February 25, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting and Supplemental Budget Hearing
Agenda |
1. Call the Supplemental Budget Hearing to Order.
John Nelson, Chair
1.a. Public Comments on the Supplemental Budget for the Kurtz Gym Seismic Retrofit Grant.
2. Adjourn the Supplemental Budget Hearing.
3. Call Regular School Board Meeting to Order
John Nelson, Chair
4. Review / Revision of the Agenda
5. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens. Vision Statement North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being. |
6. Student / Staff Recognition
7. Student Representative Reports
8. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
The North Wasco County School District Board of Directors will conduct the February 25th, 2021 meeting by video conference and, for Board Members only, in-person at The Dalles Middle School. Public Comments: The Board will accept verbal and written public comment for the February 25th, 2021 meeting. The Board is committed to the public comment process and will consider all public comment seriously. Public Comments for virtual meetings will continue to follow School Board Policy BDDH - Public Participation in Board Meetings. To participate in the public comment portion, or to submit a written public comment for the February 25th, 2021 meeting, all requests will be accepted until Wednesday, February 24th by 12:00 (Noon). Public comments submitted or requests to speak after the deadline will not be accepted. Please send written comments to publiccomments@nwasco.k12.or.us or by US Mail to North Wasco County School District 21 ATTN: Public Comments, 3632 West 10th Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058. For those wishing to participate during the public comments section and speak to the Board, please contact Cindy Miller at publiccomments@nwasco.k12.or.us to sign up and receive a Zoom link. "Approved written public comment will be included in the School Board Agenda under the Public Comment section and may be read aloud as determined by the Board Chair." The Board sincerely appreciates your input, and thanks you for your participation. |
9. Consent Agenda
The consent agenda consists of routine items such as previous board minutes, routine personnel actions and routine financial transactions. Normally, there is little or no discussion on these items. |
9.a. School Board Meeting Minutes from January 13th, 2021.
9.b. School Board Executive Session minutes from January 21st, 2021.
9.c. School Board Work Session/Executive Session Meeting Minutes from January 22nd, 2021.
9.d. School Board Special Meeting Minutes from February 1st, 2021.
9.e. School Board Work Session/Executive Session Minutes from December 30th, 2020
9.f. Licensed Contract Renewals for the 2021-2022 school year
9.g. Personnel Report
10. Board Action Calendar - Review
11. Board Discussion around Legislative Advocacy
12. Proposal for launching Renaming Schools, Programs and Properties Advisory Committee
Dawn Rasmussen, Rebecca Thistlethwaite and Solea Kabakov, Directors
13. School Board Sub Committee Reports
13.a. D21 Education Foundation - Director Thistlethwaite
13.b. Community Outreach Team - Director Rasmussen
13.c. Wellness Committee - Director Richardson
13.d. Building / Facilities Report - Director Jones
13.e. District Equity Committee - Vice Chair Aparicio
13.f. Wasco County Forest Collaborative - Chair Nelson
14. New Business:
14.a. Action Item: Solea Kabakov, Zone 5, has tendered her resignation as a school board member effective February 19th, 2021. As per School Board Policy BBC: Board Member Resignation, the school board will annoucne the resignation and declare a vacancy for the Zone 5 position.
14.b. Presentations / Reports:
14.b.1. Presentation: Mosier Community School Annual Report (for the 2019-2020 school year)
Janet Carter, Asst Principal / Dean of Students
14.b.1.a. Action Item: Approve the MCS Annual Report as presented.
Janet Carter, Asst Principal / Dean of Students
14.b.2. Presentation: Columbia Gorge ESD Resolution Services & Local Service Plan for 2021-2022
Pat Sublette, ESD Superintendent
14.b.2.a. Action Item: Adopt Resolution #20-21-12: Columbia Gorge ESD Resolution Services and Local Service Plan for 2021-2022
Pat Sublette, ESD Superintendent
14.b.3. Superintendent's Report
14.b.3.a. Update on Schools:
14.b.3.b. Action Item: Adopt the 2021-2022 School Calendar as presented.
14.b.3.c. Action Item: Nonresident Release Requests - 2021-2022 school year
14.b.4. Chief Financial Officer's Report
14.b.4.a. Action Item: Resolution #20-21-03.02 - Resolution Making Appropriations State of Oregon (Business Oregon Commission) Seismic Rehabilitation Grant
14.b.4.b. Action Item: Appoint the following Budget Committee Members as presented.
The following Budget Committee Members terms expired on June 30, 2020. They have both agreed to continue to serve on the NWCSD Budget Committee for another term:
14.b.4.c. Financial Statements:
14.b.4.d. Student Enrollment:
14.b.5. Board Attorney's Report
15. Discussion / Action Items:
16. 1st Reading on School Board Policies (informational only):
17. 2nd Reading / Adoption on School Board Policies (action required):
17.a. JBB: Educational Equity
18. Informational Only:
19. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting