August 11, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Special Session Meeting To Order
Chair Chris Culver
2. Board Retreat: Legislation 101
Jim Green, OSBA
Understanding the role of Legislature and how to advocate for your schools.
3. Break
4. SMART Goals
Assistant Superintendent Carol Knobbe
Assistant Superintendent will provide an overview of SMART Goals:
Specific – target a specific area for improvement. Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress. Assignable – specify who will do it. Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources. Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved. |
5. Lane ESD's Bold Steps
Superintendent Larry Sullivan
Superintendent Sullivan will review Lane ESD's five Bold Steps:
6. Dinner
Lane ESD Board and Others
Dinner will be available at 5:00 p.m.
7. Board Goal Setting
Superintendent Larry Sullivan
The Board will develop individual SMART goals as related to the Lane ESD Strategic Plan. Each Board member will identify two areas they want to write a goal in and formulate a draft of their two individual goals. Board members will share their draft goals with the full Board during the last thirty minutes of this period. Individual Board goals will be finalized at the September Board meeting.
8. Close of Special Session
Chair Chris Culver
9. Call Regular Meeting To Order
Chair Chris Culver
10. Welcome
Guests attending
the meeting will be introduced.
11. Public Participation
This is an opportunity for
the audience to address the Board on topics either on, or not on, the
agenda. There will also be opportunities
for the audience to comment on specific agenda items as the Board addresses
12. Agenda Review
The agenda will
be reviewed for changes or additions.
13. Review Board Member Application for Zone 2 Vacancy - Interview Board Member Applicant
Chair Chris Culver
The Board will review the application(s) received in response to the announcement of the Board's Zone 2 vacancy.
Oregon School Boards Association offers the following sample interview questions:
13.A. Vote and Appoint New Board Member
Chair Chris Culver
The law contains no guideline for selection potential candidates to fill
a vacant Board position. The statutes do provide qualifications,
however. Applicants for vacant positions must be registered voters and
residents of the district for one year immediately prior to the
appointment (ORS 332.018(2)).
Once a replacement has been identified then current board members vote to appoint the applicant selected to fill the vacant seat. All voting must occur in public and cannot be done using any form of a secret ballot method. A person who fills a vacancy serves until the June 30 following the next regular district election, which takes place in May of odd-numbered years. At that election, an individual is elected to serve either the unexpired portion of the four-year term or a new four-year term. |
13.A.1. Oath of Office For New Director
Chair Chris Culver
The Board Chair will administer the Oath of Office to the newly appointed Board member for Zone 2, Position 2.
The Oath of Office reads as follows: I, (newly appointed Board member name), do hereby affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the constitution and the laws of the state of Oregon, and the policies of Lane Education Service District. During my term, representing Zone 2, Position 2, I will faithfully and impartially discharge the responsibilities of the office to the best of my ability. |
14. Action Items
14.A. Consent Agenda
Chair Chris Culver
The Lane ESD
Board of Directors has agreed to implement a consent agenda. All items in the consent agenda are adopted
by a single motion unless a member of the Board or the Superintendent requests
that such item be removed from the consent agenda and acted upon separately.
Generally, consent agenda items are matters which members of the Board agree are routine in nature and should be acted upon in one motion to conserve time and to enable the Board to focus on the other matters on the agenda. Back-up materials for consent agenda items are included in the agenda packet as needed. Minutes of this meeting will reflect action on each item. If any board member wishes to withdraw any consent group item, it will be moved to the appropriate section of the agenda. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD adopts the consent group as submitted and listed below. (1) Approve Board Minutes of June 28, 2016 (attachment) BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD approves the minutes of its meeting June 28, 2016, as submitted. (2) Accept Monthly Human Resources Report and Approve Personnel Recommendations (attachment) BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Lane ESD accepts the Monthly Human Resources Report dated August 2, 2016. |
14.B. Accept Financial Report for June 2016
Chair Chris Culver
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of
Directors of Lane ESD accepts the Financial Report for June 2016.
15. Approve Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent Contract Amendment for 2015-18
Chair Chris Culver
The Board will act to approve the Superintendent's and Assistant Superintendent's employment contract amendments for the 2016-17 year. The amendment includes changes to the Superintendent's compensation and benefits as agreed during the Superintendent's evaluation on June 28, 2016.
16. Discussion/Reports
Chair Chris Culver
16.A. Board Member District and Agency/Committee Assignments
Chair Chris Culver
The Board will discuss previous Board Member District and Agency/Committee Assignments, and make assignments for the 2016-17 school year.
16.B. Board and Superintendent Agreements
Chair Chris Culver
The Board will review Board and Superintendent agreements.
16.C. Professional Development/Conference Attendance for Board Members
Chair Chris Culver
1. OSBA Annual Fall Conference attendance (November 10-13, 2016)
2. OSBA Fall Regional Meeting at Lane ESD (tentative October 11, 2016) 3. OAESD Spring Conference (May 18-20, 2017) 4. OSBA Summer Camp (date TBD) 3. Professional Development Opportunities |
16.D. OSBA Summer Camp Report Out
Chair Chris Culver
Attendees at the OSBA Summer Camp will report out to the group on the conference.
16.E. Policy First Reads
Chair Chris Culver, Assistant Superintendent Carol Knobbe
16.E.1. DJC-AR Special Procurements and Exemptions to Competitive Bidding
A change in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 279B.065 Small Procurements, increased the limit for small procurements from $5,000 to $10,000.
16.E.2. GBM - Staff Complaints
The Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 4067 in 2016 effectively changing the Whistleblowing section in the Oregon Revised Statute and added new provisions for whistleblowers. Due to the new provisions for whistleblowers, OSBA created a new separate required sample policy, GBMA - Whistleblower, and revised the policy language in policy GBM - Staff Complaints.
16.E.3. GBMA - Whistleblower
The Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 4067 in 2016 effectively changing the Whistleblowing section in the Oregon Revised Statute and added new provisions for whistleblowers. Due to the new provisions for whistleblowers, OSBA created a new separate required sample policy, GBMA - Whistleblower, and revised the policy language in policy GBM - Staff Complaints.
16.E.4. GCBDC/GDBDC - AR - Employee Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking Leave
This is a new form for employees to use in the ESD. The new form complies with the requirement in Oregon Revised Statute 659A.280 that an employee who requests domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault or stalking leave, shall provide the ESD with reasonable advance notice, unless advance notice is not feasible.
16.E.5. GCDA/GDDA - Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting & GCDA/GDDA - AR - Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting
The reference to the Employment Department has been updated to reflect the Oregon Department of Education, Child Care Division as the agency responsible for establishing rules for criminal record checks and fingerprinting, for all contractors and/or their employees providing service to the ESD.
16.E.6. JFC - Student Conduct
The added language in sample policies JFC - Student Conduct and JG - Student Discipline was recommended by OSBA legal staff in response to cases and conversations at a recent School Law Conference. The language offers an option for the ESD to apply student conduct expectations and rules on discipline to students while they are traveling to and from school, at the bus stop, at ESD or school-sponsored events, while at other schools operated by the ESD and while off campus, whenever such conduct causes a substantial and material disruption of the educational environment or the invasion of rights of others.
16.E.7. JG - Student Discipline
The added language in sample policies JFC - Student Conduct and JG -
Student Discipline was recommended by OSBA legal staff in response to
cases and conversations at a recent School Law Conference. The language
offers an option for the ESD to apply student conduct expectations and
rules on discipline to students while they are traveling to and from
school, at the bus stop, at ESD or school-sponsored events, while at
other schools operated by the ESD and while off campus,
16.E.8. JHCDA - Prescription Medications & JHCD/JHCDA AR - Prescription and Nonprescription Medication
Senate Bill (SB) 875, passed in the 2015 Legislative session, requires modification to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR)581-021-0037. SB 875 directed the State Board of Education to adopt rules under which school personnel may administer medications that treat adrenal insufficiency to students experiencing symptoms of adrenal crisis; these rules have been adopted and revisions to board policy JHCDA and its administrative regulation, JHCD/JHCDA-AR are included in this update.
17. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Larry Sullivan
Superintendent Sullivan will provide an update on recent agency activities.
18. Information from Administrative Staff
Lane ESD Administrators
directors of Special Education, Business Services, and Instruction, Equity & Partnerships will
be available to provide an oral report to the Board on matters of interest
concerning his/her area of responsibility.
Special Education - Sue Mathisen will speak about CampAbilities. Further information is available at: and |
19. Board Member Reports and Comments
Lane ESD Board, Liaisons, Advisors
19.A. Agenda Planning
Chair Chris Culver
Board members are invited to send agenda items to
be considered for the September 27, 2016 board meeting. Please call or email to the Board Chair or
Superintendent by Monday, September 19, 2016.
19.B. Board Member Reports
Lane ESD Board, Advisors and Liaisons
As Board Members prepare their comments or reports, please
consider the
following questions:
1. How does my report relate to my individual goals as a Board member? 2. What programs did I visit over the last month? What committees did I participate in? 3. What is the connection to the LESD services and programs to the component districts or community? 4. What significance or meaning does the activity have to the broader community? And 5. What are the next steps or follow-up activities planned? Chris Culver, Chair Sherry Duerst-Higgins Linda Hamilton Joel Robe Vanessa Truett Rose Wilde Todd Hamilton, Superintendents' Council Advisor Emilio Hernandez, Community Advisor Erik Bishoff, Liaison, Springfield Public Schools Twinkle Morton, Liaison, Fern Ridge School District Derek Pennel, Liaison, Blachly School District |
20. Announcements/Correspondence
Chair Chris Culver
20.A. Acknowledgements and Recognition
Chair Chris Culver, Superintendent Larry Sullivan
20.B. Kudos
Chair Chris Culver, Superintendent Larry Sullivan
20.C. Announcements
Chair Chris Culver, Superintendent Larry Sullivan
Lane ESD
and Component Districts Professional Development Activities for Educators
- Kindergarten Next Generation Science Standards Workshop, August 17, 2016 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 1: The Knowledge Base of Teaching, August 23, 2016 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 2: The Essential Elements of Unit/Lesson Design (3-day module), August 24, 2016 - K-2 Beyond the Textbook: Quick Ideas to Liven Up Math Class, October 6, 2016 - Fuel Lane Secondary Math: Using Smarter Balanced Data to Impact the Classroom, October 26, 2016 - Smarter Balanced Math Assessment Impact, November 18, 2016 - Studying Skillful Teaching, Module 4: High Expectations Teaching (3-day module), August 31, 2016 B. Lane ESD Board Member Activities and Opportunities - OSBA Legislative Policy Committee Meeting, August 22, 2016 - OSBA Board of Directors Meeting, September 23-24, 2016 - OSBA Executive Committee Meeting, September 24, 2016 - OSBA Fall Regional Meeting, October 11, 2016 (Tentative) - OSBA 70th Annual Convention, November 10-13, 2016 C. Upcoming Conferences and Events - ODE/COSA Special Education Administrators Fall Conference, October 5-7, 2016 - COSA Leading and Teaching with Poverty In Mind, October 13-14, 2016 - Construction Utilities Career Day, October 13, 2016 - Apprenticeship Open House, October 20, 2016 - COSA Annual Principals and Teacher Leaders Conference, October 23-25, 2016 |
21. Adjournment
• The next regular meeting is scheduled to be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, at the Lane ESD Administrative Offices, 1200 Hwy 99N.
Chair Chris Culver