6, 2017 2. Human Resource Report, dated August 1, 2017 3. Lane ESD Board Meeting Minutes of June 29, 2017 |
7.B. Accept Financial Report for June 2017
Board Chair
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD accepts the Financial Report for July 2017.
7.C. Approve Routine Designations for 2017-18
Board Chair
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD authorizes Superintendent Tony Scurto to act on the Board's behalf as District Election Authority. In that capacity, the Superintendent may canvass the abstract of votes cast in elections and certify the results of such elections to the Lane County Elections officer. The Board shall subsequently affirm the canvass so certified.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD authorizes the following individuals to transfer funds to and from the Local Government Investment Pool: Tony Scurto, David Standridge, and David Lanza. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD authorizes the use of a facsimile signature for the superintendents. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD will act as the local public contract review board of Lane Education Service District in accordance with Oregon Revised Statute 279A.060. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD approves the following official designations for the 2017-18 year, as presented: - Legal Counsel: The Hungerford Law Firm; Luvaas Cobb Law Firm - Auditors: Pauly, Rogers and Co., PC - Newspaper: Register-Guard |
7.D. Support OAESD P-20 Support Network
Superintendent Tony Scurto
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD officially support the OAESD P-20 Support Network as presented.
7.E. Appoint Board Member to OAESD Governance Council
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane Education Service District will act to appoint one of its members to the Oregon Association of Education Service District's Governance Council, beginning August 2017.
8. Discussion/Reports
8.A. Board Member District and Agency/Committee Assignments
Board Chair
The Board will discuss district, Lane ESD program, and committee assignments.
8.B. Legislative Update
Superintendent Tony Scurto
Superintendent Scurto will provide updates on recent legislative activities.
Attached is a copy fo the 2017 OSBA/COSA Legislative Summary. It contains a brief description of the bills that the organizations tracked during the recently concluded 2017 Legislative Session. It was prepared jointly by the staff of the Oregon School Boards Association and the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators. Governor Kate Brown has until mid-August to decide whether to sign all of these bills into law. COSA and OSBA are jointly preparing a more detailed analysis of the session in a full Legislatie Report, set for release in late summer. |
8.C. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Tony Scurto
8.D. Professional Development/Conference Attendance
Board Chair
The Board will:
9. Information from Administrative Staff
Administrative Staff
directors of Human Resources and Title Programs, Special Education, Business Services, and Instruction, Equity & Partnerships will
be available to provide an oral report to the Board on matters of interest
concerning his/her area of responsibility.
10. Board Member Reports and Comments
Lane ESD Board, Liaisons, Advisors
10.A. Board Member Reports
Lane ESD Board
As Board Members prepare their comments or reports, please
consider the
following questions:
1. What programs did I visit over the last month? What committees did I participate in? 2. What is the connection to the LESD services and programs to the component districts or community? 3. What significance or meaning does the activity have to the broader community? And 4. What are the next steps or follow-up activities planned? Alan Contreras Chris Culver, Chair Sherry Duerst-Higgins Linda Hamilton Marissa Morris Vanessa Truett Rose Wilde Aaron Brown, Superintendents' Council Advisor Emilio Hernandez, Community Advisor Mike Anderson, Liaison, Creswell School District Erik Bishoff, Liaison, Springfield Public Schools Derek Pennel, Liaison, Blachly School District Guy Rosinbaum, Liaison, Siuslaw School District |
10.B. Agenda Planning
Board Chair
Board members are invited to send agenda items to
be considered for the next board meeting. Please call or email to the Board Chair or
11. Announcements/Correspondence
Board Chair
11.A. Acknowledgements and Recognition
Superintendent Tony Scurto
11.B. Kudos
Administration Special Education Trish Robinson,Language and Applied Arts teacher from the MLK/Phoenix Programs, left Lane ESD to move to the East Coast at the end of the 2016-17 school year. She guided her students in creating a mural on the campus. A photo of the mural is attached. In addition, photos are attached of students that spent the morning of May 18 volunteering with the City of Eugene's Open Spaces, Parks and Recreation Department. Fifteen Life Skills students from South Eugene High School and Springfield High School attended the event. Lane ESD's Leslie Cooley, Employment Support Facilitator, arranged for this volunteer opportunity. |
11.C. Announcements
Chair Chris Culver
Lane ESD
and Component Districts Professional Development Activities for Educators
- CS160 Teacher Bootcamp, Lane Community College, August 7-18, 2017 - Lane County Science Project Teacher Training for K5 Teachers, August 14-17, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 1: The Knowledge Base of Teaching, August 17, 2017 - OHSU Research & Simulation Experience, August 22 or 23, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 2: Essential Elements of Unit/Lesson Design, August 22, 23, and October 5, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 4: High Expectations Teaching, Day 1, August 22, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 3: Making Student Thinking Visible, Day 1, August 24, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 1: The Knowledge Base of Teaching, August 28 , 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 3: Making Student Thinking Visible, Day 2, August 30 and October 10, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 1: The Knowledge Base of Teaching, October 3, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Differentiated Conferencing, October 4-5, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 4: High Expectations Teaching, Day 2, October 12, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 3: Making Student Thinking Visible, Day 3, October 13 and November 16, 2017 - Curriculum Leaders' Meeting: Trauma Informed Instructional Practices, October 17, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 5: Principals of Learning, November 8, 2017 - Curriculum Leaders' Meeting: Instructional Technology, November 21, 2017 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 4: High Expectations Teaching, Day 3, December 7, 2017 - Curriculum Leaders' Meeting: School Based Blended Restorative Practices and Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports, December 12, 2017 2. Lane ESD Board Member Activities and Opportunities - OSBA Fall Regional Meeting, September 21, 2017 - OSBA 71st Annual Convention, November 9-12, 2017 3. Upcoming Conferences and Events - Zaretta Hammond, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students, September 19-20, 2017 - Career Exploration Event at Lane County Fairgrounds, October 12, 2017 4. Component District Board Meeting Dates for August/September 2017 Bethel - August 28, September 11 Blachly - August 16, September 20 Creswell - August 9, September 13 Crow-Applegate-Lorane - August 21, September 18 Eugene - August 2, August 15, September 6, September 20 Fern Ridge - August 21, September 18 Junction City - Lowell - August 28, September 25 Mapleton - August 9, September 13 Marcola - August 14, September 11 McKenzie - August 16, September 20 Oakridge - August 14, September 11 Pleasant Hill - September 11 Siuslaw - August 9, September 13 South Lane - August 16, September 13 Springfield - August 14, September 11 |
12. Facilitated Discussion - Annual Retreat - Charge!
OSBA will facilitate team building exercises, review Superintendent and Board Roles, and discuss the roles and responsibilities of Board members.
13. Adjournment
• The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at the Lane ESD Administrative Offices, 1200 Hwy 99N.
Board Chair
Coming up next month: