February 22, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Work Session and Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. 5:30 PM - Call Work Session to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Work Session discussion will focus on the Columbia View Heights property.
2. Adjourn Work Session.
3. Call Regular Meeting to Order
Kathy Ursprung, Chair
The regular meeting will immediately follow the Work Session.
4. District Mission / Vision Statement
Mission Statement “Graduating all students to be college and career ready; challenging, inspiring, and empowering them to be healthy and productive citizens.” Vision Statement “North Wasco is a premier school district. We provide students a rigorous and relevant education with schools performing academically in the top 5% of the nation. Our students are inspired by a talented, innovative, and highly effective staff that values continuous professional growth. Our district graduates citizens who are ethical and motivated to achieve their limitless potential. North Wasco is fully embraced by the community, reflecting its health and well being.” |
5. Comments from the Audience about Non Agenda Items
Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs but the board will not hear complaints concerning specific district personnel. The chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals.
6. Student Reports to the Board
7. Consent Agenda
7.a. Approve the School Board Meeting Minutes from January 30th, 2018
7.b. Personnel Notes
7.c. Personnel - Licensed Contract renewals / extensions
As per ORS 342.513 - Each district school board shall give written notice of the renewal or nonrenewal of the contract for the following school year by March 15 of each year to all teachers and administrators in its employ ....
7.d. Policy IGBHE - Expanded Options Program (highly recommended)
Senate Bill 20 passed by the 2017 Legislature updated state law references to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) in current law. The changes affecting this policy are a result of the Oregon Department of Education's removal of the Expanded Options Program rules in lieu of ORS Chapter 340.
7.e. Policy JHF - Student Safety (highly recommended)
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) revised reporting rules resulting in the removal of "elementary and secondary schools," "other schools of instruction" and "educational support services" from exempt status in regards to filling out the OSHA 300 injury tracking log.
7.f. Policy KBA - Public Records (highly recommended)
Senate Bill 481 passed by the 2017 Legislature established time frames for public bodies to respond to a public records request. Districts must acknowledge or complete the public records request within five business days. The district acknowledgment of a public records request must confirm that the district is, is not, or is uncertain it is the custodian of the requested public records. If the public body first acknowledges the receipt of the request for public records - without completing it - the SB also imposes a time frame for the completing the request. In addition, SB 481 defined 'business day' in regard to responding to a public records request. The SB makes this new Act applicable to public records requests received by the district on or after January 1, 2018. House Bill 3464 (2017) added legislation that a "public body" shall not "..., in accordance with state law, disclose personal information for the purpose of enforcement of federal immigration laws".
8. Old Business Discussion / Action:
8.a. Update on District Facilities / Bond Process
9. New Business Discussion / Action:
9.a. Presentations / Reports:
9.a.1. Superintendent's Report
Candy Armstrong
9.a.1.a. Action Item: Approve the COLA as presented for non-represented employees
Candy Armstrong, Supt
9.a.2. Chief Financial Officer's Report
Randy Anderson
9.a.2.a. Student Enrollment
9.a.2.b. Financial Statements:
9.a.2.c. Action Item: Approve Resolution #17-18-04- Resolution Making Appropriations, TIDES Foundation - High School Technology Grant
9.a.2.d. Action Item: Approve Resolution #17-18-05- Resolution Making Appropriations, TIDES Foundation - Robotics Tech Support 2018
9.a.3. Board Attorney's Report
Jason Corey
10. Discussion / Action Items:
10.a. Action Item: Out of State Travel Request - Randy Anderson, CFO
The Community Outreach Team for The Dalles will be traveling to Washington, D.C. in March to meet with Legislative Delegates. Mr. Anderson has been asked to be the K-12 Education Representative for this trip.
10.b. Action Item: Out of State Travel Request - R Johnsen, TDHS
Robyn Johnsen, Teacher, TDHS is requesting to attend a Link Crew training that supports student Leadership at TDHS.
10.c. Action Item: Out of State Travel Request - J Taylor, TDHS
Jim Taylor, Teacher, TDHS is requesting to attend a Link Crew training that supports student Leadership at TDHS.
10.d. Action Item: Out of State Travel Request - Laurie Stanton, Special Education
Jary Snodgrass, Director
10.e. Action Item: Approve the Cooperative Sports Agreement with Sherman County School District (Girls Softball)
Matt Morgan, TDHS, Athletic Director
10.f. Discussion: Proposal for Colonel Wright soccer field (repair)
Don Carter, Facilities Director
10.g. Discussion / Potential Action Items: Bond Oversight Committee documents
10.h. Action Item: Approve consent for non resident students to attend NWCSD and to be released from NWCSD
As per School Board Policy JECB- Admission of Nonresident students, the school board shall annually, by March 1st, establish the number of student transfer requests into the district and out of the district, to which consent will be given for the upcoming year.
10.h.1. Action Item: Appoint representatives to the Columbia ESD Budget Committee.
The Columbia Gorge ESD has three budget committee member positions available for North Wasco County SD. Dean McAllister's position will expire June 30, 2018; Michele Wahlstrom's term expired last June and Lori McCanna's position remained vacant. The CGESD's budget committee terms are for three years.
10.i. Approve /Adopt for 2nd Reading Policies:
10.i.1. Policy GCA - License Requirements (recommended)
**The Board will need to decide on language to be included as bracketed and highlighted in yellow.
Senate Bill 205 was passed in the 2017 Legislature and allows a district, if it so chooses, to employ an applicant for a position in the district (this includes but is not limited to substitute teachers), who has a teaching license application pending with the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC). The applicant must have met other specific criteria as required by law, then may be employed to teach in an Oregon public school for 90 calendar days after the date of the submission of the teaching license application to the TSPC. For these employees, the district must verify that the employee is properly licensed on the 91st day after the date of submission of the application. The new law is effective now. |
10.i.2. Policy AR: GBEDA -AR - Drug & Alcohol Testing - Transportation Personnel (required changes)
This AR is required to be adopted by the Board as is directed in statute. The Board will need to decide on language to be included as bracketed and highlighted in yellow.
11. Action Item: Approve / Adopt the 2018-2019 School Calendar as presented
12. 1st Reading of Policies: (no action required)
12.a. Policy AR: JHFE - AR(1) - Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child (required changes)
The recommended language revises the procedure for investigations of child abuse on district property to coincide with the new form released in the Sept 2017 Policy Update issue. The updated language in this AR is required to be adopted by the Board.
12.b. Policy: GBL - Personnel Records
District staff have requested to remove language regarding storing records on computers.
12.c. Policy JHHB - Trauma Informed Schools
The 2016 Legislature passed House Bill (HB) 4002 which addresses a trauma informed approach to serving students and families in the district. In response to many districts moving to this approach, and in collaboration with the office of Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), OSBA has developed a new optional sample policy JHHB - Trauma Informed Schools.
12.d. Policy IBDJA - Relations with Home-schooled Students (highly recommended)
The 2017 Legislature passed Senate Bill 208 adding to and revising the statutory language in ORS 339.450 and 339.460, establishing the right of public charter school students and reiterating the right of home-schooled students to participate in available OSSA-sanctioned activities of their resident school district. The State Board of Education has adopted OARs governing these new requirements and its process for determining student eligibility.
12.e. Policy GBK/KGC - Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products (required changes)
OSBA recognizes that there is more than one policy with the code JFCG which addresses student use of tobacco products and inhalant delivery systems. To minimize confusion, OSBA has removed JFCG from the policy code and all language related to student use, possession, etc. The required language to prohibit student use or possession of tobacco projects and inhalant delivery systems remain in policy JFGC/JFCH/JFCI - Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol Drugs and Inhalant Delivery systems, with no recommended additional changes.
12.f. Policy IKF - Graduation Requirements (required changes)
The revisions in this policy reflect clarifications to the updated language issued in the September 2017 Policy Update and do not reflect changes in requirements.
12.g. Policy BDDH: Public Participation in Board Meetings (highly recommended)
As a result of several court cases, OSBA's legal staff recommends that members no longer allow any public comment - not just prohibiting complaints - concerning staff. By prohibiting only criticism, it could be seen as 'viewpoint discrimination' which is protected under the First Amendment.
13. Informational Only:
13.a. Policy AR: KBA-AR(1) - Public Records (highly recommended)
OSBA recommends removing the word "certified" from the first sentence in item #6 as a certified copy is not required. An additional edit is also noted in footnote #2.
13.b. Policy AR: BDDH- AR - Public Participation in Board Meetings (highly recommended)
As a result of several court cases, OSBA's legal staff recommends that members no longer allow any public comment - not just prohibiting complaints - concerning staff. By prohibiting only criticism, it could be seen as 'viewpoint discrimination' which is protected under the First Amendment.
14. Reports:
15. Adjourn the Regular School Board Meeting