July 12, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Kathy Ursprung, Chair
2. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement “Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens.” Vision Statement “North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.” |
3. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs but the board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. The chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
4. Special Consent Agenda - Approve Special July Board Organizational Designations
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Approve the Budget Hearing and School Board Meeting Minutes from June 14th, 2018
5.b. Approve Work Session Meeting Minutes from Monday, June 25th, 2018
5.c. Personnel Report
6. Old Business Discussion / Action:
6.a. Action Item: Election for Chair – ORS 332.040 (2)
6.b. Action Item: Election for Vice Chair – ORS 332.040 (2)
6.c. Action Item: Appoint Board Member(s) to: Education Foundation Executive Board, Community Outreach Team, District 21 Wellness Committee
Board members will need to either be re-appointed or a new Member appointed to the District Committees listed. Current Board Members on committees are as follows: Education Foundation (Dean McAllister); Community Outreach Team (John Nelson); District 21 Wellness Committee (John Nelson and Kathy Ursprung)
6.d. Update on District Facilities / Bond Process
7. New Business Discussion / Action:
7.a. Presentations / Reports:
7.a.1. Superintendent's Report
Candy Armstrong
7.a.1.a. Informational: Save the Date! Board / Admin Retreat - Saturday, August 18th (8:30 - 3:00 PM)
7.a.2. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Randy Anderson
7.a.2.a. Financial Statements:
7.a.3. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey
8. Discussion / Action Items:
8.a. Action Item: Appoint Bethani Studebaker to the Zone 5 Board Member Position
One application was received for the open Zone 5 School Board Member position. The applicant is qualified for the position. It is recommended the Board appoint Bethani Studebaker to the Zone 5 School Board Member position and declare the Zone 1 Board Member position vacant.
8.b. Discussion / Action Item: Place bond question on November ballot (see attached)
8.c. Action Item: Approve Resolution #18-19-02: Resolution Approving the Board of Directors in Making a Statement of Position Regarding The Dalles/Wasco County Enterprise Zone Program
8.d. Action Item: Out of State Travel Request - K Galt, Teacher at TDMS
8.e. Action Item: Equipment and Material Use Agreement request - Gorge Winds Concert Band
8.f. Action Item: Declare surplus items - Nutrition Services
8.g. Action Item: Increase in high school meal price & district-wide milk price (see attached)
8.h. Discussion / Action Item: The OSBA Legislative Policy Committee has completed their proposed Legislative Policies and Priorities for the 2019-2020 biennium. OSBA is requesting that School Boards review the proposed Legislative Policies & Priorities and either make any suggested changes or approve them as presented prior to August 3rd.
8.i. Informational: 1st Reading on School Board Policies (no action is required at this time)
8.i.1. Policy ECACB: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) a.k.a. Drone (conditionally required)
It has been identified that third-party use may need to also comply with registration requirements and authorization from the Oregon Department of Aviation for use of an unmanned aircraft system. Therefore, PACE has requested this addition to policy language and cites OAR 738-080-0015 - 738-080-0045.
8.i.2. Policy GBC: Staff Ethics (highly recommended)
At OSBA's request, the Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) completed a review of OSBA's current model policy GBC - Staff Ethics, resulting in OSBA making some recommended edits to policy and its accompanying optional administrative regulation (AR).
8.i.3. Informational: GBC-AR: Staff Ethics (Optional)
At OSBA's request, the Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) completed a review of OSBA's current model policy GBC - Staff Ethics, resulting in OSBA making some recommended edits to policy and its accompanying optional administrative regulation (AR).
8.i.4. Policy GBN/JBA: Sexual Harassment (Required)
Policy GBN/JBA - Sexual Harassment and its administrative regulation has been updated to reflect House Bill 4150 (2018), and the temporary rules in OAR 581-021-0038 adopted by the State Board of Education June 21st, 2018 which does the following:
1. Expands the required information to be provided for sexual harassment complaints; 2. Extends protections in district policies to a person on or immediately adjacent to district property, at any district-sponsored activities, utilizing district-provided transportation or district bus stops; and 3. Requires written notification, in plain language and easy to read, to complainant(s) to include: a) Rights of the Complainant; b) information on legal and disciplinary options, school services, outside services and privacy rights. These revisions are effective July 1st, 2018. |
8.i.5. Policy GBN/JBA - AR: Sexual Harassment (Required)
Policy GBN/JBA - Sexual Harassment and its administrative regulation has been updated to reflect House Bill 4150 (2018), and the temporary rules in OAR 581-021-0038 adopted by the State Board of Education June 21st, 2018 which does the following:
1. Expands the required information to be provided for sexual harassment complaints; 2. Extends protections in district policies to a person on or immediately adjacent to district property, at any district-sponsored activities, utilizing district-provided transportation or district bus stops; and 3. Requires written notification, in plain language and easy to read, to complainant(s) to include: a) Rights of the Complainant; b) information on legal and disciplinary options, school services, outside services and privacy rights. These revisions are effective July 1st, 2018. |
8.i.6. Policy GCBDC/GDBDC - AR: Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking Leave (Highly Recommended)
The policy and administrative regulation (AR) are being updated to more accurately reflect the language in ORS 659A.285. ((The District currently only has the AR in board policy))
8.i.7. Policy GCDA/GDDA: Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting (Required)
The State Board of Education adopted permanent rule Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-021-0502, implementing House Bill 2992 (2017), which directs that if a district wants to fingerprint certain volunteer positions with direct, unsupervised contact with students, that those specific volunteer positions must be identified in board policy. The recommended policy revisions provide language that meets the new OAR requirements.
8.i.7.a. Informational: GCDA/GDDA-AR: Criminal Records Checks/Fingerprinting (Required)
The State Board of Education adopted permanent rule Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-021-0502, implementing House Bill 2992 (2017), which directs that if a district wants to fingerprint certain volunteer positions with direct, unsupervised contact with students, that those specific volunteer positions must be identified in board policy. The recommended policy revisions provide language that meets the new OAR requirements.
8.i.8. Policy IGBA: Students with Disabilities - Child Identification Procedures (Required)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.9. AR is Required to be Adopted by Board: IGBAG-AR: Special Education - Procedural Safeguards (Required)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.10. Policy IGBAH: Special Education - Evaluation Procedures (Required)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.11. Policy IGBAJ: Special Education - Free Appropriate Public Education [FAPE] (Required)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.12. AR is Required to be Adopted by Board: IGBAJ-AR: Special Education - Free Appropriate Public Education [FAPE] (Required)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.13. Policy IGBHE: Expanded Options Program (Highly Recommended)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.13.a. Informational: IGBHE-AR (1): Annual Expanded Options Program Notification (Highly Recommended)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.14. Policy IICC: Volunteers (Optional)
The State Board of Education adopted permanent rule Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 581-021-0502, implementing House Bill 2992 (2017), which directs that if a district wants to fingerprint certain volunteer positions with direct, unsupervised contact with students, that those specific volunteer positions must be identified in board policy. The recommended policy revisions provide language that meets the new OAR requirements.
8.i.15. Policy IKF: Graduation Requirements (Required)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.16. Policy JBA/GBN: Sexual Harassment (Required)
This policy and its administrative regulation has been updated to reflect House Bill 4150 (2018), and the temporary rules in OAR 581-021-0038 adopted by the State Board of Education June 21st, 2018 which does the following:
1. Expands the required information to be provided for sexual harassment complaints; 2. Extends protections in district policies to a person on or immediately adjacent to district property, at any district-sponsored activities, utilizing district-provided transportation or district bus stops; and 3. Requires written notification, in plain language and easy to read, to complainant(s) to include: a) rights of the complainant; and b) information on legal and disciplinary options, school services, outside services and privacy rights. These revisions are effective July 1st, 2018. |
8.i.16.a. Informational: JBA/GBN-AR: Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure (Required)
This policy and its administrative regulation has been updated to reflect House Bill 4150 (2018), and the temporary rules in OAR 581-021-0038 adopted by the State Board of Education June 21st, 2018 which does the following:
1. Expands the required information to be provided for sexual harassment complaints; 2. Extends protections in district policies to a person on or immediately adjacent to district property, at any district-sponsored activities, utilizing district-provided transportation or district bus stops; and 3. Requires written notification, in plain language and easy to read, to complainant(s) to include: a) rights of the complainant; and b) information on legal and disciplinary options, school services, outside services and privacy rights. These revisions are effective July 1st, 2018. |
8.i.17. Policy JECA: Admission of Resident Students (Highly Recommended)
Senate Bill (SB) 1522 corrected language contained in SB 20 (2017) that prevented districts from accessing State School Fund dollars for students who received a modified diploma and wanted to continue receiving transition services until age 21. SB 1522 updates the statutes to ensure that students who have received a modified diploma can continue receiving transition services through age 21, and allows districts to continue receiving State School Funds to provide those services.
The bill also contains provisions allowing modified diploma recipients in Youth Corrections Educational Programs to be eligible for transition services and modified diploma recipients to be eligible for the Expanded Options Program. SB 1522 affects students who received a modified diploma before, on or after the passage of SB 1522. |
8.i.18. Informational: JHCD/JHCDA-AR: Medications (Required)
OSBA is modifying the definition of "prescription medications" in the administrative regulation (AR) to include prescription medications identified by State law; there are some medications under Oregon law that require a prescription, but do not under federal law.
8.i.19. Informational: JHFE-AR (1): Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child (Required)
To comply with revisions to ORA 419B.045 resulting from passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1540 (2018), OSBA has revised the required administrative regulation (AR) and related highly recommended form for board policy JHFE-Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child, and revised highly recommended AR for policy KN-Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies. The SB further outlines the authority and the responsibilities of the Department of Human Services (DHS) or law enforcement agencies and that of the district when an investigation related to abuse of a child is necessary on school premises. The amendments created by SB 1540 are effective now. The form JHFE-AR(2) provided has been approved by DHS for use.
8.i.20. Informational: JHFE-AR(2): Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises (Highly Recommended)
To comply with revisions to ORA 419B.045 resulting from passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1540 (2018), OSBA has revised the required administrative regulation (AR) and related highly recommended form for board policy JHFE-Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child, and revised highly recommended AR for policy KN-Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies. The SB further outlines the authority and the responsibilities of the Department of Human Services (DHS) or law enforcement agencies and that of the district when an investigation related to abuse of a child is necessary on school premises. The amendments created by SB 1540 are effective now. The form JHFE-AR(2) provided has been approved by DHS for use.
8.i.21. Policy JHFF: Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students (Required)
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) added a new policy requirement very similar to the Oregon law regarding sexual conduct with students. The major difference is that ESSA also applies to contractors and agents of the district in addition to district/school employees. This policy has been revised to reflect the ESSA requirements.
8.i.22. Policy KI: Public Solicitation in District Facilities (Highly Recommended)
The language about sale of travel services has been deleted in policy KI and in model policy KJ (previously KI/KJ) due to the repeal of ORS 332.593. In addition, to make this series of policies less confusing, OSBA has deleted policy KJ-Advertising in District Facilities for districts, and recoded and retitled the combined policy versions of KI/KJ - Commercial Advertising/Merchandise Sales to KJ-Commercial Advertising.
8.i.23. Policy KJ - Commercial Advertising (Highly Recommended)
The language about sale of travel services has been deleted in Policy KI and policy KJ due to the repeal of ORS 332.593. In addition, to make this series of policies less confusing, OSBA has deleted policy KJ-Advertising in District Facilities for districts, and recoded and retitled the combined policy versions of KI/KJ-Commercial Advertising/Merchandise Sales to KJ - Commercial Advertising.
8.i.23.a. Informational: KJ-AR: Commercial Advertising (High Recommended)
The language about sale of travel services has been deleted in Policy KI and policy KJ due to the repeal of ORS 332.593. In addition, to make this series of policies less confusing, OSBA has deleted policy KJ-Advertising in District Facilities for districts, and recoded and retitled the combined policy versions of KI/KJ-Commercial Advertising/Merchandise Sales to KJ - Commercial Advertising.
8.i.24. Informational: KN-AR(1): Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies (Highly Recommended)
To comply with revisions to ORA 419B.045 resulting from passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1540 (2018), OSBA has revised the required administrative regulation (AR) and related highly recommended form for board policy JHFE-Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child, and revised highly recommended AR for policy KN-Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies. The SB further outlines the authority and the responsibilities of the Department of Human Services (DHS) or law enforcement agencies and that of the district when an investigation related to abuse of a child is necessary on school premises. The amendments created by SB 1540 are effective now. The form JHFE-AR(2) provided has been approved by DHS for use.
8.i.25. Policy GBH/JECAC: Staff/Student/Parent Relations (Optional)
To accommodate the Oregon laws that relate to parental plans in cases of separated or divorced parents, the OSBA legal staff have recommended the revisions in this Policy.
8.i.26. Policy CM: Compliance and Reporting on Standards (New Policy Recommended)
The State Board of Education adopted a revision to OAR 581-022-2305, setting a new due date for the district's report to the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) on compliance with state standards, and requiring the same report first to be issued to the school board at a public meeting. The district is also now required to make this report available on the district's web page.
9. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting