February 23, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. 5:15 PM - Executive Session - ORS 192.660(2)(i) Superintendent Evaluation
Jose Aparicio, Chair
The School Board will adjourn into Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(i) - "To review and evaluate the performance of the superintendent or any other public officer, employee or staff member, unless that person requests an open hearing."
2. Call Meeting to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Jose Aparicio, Chair
3. Review / Revision of the Agenda
4. District Mission / Vision / Values
Mission Statement: "Educating each student to the highest standards while motivating them to reach their fullest potential and graduating them to be college, career and life ready." Vision Statement: "Our schools are a place where children belong. Each student is known by name, strength, and need, and provided the education and opportunities to achieve success." Our Values: *Striving for Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging * Celebrating Diversity * Engaging the Community * Supporting the Whole Child * Promoting and Achieving Academic Excellence * |
5. Student / Staff Recognition
6. Student Representative Reports
7. Consent Agenda
The consent agenda consists of routine items such as previous board minutes, routine personnel actions and routine financial transactions. Normally, there is little or no discussion on these items. |
7.a. School Board Meeting Minutes from previous meeting
7.b. Licensed Employees Contract Extension, Renewal & Non-Renewal
7.c. Personnel Report
8. Board Action Calendar - Review
9. School Board Sub Committee Reports
10. Staff Reports:
11. New Business:
11.a. Presentations / Reports:
11.a.1. School Building Report - The Dalles High School
Kurt Evans, Principal
11.a.2. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Carolyn Bernal, Superintendent
11.a.2.a. 2027 Strategic Plan Update
Carolyn Bernal, Superintendent
11.a.3. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Kara Flath, CFO
11.a.3.a. Financial Statements:
11.a.3.b. Student Enrollment:
11.a.4. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey, Board Attorney
12. Discussion / Action Items:
12.a. Presentation: 2023-2024 ESD Local Service Plan
Pat Sublette, ESD Superintendent
12.a.1. Discussion / Action Item: Approve the 2023-2024 ESD Local Service Plan.
12.b. Discussion/Action Item: Approve Surplus of Vocational Education Property
Kara Flath, CFO
12.c. Action Item: Approve Resident Release & Nonresident Acceptance Slot Requests for the 2023-2024 school year.
Carolyn Bernal, Superintendent
13. 1st Reading on School Board Policies (informational only):
13.a. Policy JHCCF: Pediculosis (Head Lice)
The School District Nurses asked that this policy be reviewed and corrected to reflect students found with live lice only will be excluded from school attendance. Students found with nits (lice eggs) will not be excluded. This procedure correction aligns with the Oregon Department of Human & Health Services.
13.b. Policy JHCD/JHCDA: Medications
The Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority have co-developed a Fentanyl & Opioid Response Toolkit for Schools to support educators, administrators, school nurses, students and families in response to the public health crisis related to rising youth and adult opioid overdoses and deaths in Oregon.
This toolkit provides information about how schools may create an emergency protocol to administer Naloxone, also known as Narcan. Also included in the toolkit is information on how to access, administer and store this medication, resources to support staff training, prevention education, board policy language revisions and other essential resources to develop and implement these life-saving procedures. Click HERE to review the ODE & OHA Fentanyl & Opioid Response Toolkit for Schools
14. 2nd Reading / Adoption on School Board Policies (action required):
14.a. Policy IKF: Graduation Requirements
There has been additional changes to graduation requirements in Oregon as a result of Senate Bill 1522 (2022). The bill provided a new definition for "an educational program in this state" and modified what credits the district shall accept from other educational programs in this state to satisfy credit requirements for a student to graduate.
An additional change modified the definition of "world language" in graduation requirements to include sign language, heritage language and languages other than a student's primary language. A graduation requirement policy is required if the district has graduation requirements in addition to the minimum requirements outlined in law, such as if the district requires more than 24 credit requirements for a high school diploma, has an honors diploma or has other noncredit requirements.
14.b. Policy JGAB: Use of Restraint and Seclusion
*One revision was recommended after the January 19th School Board Meeting in which this policy was reviewed for 1st Reading. The suggested revision is found on page 2, included in the paragraph prior to 'Definitions', to add "volunteer" in the example list (...e.g. teacher, administrator, or volunteer...).
The updates to this policy are recommended to identify prohibitions related to both restraint and seclusion. Updated language is required.
15. Informational Only:
15.a. Policy JHCD/JHCDA-AR: Medications
15.b. Policy BCBA-AR (1): Student Representatives to the Board
This Administrative Regulation outlines the process and procedures for high school students who would like to submit their application to be considered for the position as a Student Representative to the Board.
15.c. Policy BCBA-AR(2): Student Representatives to the Board - Application
16. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Public Comments: The Board will accept public comments for the February 23rd, 2023 School Board meeting. The Board is committed to the public comment process and will consider all public comment seriously. Public Comments for virtual meetings will continue to follow School Board Policy BDDH - Public Participation in Board Meetings.
Public Comment Options: Sign-up to speak at the meeting: A sign-up form will be available for those wishing to speak to the school board in person. Comments will follow District Policy with up to 3 minutes allotted per person to speak. To submit written comments: Please send an email to publiccomments@nwasco.k12.or.us. Deadline to submit written comments is Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023 by 4:00 PM. Public comments submitted after the deadline will be included in the next Regular School Board Meeting agenda. The Board sincerely appreciates your input, and thanks you for your participation. |
17. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting