March 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Kathy Ursprung, Chair
2. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement “Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens.” Vision Statement “North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.” |
3. Student Reports to the Board
4. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs but the board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. The chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Approve the Regular School Board Meeting Minutes from February 28th, 2019 as presented.
5.b. Personnel Notes
6. New Business Discussion / Action:
6.a. Presentations / Reports:
6.a.1. Interview School Board Candidates for appointed positions
NWCSD received two applications for the vacant school board appointed position (Zone 7). As per Board Policy BBE: Vacancies will be filled through Board appointment. The Board appointee must be a legally registered voter and a resident within the district for one year immediately preceding the appointment and a resident of the zone from which the vacancy has occurred. If the vacancy occurs in a zone, the Board shall advertise for a 20-day period to find an eligible resident from the same zone. If an eligible zone resident cannot be found, the Board shall appoint one of the eligible residents from the district.
6.a.1.a. Possible Action Item: Appoint candidate to the Zone 7 school board position until June 30th, 2019.
6.a.2. Blue Zones Project - Presentation
Brett Ratchford, Organizations Lead
Blue Zones Project will be presenting an overview of their current projects as well as successful accomplishments within our Community.
6.a.3. Parks & Recreation - Draft Masterplan presentation
Scott Baker, Director
Scott Baker will be reviewing the Parks & Recreation's DRAFT Master Plan they have been working on with what the next steps will include.
6.a.4. Update on School Facilities Use Process
Don Carter, Facilities Director
Update on the school facilities use process and next steps.
6.a.5. Superintendent's Report
Candy Armstrong
6.a.5.a. Action Item: Adopt 2019-2020 School Year Calendar as presented.
6.a.6. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Randy Anderson
6.a.6.a. Financial Statements:
6.a.6.b. Student Enrollment:
6.a.7. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey
7. Discussion / Action Items:
7.a. Action Item: Out of State Travel Request - Colby Tonn, Teacher at TDHS
Kurt Evans, Principal, TDHS
Colby Tonn is requesting approval to attend the AP World History- Reader program. This opportunity is to increase his knowledge of how tests are scored and apply that knowledge in the classroom.
7.b. Action Item: Out of State Travel Request - Mary Jo Commerford, Teacher at TDHS
Kurt Evans, Principal, TDHS
Mary Jo Commerford is requesting approval to attend the AP US History - Reader program. This opportunity will increase proficiency scoring and teaching AP US History as well as increase the skill set to enhance the overall AP Program at the high school
8. School Board Policies - 2nd Reading & Adoption:
8.a. 2nd Reading & Adoption Action Required: JEBC Admission of Nonresident Students (no changes from 1st Reading)
Open Enrollment, enacted by the Oregon Legislature in 2011, created an additional option for students wishing to transfer between districts. The open enrollment statute contains a sunset provision, effective July 1, 2019. The Legislature may choose to extend the sunset during the 2019 legislative session. However, until the Legislature takes action, the sunset is still in effect and districts may not enroll new students through open enrollment.
9. Informational Only:
10. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting